

Yousuke checked his backpack again before leaving, to make sure he had everything he needed inside. Today was his first day of classes at UA, after all. He looked at himself in the mirror, admiring how the UA uniform was neither too tight, nor too loose. Finally ready, the teen stepped outside and entered the black car parked just outside his house.

It had to be noted that while Sukeo didn't derive pleasure from having an overly large house, he still had the building built with more than enough space, with empty rooms to be filled at a later date. For example, he made an instrument room for when Yousuke wanted to practice with his instruments, and more recently, a gym for him to train in.

Around 20 minutes later, Yousuke was standing in front of the prestigious UA Academy school grounds. Looking around, he could see many unknown faces, with just as many unknown quirks.

He could've looked around for a bit, but honestly, Yousuke was quite curious to see who his classmates are. It wasn't that hard to find the door to his classroom, seeing that he was almost a head taller than others his age. He briefly thought that the door to the classroom was huge, most likely for those students with quirks that made them very tall.

Sliding it open and entering, the teen could see some people already inside the class. A shorter, blonde girl with horns poking out of her hair, the blue-skinned girl he'd helped in the entrance exam, and a taller, well built teen with buzzed dark brown hair who was currently walking towards Yousuke, were only some of the people present. All who turned to look at the newest entry in the room.

"Yo!!" greeted the tall teen, exuberantly. "Are you here to become a hot-blooded hero too?!"

Yousuke was momentarily taken aback from the other teen's attitude and volume, but he soon came back to his senses, before returning the greeting.

"Yes I am." he said, stretching his hand for a handshake. "Yousuke Gojo ."

The teen with a darker shade of brown hair grabbed his hand in a firm handshake. "Inasa Yoarashi."

At that moment, a red-haired young man entered the class. Looking at the manly display between Yousuke and Inasa brought tears to his eyes, so he too went and greeted the two overzealously.

Just behind the redhead was a tall boy with a thin build, who had purple hair flaring out in large tufts around his head. As soon as he noticed Yousuke, he headed straight towards him.

"Yousuke, you bastard! Why didn't you tell me you got in UA?" he said, visibly annoyed.

"I could say the same to you, Hitoshi." replied Yousuke, with a faux-offended expression on his face.

The two teens stared at each other for a few good moments, before bursting out in laughter.

"But seriously now," said Hitoshi between laughs. "Setsuna is going to be so annoyed with you, you know?"

"Ah hah... Yeah..." Yousuke chuckled weakly. "Well, what are the chances she'd get in 1-A too?"

Right after he finished that sentence, the sliding door opened once more, and a student with a mop of green hair on her head entered the class.

"Oh fuck me."

Luckily, there was no robot-acting stuck up glasses-wearing student to comment on Yousuke's language at that moment.

Much to Hitoshi's disappointment, Setsuna, the green-haired girl, hadn't quite chewed out Yousuke as much as he'd wanted, being much more focused on the fact that all three of them got in 1-A.

After all the students entered the classroom and all the seats were filled, the door opened once more. Only this time, it wasn't a student that entered. It was a teacher, and a rather well-known hero, even if it was for some not that good reasons.

Indeed, it was the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

"Hello, class. My name is Midnight, and I am your homeroom teacher. On the wall behind me you'll find your PE uniform. I'll be waiting for you in the PE grounds in 5 minutes, so make haste."

Having said her piece, the Pro Hero immediately left the room, leaving the students with one thing on their mind.

'What the hell was that?"


Yousuke came out of the changing rooms around the same time as his other classmates. As he was walking, the teen was stretching his body. The PE uniform was much more tight on his body than the regular uniform, but that only really showcased his fit body.

The class 1-A students formed a neat line before their homeroom teacher, the older woman being satisfied with what she saw.

"Now that you're all here, we can begin your first test before becoming real UA students." she said.

The hero's words left many of the class in shock. They'd passed the entrance exam already, didn't they? Why call it the entrance exam if they weren't truly in UA yet?

Yousuke noticed a black-haired girl with a ponytail raise her hand, and she looked rather composed.

"Teacher, what might you mean by that? We all have either been recommended or have passed the entrance test." the girl certainly looked confident.

Pity that confidence didn't last long.

