
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · 書籍·文学
58 Chs

Master Yu vs. Red Assassin I

The sky over Shanghai darkened as the air grew tense, magic anticipating and dreading the near future. The city buzzed, muggles went after their business, did their work or relaxed. It was the typical everyday life.

In the centre of the ancient Bund district, two men stood, facing each other, their magic actively radiating power that distorted the area around them.

Red Assassin, the Japanese War Wizard, wearing a flowing crimson kimono, stood set ready to fight, with katana in his right hand. It was a special katana with magically processed wood within, to channel and help focus spells. It was an exquisite exemplar of ancient Japanese wizarding craftsmanship, created for Japanese ninjas.

Master Yu, China's most powerful magister and clan leader of the strongest clan, the Yu clan, stood upright in traditional Chinese robes adorned with intricate dragon patterns, held a long, ornate staff. He was old, wise and powerful, ready to defend his clan and his descendants' future.

Their eyes moved, observing each other while sometimes meeting, each assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses. They had learned not to underestimate each other after what happened in Paris.

Master Yu spoke with an aged but firm voice, his contempt for Japan clear from his words, "Go back, child. I do not know why you came, but do not underestimate my old bones. I am still ready to whop your virgin ass back to your shitty country."

[A/N: I tried to translate the spells and make them fitting to their respective cultures in a stereotypical way. Please comment if a translation is trash.]

Red Assassin ignored Master Yu and gripped his katana, while shouting an incantation, "Senmetsu no hi!" (Fire of Annihilation). 

With a quick movement, Red Assassin drew a pattern in the air, runes protruding from his body and were absorbed into his katana. Flames erupted from the ground, spiraling towards Master Yu in a torrent of destruction. The heat was intense, warping the air as it roared towards its target. The flames touched nearby buildings, setting them ablaze and causing muggle bystanders to flee in terror when they saw the two wizards that were formerly hidden.

Master Yu reacted swiftly, moving his staff while runes came out of his eyes and formed small dragons, while shouting, " Qīnglóng de bǎohù!". (Protection of the Azure Dragon) 

Master Yu proceeded to slam his staff into the ground. A snake like dragon of pure water was conjured, coiling around him, and extinguishing the flames. The dragon moved forwards, aiming to capture Red Assassin, while sending waves and jets of water crashing into the streets to wet the surroundings for the upcoming fight, sweeping away muggles and vehicles without regard for their lives or safekeeping.

Red Assassin stayed calm and intoned in a clam voice:


"Kage ga watashi no michi o michibiite kudasaimasu yō ni!"



Red Assassin disappeared into the shadows, reappearing behind Master Yu. His katana, imbued with darkness, slashed through the air, leaving a trail of black. Master YU raised his staff to form a silent golden barrier, blocking the attack with movements betraying his age. The attack was redirected and sliced through a nearby building, causing it to collapse in a cloud of dust and debris. Screams filled the air as humans, trapped inside were crushed under the rubble and sliced into two. The attack continued through several more buildings, leaving behind a similar scene.

Master Yu spiked up speed, intent on making the youngster regret his actions and said,


"Yuàn tiě chōngmǎn kōngqì bìng jiāng nǐ qiè chéng suìpiàn!"


(May iron fill the air and slice you into pieces!) 

With a twirl of his staff, a storm of sharp iron needles was summoned, moving with the speed of sound while creating sharp trails and blades of wind, each capable of causing the same destruction as a small slash of shadows. The blades clashed with the katana, sparks flying as shadow met iron. The two wizards were momentarily locked in an exchange of fast attacks, the wind blades cutting through the surrounding area, leaving deep gashes in the ground, and sending shards flying. Muggles caught in the crossfire were sliced apart, their bodies torn to pieces by the relentless wind and straying needles.


