
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs


"Mr. Ken, why are you walking so weird?" Halley asked curiously.

"It's just that someone kicked me in the stomach and it hurts a little" I said calmly.

"Who kicked you Mr. Ken? You have to tell his mom to scold him" Halley said with concern and a little annoyed.

"Don't worry I hit him over the head with a bat" I said dismissing it.

"Mister Ken violence only brings more violence, I didn't educate you that way" said Halley annoyed with Ken as he crossed his arms.

Ok, this is weird.

Since when does the girl have enough confidence in me to scold me?, and the worst thing is that for some reason, I am afraid that she will be more angry with me.

"O-okay, I won't do it again" I said pathetically.

No one has ever beaten me in a debate, but now I can't even answer her complaints.

Is this how it feels to have a sister, mother, girlfriend or daughter? I feel helpless.

Women are definitely terrifying.

The girl seemed to accept my apology and she changed to her worried attitude from before.

"Mr. Ken, are you really okay?" Halley said as she approached Ken.

"Yeah I'm okay, I'll be like new tomorrow" I said with a smile.

One good thing about being Latin American is having a strong body, I've been hit harder by the stupid soccer ball at recess.

I never played soccer, but for some reason the stupid ball ended up hitting me every time I got close.

At first I thought it was because they were trying to hit me on purpose, but then I saw the ball bounce 3 times and still hit me, so that possibility is out of the question.

Well, I better stop thinking about my mutual hatred of sports.

The girl still seemed a bit worried so I tried to cheer her up.

"Why don't you put a band-aid on me again? Last time it helped me a lot" I said with a smile.

"Mr. Ken, Band-Aids are for cuts, not blows," Halley said in an explanatory tone.

"And what should I do according to you?, Dr. Halley" I said jokingly.

At that the girl approached me and stood by my left side.

Before I could ask the girl did something I didn't see coming.


That's right, she gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

"My mommy always says a kiss heals any blow" Halley said as she smiled broadly.

I, on the other hand, am in a state of shock.

This is too sweet and cuddly, I honestly don't think I will survive the night.

I'm going to cry, no! be a man and hold on, don't let his tenderness defeat you.

After an internal battle, I was able to hold back my tears from coming out.

This time I win.

I hardly count it, that power of tenderness should be illegal.

"Mr. Ken, are you feeling better?" Halley said curiously.

"Yep, I feel so much better already" I said with a smile.

So this is honey huh?

I like it.

Maybe when this is all over, I should start a family.

But hey, it's better not to think about that for now, plus it's dinner time.

"Well it's dinner time" I said as I slowly got up to look for dinner.

"Mr. Ken, you have to rest, I'll look for the backpack" Halley said without waiting for an answer from me.

I only saw her looking for the backpack with a little helplessness.

I feel like a 90 year old.

I don't mind the idea of ​​being old and wise, but not being able to move is quite annoying.

Another thing, the girl is much smarter than I thought, the only thing stopping her is her innocence.

I honestly don't want her to lose her innocence.

Smart people are mostly cold and only care about helping humanity and bullshit like that.

I, on the other hand, only studied engineering for the money, I have to be honest.

I just wanted a good paying job so I could play video games and be lazy for as long as possible.

And I do not regret it.

The point is, smart people are mostly good, but there are some who are arrogant and quite annoying.

Those who only care for the good of humanity, that laziness.

Anyway, the girl came back after a few minutes with the yellow backpack.

After eating, I remembered something I had in my pocket.

When I took it out I showed it to the girl and said.

"Look, I brought you some strawberry candies, I hope you like them" I said calmly.

"Thank you very much Mr. Ken!" Halley said as she ate some candy.

After eating some, the girl stared at me for a few seconds and then came closer and hugged me tightly.

"Is something wrong girl?" I asked in confusion.

"I love you Mr. Ken" Halley said with a big smile.

I could only be shocked for a few seconds, then smile like never in my life and hug her gently.

"I love you too, my little Halley" I said while crying a little.

I think I really like this thing about affection.