"That only tells me you have a good grasp over your quirk. We're here right now for your first and true test to get in the Heroics department of UA." she replied.

The teacher could tell her students wanted to say some more things, but she didn't let them, going in front of Yousuke.

"We'll be doing a series of physical tests, much like the ones you'd do in middle school, only you'll be able to use your quirks for them. And the very first one is..." she took out a softball from god knows where and passed it over to Yousuke. "softball throwing! Gojo Yousuke, you were the top-ranked applicant in the entrance exam. What was your best softball throw record?"

"About 59 meters, ma'am."

"About average. Now, use your quirk to throw the ball as far as possible. Don't hold back, but don't exit that circle over there."

The teen made his way to the circle in the middle of the field while Midnight moved a bit to the side. Not enough to not see the other students anymore, but just far enough to not be at risk from the ball.

'This'll be too easy.' thought Yousuke.

It was an easy matter for the teen to make the spherical ball spin. Under his classmates' amazed gazes, the teen made a show of throwing the ball while using as much of his body as possible. The spinning ball shot in the sky with nauseating speed and, soon enough, it was out of everybody's sights.

Midnight was looking into a device, seemingly following the ball's location and distance. The teacher continued doing that for a few minutes, before simply deciding that the ball wasn't going to land any time soon, and marked Gojo's throw as simply 'infinity', because the ball was getting close to exiting the Earth's atmosphere. Many awe'd sounds came out of Yousuke's classmates when Midnight showed them the result.

"Knowing the limits of your abilities and how versatile they can be is the base of any hero. That is why we're having these tests right now." said Midnight.

The hero was aware that around this time, her colleague, Eraserhead, another homeroom teacher at UA, would usually threaten his class with expulsion for whoever got last place in these exams. After all, there was a reason there wasn't any class 2-B anymore. While her sadistic side would certainly be overjoyed to see her students' despairing faces, she didn't feel like disheartening so many young and handsome men.

The following tests showed that everyone in the class had a clear reason to be there.

The confident girl with a ponytail had scored first in the 50-meter dash, followed by an angry blonde boy who could make explosions and Inasa with his quirk, Whirlwind. Somehow, the girl managed to bring a scooter to help her, leading to her finish time of 3.65 seconds.

'This must be the Yaoyorozus' girl. She certainly has a good quirk, although I have no idea what she is doing in the hero course. Either her parents don't care about her enough, leading to her becoming a hero in hopes of obtaining that missing affection even from unknown people, or she has her parents wrapped around her finger, letting her do whatever she wants.' thought Yousuke.

The grip-strength test also had its fair share of high-scorers. There was a girl with orange hair who simply crushed the grip handle by enlarging her fists. Likewise, a tall guy with a mask also scored high, even if he didn't crush the machine, at around 500 kilos.

As for the long jump, it was swiftly cleared by several teens, like the angry explosion dude and Inasa, a boy with two-toned hair, and even a teen that was similar in appearance to a praying mantis, who made long blades beneath his feet to shoot himself forward.

As for Yousuke, he had done good in all these tests, but he'd shined when he'd gotten another 'infinity' at the endurance running test, by using his balls to keep him excited. Stamina was in no way a problem for him.

Eventually, the tests ended, with some students more tired than others. Yousuke was fine, as was established a paragraph earlier. Midnight swiped something on the tablet she used to display the results and a screen lit up, showing a bunch of names and their placement.

1 - Gojo Yousuke

2 - Yaoyorozu Momo

3 - Bakugou Katsuki

4 - Yoarashi Inasa

5 - Todoroki Shoto

6 - Kamakiri Togaru

7 - Shoji Mezo

8 - Tokoyami Fumikage

9 - Kendo Itsuka

10 - Kirishima Eijiro

11 - Shishikura Seiji

12 - Setsuna Tokage

13 - Tsunotori Pony

14 - Shinso Hitoshi

15 - Midoriya Izuku

16 - Kaminari Denki

17 - Shiozaki Ibara

18 - Awata Kaoruko

19 - Kodai Yui

20 - Sekigai Kashiko

"Well, there you have it. Welcome to the 1-A's hero course, students! Go beyond, Plus Ultra, remember?"

Okay, let's see all the questions in the comments!

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