
The door.

Hi my name is isikai and I bought a small house with my part time job but when I was thinking of not buying it the owner insisted he even made a discount for me.since I'm really poor I decided to buy it.On my first day in the place I had to call home I smelled a awful stench it smelled like rot and blood.I decided to ignore the smell because I thought it was some pipes or plumbing issue.After a while in this house the smell got stronger it was so awful it made me gag.I decided that I need to fix this issue I tried to find where the smell came from it lead to a door that the owner told me not to open at any circumstances but I didn't care.I reached out my hand to the nob turned it opened the door and there was a little girl crying.She was really pale the room look really bloody.I walk up to her grabbed her shoulder and.....