

Dear esteemed fans,

I wanted to take a moment to address you directly and share an idea that has been swirling in my mind lately. The plot point wouldn't affect the next 80 chapters or so but could shape events further down the line. I believe your input and thoughts on this matter would be invaluable.

The idea is this: at the height of House Targaryen's power and influence over the Seven Kingdoms, Aerys unexpectedly revokes the Iron Throne's rule over the other kingdoms. He bars the gates to King's Landing and only claims dominion over the Crownlands, seemingly isolating the royal family.

My vision would be that Aerys is secretly attempting to revive the lost glory of Old Valyria by empowering the remaining dragonlord bloodlines. He feels the Seven Kingdoms have grown too prosperous and numb. To shake things up and, "for a star to be born a nebula needs to collapse," Aerys collapses the existing political order.

In my imagination, Aerys is driven by a desire to revive the glory of Valyria, the ancient civilization from which House Targaryen hails. He believes that to rebuild Valyria, he needs to gather a more civilized populace and empower the royal family. As a first step towards this grand vision, he orchestrates the collapse of the Iron Throne, a symbol of faith and unity for the Seven Kingdoms

Naturally, the Seven Kingdoms are left in a state of shock and confusion. The dragons offer no explanation for their actions, leaving the people to grapple with the consequences of this upheaval. How will the lords and ladies react to this sudden shift in power? How will the common folk navigate a world turned upside down?

The memory of the endless feuds and power struggles that plagued Westeros before the Targaryens arrived is still fresh in the minds of the people. The notion of returning to an era where the Seven Kingdoms were torn apart by rivalries and constant warfare is a nightmare they never wish to revisit.

The Targaryens had brought stability, unity, and a sense of purpose to the realm, lifting it to unprecedented heights of progress.

The lords and ladies, who had once been embroiled in endless territorial disputes, were now united under the banner of House Targaryen. They had come to appreciate the benefits of cooperation and collective governance.

The idea of losing this newfound sense of unity and returning to a fractured realm filled them with dread. They yearned for a resolution that would preserve the progress and harmony they had come to cherish.

The Targaryens had become synonymous with the peace and progress that had flourished in the Seven Kingdoms. Their reign had brought about advancements in infrastructure, trade, and the arts, elevating the realm to heights never before dreamed of.

Similarly, the common folk, who had known a life of relative peace and security, were equally averse to the idea of reverting to the days of constant warfare.

They had seen firsthand the benefits of a stable realm, where trade flourished, and opportunities for prosperity abounded. The thought of losing the security and opportunities that had come with the Targaryen rule sent shivers down their spines.

They had come to rely on the stability and protection offered by the Targaryen dynasty. The farmers, merchants, and artisans who had thrived under their rule now faced an uncertain future. The streets buzzed with whispered conversations, as people tried to make sense of the sudden shift in power and the potential ramifications for their daily lives.

I think this twist could open up interesting dramatic possibilities down the road. But I want to gauge reader interest and open this up for discussion before deciding whether to fully develop the plotline. Please share your thoughts - does this spark your curiosity or not feel like a natural direction? I value reader input as I continue crafting this story.

Let me know your thoughts!

[Divine Dream]

Note: this vote will remain open for one week to allow time for feedback. Once the week is over I will tally the responses to help guide my writing plans.
