


I bite the inside of my cheek, annoyed. Annoyed because he's charismatic and intelligent and attractive and I'm jealous of everything he has going for him, that he can't and never will understand my pain. I wish I could be like him, liked without having to sell my soul. The things I had to do to make friends, hell, just to be accepted into the screwed up society that is the teenage world in this town.

/"It is foreign. Sorry,/" I mutter, sticking to my routine.

/"Emma, I think you're putting on an act./"

/"And what would that be?/"

He steps in front of me, making me look at his loved face. /"You act like you hate everyone and that everyone hates you. You believe you're so misunderstood that there's no point in trying to have a life anymore. And your made-up boyfriend was a terrible lie./"

I swallow. /"I have a boyfriend./"

/"No, you don't./"