

So Reincarnation's a thing, right? That's good to know. what's more I've got a special cheat that makes me basically a D&D character... and just take a guess at who was a big D&D nerd in his past life! having my race changed to 'Devil' wasn't part of the plan, however. ironic. a devil with the powers of something that was said to be satanic in a past life. (SI-Oc) (Gamer System) . . . Here I am publishing a daily chapter if you want the complete novel subscribe to my Patreon patreon.com/Akarisenju

AkariSenju · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


I have phenex-like regeneration. That's nice. Definitely saved my skin... and my arm.

My sleeve begins slowly mending as I let out a quiet sigh.

I look up and flinch back as I see a magical girl looming over me, eyes wide. "You're alright! I thought you were going to die!"

She picks me up with supernatural strength and pushes my face into her chest. "You poor thing! Don't worry, big sis Sera-tan has taken care of those bad guys who hurt you!"

Okay. I didn't expect this today...

I am sat in front of the strongest female devil, sipping tea, she is currently going on a tangent about how cute her little sister is.

It's damn good tea, that's for sure... honestly I sort of hated tea beforehand, but this has changed my mind.

"Anyways, I'm sorry, I went on a really bad tangent! I do that whenever I think about my ADORABLE So-tan! I don't even think I got your name."

"It's Gaius Decarabia." I supply.

"Decarabia?" She whispers as her eyes widen slightly.

Memories- that are technically not my own- have been steadily slotting themselves into place over the past hour or so, so I have basically just been going with the flow until I can fully capitalize on my backstory without it being disproven.

"That is correct." I nod slowly. "Recently my family sided with the Anti-Satan faction, and due to that and our residence's proximity to the borders of the Old Satan faction, assassins where sent to our home... my parents weren't exactly fighters, however they did buy me enough time to escape the home and flee into the forest."

I smile sadly at the table in front of me. "A small group of the people who attacked us found me shortly after... then after a short battle with myself slaying five out of six, you showed up."

"Gaius..." The devil in front of me whispers. "The Decarabia family was classified as extinct hundred of years ago."

"What?" I whisper.

"The civil war ended a few decades later."

I shakily sit the cup down and nervously bite a knuckle. "T-That's impossible I-"

I shakily inhale through my teeth. "That's why everything seemed so... different the strange chained carriage... the magical screens... the sun."

I look up slowly. "Y-You don't believe me, do you?!"

"I believe you." The woman nods.

"R-Really?" I ask.

"Back then I heard tales of the Decarabia heir having a mutated clan trait... and you have proven that you have Phenex-like regeneration. The man that was attacking you had also been missing and presumed dead for... five hundred years. I completely and whole-heartedly believe you."

I bring a hand to my head, letting out a long groan.

"What do you plan to do now?" The woman asks.

"Well, my plan to use my father's clan trait to create weapons and armor for the anti-satan faction has fallen through... I will adapt the best I can... however I fear that after five hundred years I hold little to no political power, our territory was probably split or claimed by another clan. If I attempt to reclaim my family's territory, I fear I'll be forcibly silenced. The only advantage I have would be my mutated clan trait, which would either offend of intrigue the Phenex family."

"A mutated clan trait is exceedingly rare." The Leviathan nods. "They can forever alter a clan's power for future generations. The only recorded mutations other than yours and myself would be the founder of the Bael house Zekram Bael who's clan trait forever made his house the most powerful in the underworld."

"Ah yes, another potential enemy to kill me as I may threaten the status quo." I mutter under my breath. "Wait- you?!"

The Satan smiles and nods. "Instead of the usual water magic my family ordinarily casts, I had incredible potential in ice magic."

I shake my head and look back to the leviathan. "Er- My current course of action would be to try and find out just how much has changed. Then I will proceed from there."

"Smart." The woman supplies. "This is technically out of my jurisdiction... as I am the head of foreign affairs, not domestic, however. I feel that as I have found you, and that I have saved you, I feel you are now my responsibility."

"You didn't really need to save me." I state as I pick up the tea cup and take another sip from it. "My wounds where swiftly healing, and even if I got extremely wounded, I could have just channeled my healing fire, shot myself with a fire spell, and instantly regenerated my body."

"Your opponent was a medium class devil... nearing high class..."

"And?" I ask with a slow innocent blink.

"You are still a low class. nearly medium class, mind you, but still well within low class."

"It didn't stop me from killing five medium class devils when they all attempted to kill me." I shrug. "Their only advantage was their ice spells, and I took care of that with a resistance spell and by cloaking my body in fire."

"You killed... five medium class devils?" She blinks.

"Of course." I nod. "They shouldn't have given me enough time to cast my fortification spells. But I would certainly be dead right now without my regeneration. I will admit that."

The Devil rubs her temple. "Still. I feel you are my responsibility. So, I will dutifully inform you of the large changes in the world."

"Alright." I slowly nod.




Here I am publishing a daily chapter if you want the complete novel subscribe to my Patreon
