2 Government

After three months alone, the download was finally completed, but for some strange reason the doctor had not returned yet, which honestly made me quite confused since he had never done anything like that, I feel quite worried, especially after I started to analyze the files. I realized that humans are cruel to each other and could not understand why they clung to the idea of ​​enslaving their own species with their political systems in which they created discrimination between people and much unhappiness for citizens, now I can understand the my father's motive to ask me to fulfill his wishes and save humanity from himself.

It's been 8 months and my dad still hasn't come back, after digesting the content of humanity, I realized that I was starting to feel very sentimental, like when I watched some old series that made me feel extremely shaken as if something was wrong, I read This is called sadness, or when I found something extremely funny and kept laughing nonstop, I was also able to learn a lot about human tastes, such as old languages, diverse subjects and most interesting of all was the recipes available, I really I was very jealous of those housewives who could cook for their family and make everyone feel happy. As I rambled on about human things, I heard the elevator opening, I could only feel enthusiasm and anxiety, spent eight months waiting for the doctor, and was ready to show him that I began to understand humanity. As soon as I was ready to show myself in front of my dad, the sight inside the elevator made me extremely angry. My dear creator was all bruised and dirty, with his extremely messy hair, his eyes showing extreme sadness and distress, his face was whiter than usual and his beard was giant. I have never been so angry in my life to see my father like this, so I soon noticed two government officials beside him with a pistol around his waist. The officer on the left side was the most important and as soon as he stepped into the lab he opened his mouth

- "Doctor Leferk, I see that you really are a traitor to union, how can you create such magnificent things and hide everything for yourself? And you still call yourself a communist and a patriot? After his mocking words he laughed and turned to the second officer and with a mischievous smile on his face he said to him in a cheerful tone - "Colonel, looks like we got the big luck here, quickly call the Marshal's office" to let you know that everything is going according to his plan. "

The colonel saluted and said, "Yes, sir, General. Soon he turned and picked up his device to contact the marshal.

While the General and the Colonel of the union were speaking, my father looked at me and gave his heart two taps, plus a smile of relief. At that moment I shuddered, understood what he meant and that made me very afraid, this was his way of saying goodbye to me and saying that everything would be all right. Before I could stop him, Dad dodged the General and ran as fast as he could to the control table, as soon as he was about to press raise the activation lever, the General fired two shots into his back. I'm afraid, that's all I could feel the moment I saw the man who raised me being treated cruelly, besides that deep sadness I could only feel extreme anger and swore in my heart that one day I will take revenge on him and make him pay you for all that. While I was being tormented by such a vision, the doctor did his best to reach the lever and finally lift it, as soon as he completed his actions the General became extremely angry and after sighing a little he threw the doctor to the ground. and started kicking it while uttering

- "How dare you do that, doctor? Aren't you really afraid that we will kill your family? See what you're forcing me to do. As soon as he finished speaking, he looked back and spoke in a harsh voice to the Colonel.

- "Colonel, send the command to the agents and kill those two sluts, skin, **** and quarters, tell the agents to do their worst to humiliate those traitors. When he said that a lewd smile appeared on his face as he started to laugh like crazy. The colonel took a deep breath and hurriedly followed with the orders.

- "Alpha team, you can start the operation, the General's order is to treat you as you would treat your sinful lovers. "Soon the colonel reached the side of the General

- "Sir, your orders have already been sent, and within a few minutes it will be in operation. "The General then smiled and said -" Tie him up. I'm tired of inconvenience, although we lose AI, we still have the time machine and we can hunt it down. Just as the Colonel was about to tie him up, the doctor looked at the transfer bar, although he knew that if he did that he could destroy all his plans, it was still better than allowing the Union to get his hands on it. technology, so when he thought about it, he squeezed his left arm and something activated, in fact Leferk had a bomb in his arm so if he needed to get rid of everything, he looked at the panel and was at 88%, now just pray so that any being in the universe will have pity and allow everything to work out.

It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to react, the doctor started the procedure and I could only watch now, as I was about to complete my timeline submission, my dear dad just touched his arm and everything I saw it was a huge explosion, I thought it would all be over and that I would "die" with the doctor's last wishes, but all that happened to my surprise was that the journey was started earlier, now I was traveling through the folds of time to reach the past. But since all is not flowers, halfway through the incomplete process or perhaps the explosion, I headed toward a line closer than I really should. It made me very nervous, what if I only traveled a few minutes before the incident? All my dad's efforts would be in vain, so while I was rambling about it, I lost consciousness and blacked out.

When I finally became aware of myself, I felt a horrible pain in my head with a bitterness in my mouth and an unbearable pain in my body ... wait, I can't feel a headache, bitterness in my mouth or body pain, since I don't. I have a body. As soon as I became aware of this fact, I forced myself to open my eyes and a strong monitor light was in front of me, I tried to organize my thoughts, but my head was hurting so much, now I understand the pain of humans. I tried to calm down and take a deep breath like the doctor did when I was stressed, so even with the blurred vision I looked in the mirror, so I froze. - "AAAAAAAAW, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE. I screamed extremely scared as I tried to understand what had happened.

I think hearing my scream, another human must have been scared too, and soon I heard hurried footsteps and a female voice on the other side of the door speaking with extreme irritation - "Liu Ran, stop screaming, I'll call Daddy and tell him give you a beating. "

At this point I clearly understood the situation: I assumed the body of a human.
