

The few months of summer flew by so fast. Yousuke stayed on I-Island until around the time school resumed near September, with the teen constantly improving in matters related to his quirk, but not only that.

Using the spinning balls to 'excite' his body while training seemed to give out excellent results. In a relatively short time since he started working out, his muscle definition has gotten to the point where you could clearly see his abs.

It made fitting into his school uniform a bit harder, but not to the point where he would have to buy a new set of uniforms, seeing as it was his last year. And besides, even if they fit him in September, Yousuke continued his training after that, making his muscles grow further.

His goal was UA, the best goddamn hero school in the nation. He couldn't half-ass it. It'd be like spitting in the face of all of the others who wanted to enter UA and gave their all towards that goal for years. Yousuke could at least put in a little effort for a few months, after all.

But he wasn't the only one who worked hard recently. Melissa, the skilled inventor that she was, had been trying out different combinations of materials for a suit that best fit Yousuke's wishes. Well, calling it his wishes would be unfair, since the boy only asked for some boots that would allow him to make balls from his feet without sacrificing defense or style, like wearing sandals or something like that. The girl decided then and there that she'd make Yousuke a suit, whether he liked it or not, and the boy halfheartedly agreed to her wishes.

He wanted something stretchy, thermally and electrically insulated that could cover most of his body, except for his hands, feet and head. Yousuke could make spheres underneath his suit for the purpose of hardening, so he wasn't worried about physical defense.

But he couldn't say the same for other elements. His balls were spherical in shape, so there would always be some kind of gap between them through which stuff could pass. Until he figured out how to use the balls' energy to completely isolate his body, he had to rely on his suit. Similarly, he was concerned about poisonous gas or otherwise that his opponents might use, so he asked Melissa to incorporate a gas mask.

Of course, by now his quirk had grown to the point where he could replace other basic needs such as the need for food or air with rotation energy, but such things consume a lot of energy, and it'd be a lot simpler for Yousuke to just use a gas mask if the situation calls for it.

The teen thought that the best defense was blocking the attacks before they even reached or just dodging them, suit notwithstanding. To do so, he trained using the environment to his advantage. He could erect walls from whatever was around him to protect him with many small balls working together for the same effect.

In case that wasn't a good idea, he'd also learned to use a few balls as some kind of roller skates on his feet. The balls could make him adhere to any surface, so mobility definitely wasn't a problem. He actually used that to go to school. Most people on the street looked at him weirdly for it, but it was so fun.

In present time, the teen was sitting on his sofa in the living room, waiting for a package.

'What could be delaying it so much? It was supposed to be here hours ago!' he thought, impatiently tapping his fingers on a coffee table.

The package the boy was waiting for had nothing else but the suit Melissa made for him. Considering that the UA entrance exam was only a day away, his agitation was understandable.

The moment the doorbell rang, elation couldn't even begin to describe what Yousuke was feeling. He rushed to the door, removed the package from the courier's hands and rushed back to his room to open it.

Yousuke's father, Sukeo, witnessed all this and was just looking at his son's room with a smile on his face.

"Like a kid on Christmas day." he muttered to himself.


The big day was finally here. After all the months of preparation, Yousuke was ready for anything UA will throw at him. Not even staying for 2 hours in a car because he lived in Saitama prefecture and UA was in Musutafu prefecture could diminish his enthusiasm.

Yousuke found himself just looking at the huge building. He wasn't awed by the size, having accompanied his father to various companies' headquarters, all of which were impressive buildings. The teen was stunned that he was on the brink of becoming a hero, after all. He was about to become a hero because, in his mind, he had no doubts that he'd get in UA.

Yousuke started walking towards the building, but shortly after that, someone bumped into his shoulder and didn't say anything. The perpetrator was a blonde-haired teen with red eyes and a quite rabid appearance, walking with his hands in his pockets while snarling.

'Rude.' thought Yousuke, even if he didn't particularly care about that.

Despite his lackadaisical attitude towards the blonde cunt, other students took note of it. Particularly a boy with purple hair and dark circles around his eyes, and a girl with green hair that looked similar to a clump of algae.

Entering the building, the teen soon found out the first trial on his way to become a hero was a written exam. Oh joy.

I was tired as fuck yesterday so I couldn't finish the chapter in time.

Also I hope people understand by now that UA is for highschool graduates.

RealSam11creators' thoughts