
how to born fancy

作者: DaoistFjZY1J
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 426 ビュー
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What is how to born fancy

WebNovel で公開されている、DaoistFjZY1J の作者が書いた how to born fancy の小説を読んでください。...



Card lord : My Cards can be Evolve

This is a world where soul card masters manipulate soul cards to fight Originally, everyone was honestly combining card decks and high-level summons according to card abilities, until Yu Cang awakened the entry recorder, and the painting style of the whole world became strange. Whether it is a high-level card group, a dangerous secret place, or even a dream or an event, you can extract exclusive entries and build soul cards based on the entries! Your Jedi doesn’t eat any milk? Tap a “Yingcao” entry directly, triggering a chain effect and slowly recovering life. You got a top-quality fire-type dragon card, but your natal deck is water-type? Easy to handle, let me know about this “water storage” entry? What? The summoning conditions for the Alien Chuanghuang Dragon are too difficult, and it is almost impossible to use it in single combat. It can only be used as a war-specific soul card? Then… Learn about ritual magic? Or simply extract the “Alien” entry directly and create a card group tailored for you! The magic soul card is not laid out, can’t you prevent it from sticking to your face? The “permanent” entry becomes a turret in seconds, and the infinite fireball method brutally kills! Encountered strange sea tactics, can’t get in? Directly paste the “resonance” entry, showing textbook-like blasphemy! … “I’ve never seen a card maker like Yu Cang. Have you ever seen a soul card that requires three pages of ability introduction? His hands are full of such cards!” And it all started with Yu Cang being bullied by academics.

Story_Teller_7278 · SF
22 Chs

Adaption to dragonball

Djin is a normal depressed man. The world that he lives in is a noisy and chaotic place that poisons, corrupts, and taints. In order to avoid its toxicity, like many others, he shuts himself in, drowning out all of the noise with vices such as drugs and different forms media. Any distraction he can get his hands on to safely remains in the safety of his home as much as possible. Before the man falls to sleep, intrusive self destructive thoughts get the best of him and he wishes that his current slumber is his last... Any thing to escape from his situation. Unluckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants. He leaves his world and moves on… The problem is, he moves on to doomed planet, Vegeta. *Disclaimer* (Before you begin to read, the is not the Dragon Ball Z. Some characters will be a lot more aggressive and sadistic than they were originally written, and some characters will be written more powerful. Some characters will be written more laid back while other will be written more analytical. What you know of that Drago Ball world does not apply here. Sometimes, in the story, you may realize that some things regarding plot points in the story happen sooner rather than later. This can be attributed to the butterfly-effect of the Mc coming into existence, or The fact that this is not the same universe that you have grown to love. But hopefully, my world will grow on you as well. Side note: You will not experience the main character spending 85 chapters doing nothing on a random planet where he learns to cultivate and makes into some random made up heavenly realm. You will also come to know that this is not a harem with chapter long sex scenes. This is also not the Goku show. Keep that in mind before commenting.)

TalentlessAuthor · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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