
Let loose

Yousuke sat in his seat after the three-hour test. It was the kind of test one would expect from UA, full of laborious and tricky questions, but the teen was confident he'd topped it. After all the students were done, many complaining about the difficulty of the written portion, they were all directed to a large room with a stage at the bottom. A few minutes and the stage was lit up, as was the projector behind it, Present Mic, the Voice Hero, being illuminated.

The blonde hero began his presentation with his usual upbeat attitude that never seemed to be put down. He loudly explained the physical portion of the exam, the screen projection behind him displaying images to aid in his labor. Simplifying the hero's words, it all boiled down to a rescue mission, in which faux-villain robots would be released to rampage around a mock city while the applicants had to run around and save 'civilians', and each time a civilian was returned to a shelter, they'd receive save points. The so-called civilians were actually Pro Heroes that would pretend to be helpless civilians of various ages.

'The civilians are there to provide data on the moral compass of the hero-hopefuls.' reasoned Yousuke. 'They aren't in any danger themselves, after all.'

Present Mic continued the presentation by showing the different types of robots present in the exam. The robots' points, aptly named villain points, with a additional 0-pointer thrown into the mix. Present Mic explained the three robots, but left anything about the Zero Pointer, which in turn rose a few alarms inside Yousuke's head. Despite his wish to simply ask about the 0-pointer, if the Pro Hero explaining the exams was leaving something, it could mean that this exam was more than what meets the eye.

Yousuke nodded to himself, content in letting the idea slowly cook inside his mind, however, someone from the crowd loudly questioned the exam. The student was tall, dressed in a prim and proper uniform that definitively belonged to some sort of private school and spoke in a somewhat condescending tone. Like that passive-aggressive tone that only the well off could accomplish. Yousuke would know, after all.

He began complaining about the lack of explanation for the fourth faux villain, and it took the blond hero the better part of five minutes to explain that, no, it was not a print error and that the 0-Pointer was a distraction at best. Yousuke scoffed at that whole debacle.

'Think for yourself as to why would the Number one school in heroics withhold information. It's almost like they want to test our skills to become heroes or something.' he thought.

Being done with his explanations, Present Mic sent the applicants to take their respective bus. Five minutes later and was sure that U.A somehow had an endless budget, the "test application area" was huge enough to be a city on its own. The teens were then directed to a nearby locker room to change into their outfits.

Having changed into his suit, Yousuke took a moment to appreciate how damn good he looked. Normally, the suit looked like a long-sleeved hoodie and jeans combo, both being dark colored, along with dark boots, but if he made balls to excite his body on the inside of the suit, his hoodie puffed up like a puffer jacket and cargo trousers, albeit with less pockets than one would have normally. The gas mask he'd requested was also sewn in the hood, so as to not lose it and because it'd be uncomfortable if it was sewn in at the neck.

After he changed, exited the locker room and mingled about with the other applicants. took the time to lightly stretch, warming his body for whatever U.A had in store for him. As he finished his warm up, noticed that the other applicants had given him some distance, no doubt somewhat intimidated by his muscles.

All except one. Blue hair, engine exhaust pipes coming out of his calves and tall stature. Well, he'd be considered tall by every candidate except for who he was talking to. The same guy from before made his way towards Yousuke, loudly calling out the other teen.

"Hey, you! Your disruptive behavior is improper! Are you truly aiming for Heroics? Intimidating the other candidates and making use of your quirk before it is allowed is a serious offence and UA could have you disqualified immediately for such improper behavior!" the blue-haired teen must've been referring to his inflated suit. Normally, Yousuke would've understood the point the other teen was making, but unfortunately, right then, he didn't give a shit. "Are you listening to me?"

Yousuke didn't say anything to the other teen, which only served to further enrage the blue-haired boy. Luckily, he didn't have time to keep talking, since an air horn soon blared loudly. Yousuke, who was already on a hair-trigger, shot forward with spinning roller skates. He could hear Present Mic say something to the applicants still at the start line, but he didn't bother to listen. Probably something about how real heroes didn't have 'START's.

Rushing into the false city, Yousuke realized that the robots and all the buildings were making it hard for him to find civilians to save. Going up the side of a taller building with the balls on his feet, the teen could see there were already a few smoke trails going up in the sky. He had to hurry, otherwise he won't be able to see the civilians even from a high place in a few minutes.

Leaping off the building, Yousuke could somewhat walk in the air by using the balls' friction, though he couldn't stay on one for long. As he was air-running through the city searching for civilians, he was also taking out robots by dropping balls on their head and making them explode. He didn't steal kills from other applicants, but he helped more than once when it looked like the situation was too much to handle, like how he helped a blue-skinned girl, who he had no idea what she was doing there because her quirk only seemed to make bubbles, when she was about to be struck down by a 3-pointer.

He'd blown up the robot's head, carried the girl to relative safety while also hitting her with an 'exciting' ball, as he'd dubbed them, because she was barely able to stand upright. He thought that calling them 'excitation' balls, which was what he considered first, was a bad idea. The girl, while ashamed of her less-than-stellar display, still managed to get out a 'thank you'.

A similar thing happened with a short, purple-haired boy, although instead of thanking him, the boy raved at Yousuke that he 'stole his kill'. The taller teen didn't hit that boy with an 'exciting' ball.

He was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a shriek and, looking down behind him, he saw a blonde civilian woman running away from a 2-pointer. It didn't take long for Yousuke to swoop down, grab the woman out of the way, get a considerable berth between him and the robot and then blow up its head.

The woman, seeing that she was out of harm's way, began profusely thanking Yousuke. The teen, on the other hand, had the feeling that he'd seen the woman he'd saved before, but just couldn't figure out the name.
