
Chapter two: It's not that bad

The week had passed by, Izuku was stoked for his first day at UA. And he was fully prepared to head out that door to amazement!

During that one week, The teacher had told the class their accomplishments. Bakugo growled in rage. The class had a feeling of why as well. Izuku knew it wouldn't go so adequately, Therefore, he avoided most contact with him. It ended up with him getting raged on. He barely got away due to him making a smokescreen.

But now that's in the past. Now is time to become a hero and make history.

Izuku made it to the gates of UA without Katsuki causing problems on the way there, maybe he was already there. Remembering what he was told, That one pink-skinned girl was said she couldn't wait to be his classmate or something on those lines.

After entering the school, he noticed that the classroom doors were abnormally large. The thought of something or someone that huge would need these doors.     

Opening that door, he saw Katsuki in the back with his feet on the desk. Someone with blue hair and glasses had been telling him to not. Not being too light about it, Bakugo insulted in many ways, that's just the norm for him.

The glasses guy sighed and turned a different way. Then seeing Izuku at the door with a bewildered look. Approaching him, he said, " Hello there-". Interrupted by a sliding pink-haired girl, lightly bumping him, " Heyy, Midoriya!"

"That was rather rude Ms. Ashido." He said, fixing his glasses that had been tilted from the push. Ashido looked at him saying, " Sorry about that, just excited!", then looking back at Izuku, " Midoriya Izuku, right?"

Izuku had tensed up, saying " Y-yeah..."

The guy, after fixing his glasses, took the spot and said, " Now that I've remembered, you two were the #1 duo in the entrance exam. Nice work!"

Izuku shook his head, " That's just for a group. Kacchan's the one to get praised. He was a solo and broke a record! I'd probably have gotten in without Ashido-san's help."

" Well, you still did a great job so be proud." He told, giving a sharp hand motion.

"Yeah! It's still first place even in a group or not!" Ashido added.

'I guess they're right. Maybe I shouldn't be such a downer'

" Woopty doo, Now if you're done, go sit down."

A suddenly tired voice came from behind the three. Ashido and Izuku more surprised than the blue-haired ones, looked behind. Then seeing a man, sluggish and unmotivated, dropping what seemed to be eye drops into his eye.

"H-hello s-sir!"

He finished dropping the eye drops and said, " What are you still standing here for? Get to your seat!"

His raise of voice caught others' attention, making them quiet down. Midoriya went to his seat in a hurry, trying not to piss off this guy.

The tired man went to the front of the class and stood in front of his desk. He exhaled loudly and began, " Hello class, My named Shota Aizawa and I are your teacher for the year. But please don't take me lightly, you don't have time lollygag when you should spend that time learning to become heroes"

He grabbed a remote and pressed a button. It then showed a holographic bracket, But some were in groups and others in singles. He then put down the remote and faced front, continuing " I've got a bracket of the placements in the entrance exam. It only says your points you had, so don't think you're special— Anyways, you're gonna fight against each other up to the first place. Then the solo winner will fight the group winner."

So I'll probably fight Kacchan, Izuku thought. Oof the bat, they'll be fighting against others, no training once or ever. I guess it's necessary since they only fought robots and not people. Fighting those things aren't gonna help them fight the real things. Izuku pondered, wasn't it too soon to spar with each other.

" The battle will go like this— You'll have fifteen minutes to fight each other until you are unable to continue or you wrap this capture tool around the opponent-," he pulled out a roll of tape and used his other hand to gesture capture tool, " If time runs out, I'll be the won to decide on who wins. So use all your knowledge because I'll be listening in on your conversations and observing your actions. To double task, I'll also have a Present mic help me out. Do you have any questions?"

A girl with hair in a spiky ponytail shot up her hand, " What will we get out of winning sir?"

Aizawa shrugged, " Nothing, just helps me out. Though, you should be trying anyway."

"Why is that?"

" The students who fail the final loser bracket will be expelled, immediately..."

Everyone has been struck as if his words were lightning. Getting expelled if you weren't up to expectations?! Losing the winners' bracket wasn't even a problem! It's the constant losing until you're at your last chance! But He gave this smug, yet kinda disturbing, smile. With a smile, he said, " Go ahead and change meet me in the ground []. "

He left the room, chuckling to himself. It gave Izuku the chills. He started to stand up before being quickly approached by that one pink-skinned girl. " He's kinda freaky, isn't he Midoriya? I can't believe he told us we'll get expelled if we lose."

"Y-Yeah, But at least w-we'll have a c-chance to win once. He said the final losing bracket, we'll get the boot, so it's kinda reassuring." Izuku affirmed.

Mina sighed, before saying," You're right, I guess. But it still bugs me that someone is gonna get expelled. And that could be us."

"Yeah, I get where you're coming from," Izuku said.

"Hey! You stopped stuttering. You okay now?"

"W-What?! W-what about my s-stuttering?!"

She giggled And just smiled. " You're getting nervous about what?". Izuku pushed in his chair and stated, " I'm j-just not used t-to girls."

"Ah, that makes sense, " She then gave a nod and went toward the door, " In that case, I'll help ya. In exchange, You have to promise we won't get expelled!"

" I'll try my best Ashido-san!"

They had all made it to gym gamma, There stood Mr.Aizawa and Present mic. Everyone had been mostly quiet, except for the ones who are talking to their group. Present mic seemed hyped for this, whilst Aizawa was looked tired but had the grin from last time, though it was a little less creepy.

"All right, we can finally we can start this. Let's go for the first round teams, " he pulled out the digital bracket and continued, " Which is... The number one team, Midoriya Izuku, and Ashido Mina—Going against Jiro Kyoka and Kaminari Denki. Please go out in the battle area."