Red Assassin continued his relentless assault, changing back to 'normal' spells, as using the sentences and his runes was just to exhausting, their power to break laws and reality just too overbearing for prolonged direct use. Only including them into normal spells was feasible, therefore the silently cast one of his strongest support and attack spells, 'Jishin no yoroi!'. (Armor of the Earthquake) 

He stomped the ground, causing it to quake violently. Stone armour formed around his body, enhancing his defence and strength. It was supplied with power of a full-fledged earthquake, something he learned while meditating at the centre of a magnitude 8 earthquake he contained with his fellow disciplines using an old ritual belonging to old Japanese dynasties, as they were common to Japan.

He charged forward, striking with earth-shattering force. The ground split open, swallowing cars and creating cracks that radiated outward, shaking, and breaking nearby buildings, built to stop that from happening. People screamed as the ground beneath them opened, swallowing them whole.

Master Yu, feeling the newfound strength of Red Assassin's body, replied in alike, with an old spell, modified through methods of modern biology, 'Hǔ xiào' (Roar of the Tiger). 

His staff glowed in a golden light and he thrust it forward, releasing a spectral tiger that roared and charged at Red Assassin. The tiger's roar resounded, shaking the very air, and disrupting Red Assassin's concentration. It was a mental and physical attack! The shockwave from the roar shattered windows and caused houses, lanterns, and shops to crumble. Muggles were thrown off their feet, their eardrums bursting from the loud sound.


Red Assassin retaliated, straining his body, and understanding of electricity, while influencing the very atmosphere of the region!


 "Raijin no ikari ga anata ni furisosogimasu!"

(The wrath of the Thunder God shall descend upon you!) 

Red Assassin raised his katana to the sky, summoning a large bolt of lightning that struck his blade. Its mere and controlled impact created a shockwave, breaking the windows in a radius of kilometres. Empowered by the thunder, he unleashed a series of electrified slashes, each strike resonating with the power of a storm and ionizing molecules in the air. The lightning strikes struck surrounding buildings, causing fires and explosions that engulfed muggles in the vicinity. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as people were electrocuted by the straying bolts of lightning.


Master Yu thought of the lives lost, but only for a second as they were insects compared to his ancient clan and himself, a literal force of nature, as his kind were called in ancient China. He concentrated, contemplating the lives he would destroy now but stayed firm. He had done worse than that.


"Tàiyáng de fēng jiāng yānmò wǒ de zhōuwéi!"


(The wind of the sun shall drown my surroundings!) 

Master Yu drew on the energy of the sun and used it like water, creating a vortex. The vortex clashed with the electrified slashes, creating a dazzling display of lightning and fire. The intense heat from the vortex burned anything flammable, spreading chaos and destruction. The air itself seemed to burn, causing muggles to collapse, choking, and gasping for breath as the oxygen was consumed by the fight.

As humans died left and right, all stops were pulled and Red Assassin who had loose morals anyway went all out!

"Inazuma Kage Bunshin!" (Lightning Shadow Clone) 

Red Assassin split into multiple shadow clones, each crackling with lightning. The clones attacked from all directions, overwhelming Master Yu with sheer numbers and speed. The clones' strikes left scorch marks and craters wherever they hit, causing further devastation to the city. Some were sent flying by wandless spells shot by Master Yu and flew into the city, spreading further chaos and destruction. Muggles, trying to escape, were caught in the crossfire, their bodies disintegrated by the high voltage strikes.

Master Yu spun his staff, creating a barrier of swirling water by casting 'Lóng Zhī Wěi' (Tail of the Dragon). The barrier formed an enormous dragon's tail, sweeping through the clones and dispelling them with its might. The tail's force flattened buildings and sent shockwaves through the ground, killing more muggles. The sheer power of the attack caused the ground to turn in to paste in some places, creating quicksand like areas where people sank and suffocated.

The fight did not stop but even intensified from now on!


This fight serves to show you other possible ways to fight as a War Wizard and is very helpfull for me to write future combat and create new styles.

What do you think so far?

Please comment of errors or loopholes.

Remember, it is my first ff, so don't expect too much.

There will be chapters on Saturday/Sunday, depending on the power stones from now on.

50 = 1 Chapter on Saturday

100 = +1 Chapter on Sunday

200 = Additional bonus chapter

 Last week were over 100 powerstones! Keep it up!