

a story about a twenty five year old boy unexpectedly have to be a super hero because he became an avatar of a ancient god.

Dreamseller · SF
1 Chs

who is he ?

Alan Maverick a twenty five year old, son of Dustin Maverick. He can be explained as that one type of person you never sees crying or being sad , always polite and makes everyone happy around him. Always happy and everyone's favourite.

But there is always a suffering behind a happy face. He was from a middle class family suffering from many debts. His father and mother were sick and he worked very hard to buy medicines . But he was never sad. He had a smile on his face, always.

During night time he worked in a bar as a bartender with his positive nature, he made a lots of friends. Business men, celebrities, gangsters etc.

His boss knew about his situation and helped him a lot.

So one day boss called Alan to his office. Boss offered Alan a job . The boss said " Alan one of friends needs a man they can trust . This job , I don't know anything about it . But he said he will pay you a good amount of money. Just two conditions.

*Don't ask anything about the job.

*Don't say anything about what you saw."

Boss continued " so are you ready " . Because Alan needed money so much he agreed to do the job . He said " count me in!".

Boss replied " Nice , tomorrow at 8:00 am a car will come to pick you up , be ready . And don't worry about your parents I will take care of them while you are gone."

The next day.

A car showed up near Alan's house. There was 3 more people in that car excluding the driver.

Jacob, the black muscular dude . Light , a kid who doesn't look a day over eighteen and paul , a middle aged man .

Alan and others were all scared and curious at the same time. Even though they all were silent for some moments, the started talking and became close.

Suddenly they all started getting a funny smell . The car was suddenly filling with some kind of gas . Everyone started to panic and Alan quickly looked at the driver for asking help but he was wearing a mask and he couldn't move and they all started losing consciousness and everyone blacked out .

To be continued....