Ashido went straight to Izuku, wanting to figure out a strategy, but Izuku had an eye out for the others. The one to walk out of the crowd of students was a girl with purple hair, a heartbeat highlight in it. She had two long ear lobes. It seemed like aux cords.

The other was a boy with yellow hair, black lightning bolt highlight. He couldn't get a lot of information out of just looking at him.

The two looked like they were close, just on how their gestures.

"Have you thought of something Midoriya?" Ashido asked, getting his attention. He snapped out of his mini trance and turned to her, " Oh! N-no, I can't get much out of looking at them. But I try to come up with something."

After he said that, Aizawa announced they have five minutes for preparations.

"That might be enough time. But Ashido, do you have a plan? And any idea on what we could try to not lose?"

"Not at the moment," Mina said. Izuku didn't have much to go off of. The only thing he could do is hope for the best. One of the opponents didn't have a lot of focus, while the other look annoyed. Then in a second, The girl stuck one of those aux cords into him and he turned black and white.

It gave Izuku goosebumps. It wasn't something he wants to have happened to him or even think about how it feels.

"All right, let's get started!!" Present Mic yelled though it was a tolerable tone.



A sigh came, before saying, "1"

The purple-haired one came right for Izuku, making him flinch back in hurry. He took a glance at Mina who getting electrocuted by the other. The electricity would sometimes miss, flying out into the other students, and almost hitting him as he dodged the purple-haired one. Getting his attention on the one in front of him, She then grunted, " Stop moving!"

Parrying another fist, he said," I don't think I can't!"

A mistake was made, she had grabbed him and tried to yank him to the ground. In recovery, He grabbed her wrist and pulled away. He tripped over and fell on the ground. In the time she was approaching Izuku, she asked, " Why aren't you fighting back?"

" Don't worry about it!" he said, Scrambling back to his feet, only to be assaulted once more. It was getting harder to keep her off of him.

Izuku couldn't do anything with his quirk. His telekinesis can't do anything to a person, for as far as he knows, and his fire breathes only produces smoke- 'Wait... I can use my quirk. And possibly I can help out Ashido-san.'

Getting confident, Grappled her and gave her a light shove. Then inhale deeply, then exhaling dark, gray smoke covered his area, leaving only about half of the field.

The purple-haired one had coughed hard, trying to sweep away extra smoke. " What's with all this smoke?!"

Without answering her question, Izuku ran to the straightforward to Mina, wanting to help her fight the other.

There was something he noticed about running through the smoke. He was able to see clear as day. Easily could see the earphoned one roaming in the smoke, and could see his Allie and the yellow-haired one.

"Ashido-san! I'm here to help you!" Izuku shouted, emerging from the smoke and running for the electric quirk. He looked at him quickly with a confused expression. "Where Jiro-san?!"

He couldn't redirect his electricity in any direction. So as a result, both Izuku and Mina charged at him full speed. Freaking out, He yelled out, " two billion volts!! "

Nothing appeared to happen. The only thing that did happen was the smoke effect coming from him, and he was bent over like he was turned off. Izuku cautiously approached him, then giving him a tap on the shoulder, " Are you all right?"

He popped up, making Izuku jump. He had two thumbs and was mumbling, " Ye ye".

Izuku glanced over at Mina and asked, " Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Why are you asking me? I think he's just dumb."

"Straightforward I guess."

Soon the other came out of the smoke, she was still sweeping away the smoke that carried with her and coughing. Izuku looked over to her and asked, " Excuse me, Do you know what's wrong with him?"

She had stopped with the smoke and glanced over at her teammate. A sudden laugh came out but was stopped by her hand for a second. Yellow-haired one stumbled over to her with a " Hehe uhh"

She broke out laughing, hitting the floor. It seemed like she was doing the wap but without the twerking, but she slammed her fist up and down on the ground.

Present mic yelled out to stop fighting or laughing. Mina and Izuku won due to the opponents being unable to continue, moreover to yellow-haired one, which they found out from the one named Jiro were named Kaminari.

After heading back to the crowd with their opponents, Kaminari stated, " You guys only one because I went all out on her, " he pointed to Ashido.

" Well, you shouldn't have done that." Jiro snickered. " You went into Duds mode because of it."

Jiro was quick to come up with something for it. She came off to be a person to have a teasing personality.

"Well it was well fought, I had a hard time engaging!" Ashido mentioned.

"If only I was able to direct my electricity, you would be toast already! Matter a fact, both of you would be, I burned out too quickly!" Kaminari explained.

"It's a learning experience for your next match right, try not to use all your power too soon," Izuku recommended. Kaminari nodded. Jiro had tapped on his shoulder with her earphone and asked, " Hey, what was that smoke? It was so sudden, I had inhaled so much of it. And it was so thick, I couldn't see. That and how much of it was there."

Izuku scratched his head saying, " That's my quirk, part of it though."

"Yeah! He can breathe fire! " Ashido added, " Not only that, He can move the fire!"

"Then how come it was smoke and not fire?" Jiro asked.

"I haven't developed the power to breathe fire just yet. So smoke is the only thing I can produce—Also, what Ashido-san said, I can move the fire, when I figure how to produce it. But it doesn't only regard fire, my telekinesis works on anything. Though I can only do nonliving objects so far."

Kaminari getting curious, he tapped his horns, " So what's with these horns?"

Getting the shivers, he gave an" ahh!"

He back off and apologized for freaking him out. Waving his hand, Izuku told, " Don't worry about it. People really don't touch my horns, so I haven't got used to how sensitive it is."

It was later announced the next matchups, and Izuku had kept his promise with Ashido.
