
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 11 (Genin)

...…MC's POV...

After a good night sleep, I finally woke up. I yawned while stretching my arms as I looked around. Today was the day I was taking my graduation test. I was sure I woke up early so I didn't even check the clock as I went to open the curtain. As I opened the curtain mid- morning sunlight struck my beautiful face. That's when I realized I was in the sh*t zone.

My exam was supposed to start at eight but it was already half eight. So I just slithered into my everyday clothes and body flickered to school.

...…Kushina's POV...…

It's already half eight now and that lazy girl ain't here yet. The instructors are still waiting for her because she's from the Hyūga family and all but they are starting to lose patience. I could tell if she didn't make it in the next ten minutes they were going to fail her.

As minutes pass by I get more more anxious and the instructors are getting ready to pack up. Suddenly a black flash lands in the class.

She made it in the nick of time but she doesn't look anxious or tired from rushing or nervous for being late at all. But rather she has her usual nonchalant expression.

"On my way I saw a black cat and I was helping it" she said as she yawns. She then looks at the instructors.

"Sorry for being late" she said waiting for the response from the instructors.

"No problem, you can start Ms Hyūga" said one of the instructors.

...…MC's POV...

After getting my head band which I requested be in black, I was in class chatting with Kushina while people everyone else in class was doing their own thing waiting to be sorted into teams. Our chunin teacher finally opened the door and everyone instantly went silent wanting to hear the teams.

" Let's start " he said when he noticed he tension in the air.

So the ino-shika-cho brats were a team obviously, so were Duy, Kushina and some other unknown person under Tsunade. Shiroichi was in a team with Sakumo Hatake and another unknown. These were the people that actually matter in the whole class.

Fugaku and myself were placed under team Jiraiya with Minato. So we went to our meeting areas. We found Minato already there and we waited with him.

After waiting for an hour or so, a man with long spiky white hair and red lines across his cheeks to under his eyes. This man was Jiraiya.

"Sorry I'm late I was researching for my novel" he said while Minato used all his will power to stop himself from laughing. Fugaku was the only one in the dark.

"Then let's start by telling our names, likes, dislikes and goals" he said as he continued "For example I'm Jiraiya, I like training and researching, I don't like being treated as stupid and my goal is to find my destined student"

Minato's likes were helping people, his dislikes were bullies and his goal was to become hokage. As for Fugaku his likes and dislikes were vague and his goal to lead the Uchiha clan.

I said I liked sleeping and being lazy and my dislikes were being woken up or forced to do things when I'm lazy and my goal to become so powerful no one would dare wake me up when I sleep or tell me what to do.

After that Jiraiya-sensei told us to meet at the training grounds tomorrow at eight in the morning for our genin test and not to eat before coming.