
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Now, let's return to civilization

After noticed the hole I made. I was shocked, but it sapped a lot of strength from me... my weak hand slowly moved toward Seed of Amethyst in my pocket and feed it to my mouth. My body feel a bit better, just bit. I finished the last Seed of Amethyst before I could support my body. Damn boy, my body sure is a high maintenance one.

I chuckled before I walked slower since my body is recovering, moreover my tattoo on my left arm was dim and faintly improve. After a long walk, I found Rena was lying against a wall. Noticing me who is standing in front of her.

"Welcome back, Ryazu." [Rena]

I smiled at her weak yet warm voice. I lowered my body before I went to carry her on my back, which she accepted easily.

"So, let's find all the victim."


I chuckled when heard she replied like that. I could feel her arm on my neck is firmer than before and her head rest on my shoulder. We walked while she showed which direction is the victims are. On the way there, we didn't find anything that threatening us, it could be said it was uneventful.

We saw a mix group of thin people here. This made me bit angry with the demon, Rena whispered beside me,

"Calm down, Ryazu." [Rena]

I exhaled before looked at the cage that hold them, a girl with noble temperament appeared before me. She was looking at me in the eyes, which I return with an eyebrow raised.

"Sir, please save us. I will reward you." [Noble girl?]

I closed my eyes for a moment before opening again looking at the girl,

"Why should I help?"

"Because I'll report your deed at my father so that he will reward you with a lot of gold!"

She said with confidence brimming making me think this girl is so naive. I sighed turning my head to side before turn back to her.

"You know, I could just turn you to hostage, right?"

"You never dare to do that to me." [Noble girl]

"yeah, yeah, just shut up already."

I replied lazily to her before turned to Rena. Rena understood what I wanted, somehow. She summoned lightning instantly struck the cage perfectly blow the door only. I was surprised by how she could wield lightning that precisely.

"Good job, Rena."

After saved all the victim, that is under the noble girl's nagging. There are already fifty people around me which is really annoying, to be honest. The noble girl glanced at me before nodding and grin.

"You should be glad to listen to my order, saviour. Because I, Denna Bratforth, will give you everything you need." [Denna]

We went around and the girl seemed to be confused by this forest. Well this is Forest of Gaia after all. based on how she was mumbling alone, I guess she doesn't know about this forest as much as I do nor Rena.

As we walked aimlessly, the sun went down. I went to hunt a few giant boar and a few of sheep with big horns. After brought it to the people there, I asked,

"Is there anyone who can cook? Please come out and start cook already!"

Who knew how to cook went out to do the chore since I saved them. As I return to Rena I saw she was being harassed by a few male victim. This made me bit angry,

"What do you want disturbing her?"

"Ah? We just want to talk to her, kid." [mob 1]

"Yeah, it's not like we will hurt her, we just wanted to acquainted with her." [mob 2]

I glanced at Rena who was glaring at them. I'm not man who judged thing by it's cover but this guys do have assh*les face. I frowned before talk to them properly next time.

"Don't disturb her."

"Or what?" [some assh*le]

Before I moved I felt a man who threw a needle dip on poison aiming my neck. This guy, you just wanted to r*pe Rena, RIGHT!? I tilted my head to side avoiding the needle easily before swing my fist hit the face of one of them. He fainted just from my punch, so weak. Weaker than monkey.

Not waiting their reaction, I moved toward the one who threw needle at me, the man was surprised and wanted to pull another needle but my two finger pierced through the eyeball making the man wailing horrifying.

"M-my eyes!!! My eyes!! I'M BLIND!!!" [Blind man]

The man panicked which I let him into sleep. I swung my head knock this man out with blood still on my fingers. This made the other scared to move, I went near them with a smile.

"How much female have you dirtied?"

"Hii!!!" [Assh*le]

Seeing all of them petrified by my display, I chuckled. Although, I had read some of them in my past life, happening to me is not thing I will take it lying down. I grin before knock all of them before bring them to other victims.

Rena who saw me blushed, before muttering,

"Thank you..." [Rena]

"N-no problem."

I stuttered. I, stuttered for this!? I facepalm in mind before carry her. All of victims who I saved moved around me to look at these son of a b*tches lying down.

"How many of you female were r*ped?"

One of them went to me with red eyes. She was glaring at them before look at me with begging eyes.

"Torture them, I want them to feel my pain!" [R*ped female]

I nodded before others who had not volunteer themselves nodding agreeing with her. I smiled faintly before I went to the unconscious men. I turned my head to them.

"Anyone who is not used to gore or kids get out right now."

I said exerting my tone as some one who saved them. Almost every of them don't understand some of different race than human talked to other what I said, then they do as I ordered them, went away from this place. I glance at the brave female, She is an elf.

"Want me to castrate them?"

"Yes!" [Brave Elf]

"Want me to cut all their limb."

"Please!" [Brave Elf]

"Throw them to lake of monster?"

"I beg you sir!" [Brave Elf]

I did as I said, castrate them, then cut their limb which this brave girl watching before I throw this degenerate into the lake. After done that I returned to camp to see some of them look at me horrified, but I ignore them. The brave elf kowtow before me, making me confused as heck.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you very much for saving this one!" [Brave Elf]

"You don't need to say anything, I just wanted to make sure these bastards die. I hate them too, you know?"

The female elf crying after stood up from kowtowing to me. my mind blank for a while before looking at her. I calmed her down,

"Hey, it's okay. You just fine. Okay..."

I said trying my utmost to calm her down. After a while, I sat on ground facing the brave elf with Rena lying on my lap. She seemed happy, so I don't want to disturb her.

"Are majority of people here understand Ancient Genshil?"

"All other race used Ancient Genshil but only few such as human used Genshil." [Brave Elf]

"W-what do you mean?"

"Ancient Genshil other name is Word of Magi. Which they need to said it before using spell. While Genshil is simplified word which used daily on human race. it's not much different but for human, I think it's sacred word which shouldn't be spoke easily. But overall not much." [Brave Elf]

"I see... Then teach me how to write."

After that, The brave elf who introduce herself as Amelia taught me how to write while got glare from Rena. At first I was bit dazzled by it but I easily understand the words. Moreover this is alphabet of English with little bit of editing. I learnt all of it.


Week passed, we arrived at Elven empire, after send Denna to her human race diplomacy house, or something like that, we are somehow stopped by elf's guard before being brought to the queen. The queen was looking at me. Not blinking at all!


[Third Pov]

As The queen was enjoying her lunch in dinner room, an elf guard with luxurious design armor went to her before kneeling in front of her.

"Your majesty, a group of mix races which lead by a man carrying a qilin appeared. We guessed that these are people that were missing few months and years ago!" [Expensive soldier]

" I see, lead me to them." [Queen]

They soon went to throne room. The queen walked toward the throne before sit on it. With interested expression she looked at the expensive soldier who was mesmerized by her charm.

"Soldier, please lead them here. I'm interested." [Queen]

coquettish tone made the the expensive soldier hyped before kneeling.

"My pleasure, your majesty!"

the soldier said before run to meet the young man who carrying qilin on his back. The queen was smiling to ear since she could see the man she saw last week in flesh. Maybe this man could be his new stud? She couldn't stop her mind wander the pleasure as her lower feel a bit wet. She licked her lips ecstatic.

Sorry for the wait, I will take a break a bit since this is harder than I thought.

Thanks for reading it. Don't forget to add to library!

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