
Chapter 8 - Banquet

The way back from Stellawood was one of the fastest trips Bryn had ever embarked on. All he could think about was arriving home and exploring his discovered system. He tried using the appraisal on everyone inside the cart and guards. As expected, the skill was successful only on those inside the cart who were weak like him or his father.

When checking the guards, a new message appeared next to the person.

 – Impossible to appraise target –

Arriving at the farm, everyone went home and took the day off. Only the kid who had received the blessing of speed was different. He and his father had to join the Wycliffes for appetizers before dinner time.

Bryn was happy that he and Sylas would be able to go home.

As they arrived at the poor construction he and his family called home, Freya saw a face she would never forget. Her boy was smiling from ear to ear. The smile was enough for her legs to soften as she started to tear.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to play outside for a bit; please let me know when our vegetable stew is ready!". Said Bryn as he ran outside.

"Don't worry, I'll call for you." said Freya.

"Frey, there is no controlling this boy. I tried talking to him the entire trip back, but nothing could reach his ears. He might be growing fur in there. Or maybe his horns are growing out of his ears!" said Sylas, looking at the path Bryn used to take to go out.

"Hahah, we should be thankful that our boy can smile and be excited about the ritual's effects. Do you remember when you underwent the ceremony?" Freya asked.

"I was sure I would change the whole world…"

"So did I ! Let's allow him to entertain that idea for some time, Sy… There is nothing wrong with a little happiness for a change." said Freya.

"Fine by me. Why don't we enjoy the time to be happy ourselves?". Said Sylas, raising one of his eyebrows and approaching Freya.

Freya answered by extending her hand to her husband and pulling him inside the bedroom.

"First things first, let's use appraisal on myself again." Bryn thought.

Sure enough, the status screen appeared again.

"Next, I would love to experiment with the level function that appears, but what can I kill? I don't even have chickens to eat, much less train my level… Scratch that and let go of skills. It says I have a +25% skill experience bonus when I add both my blessings. Let's try as many different things to check if I can get any skills." he thought.

The first test was as ridiculous as possible. Bryn started to sprint. Dash after dash with all his energy, but nothing happened.

"Impartial conclusions. There is no running skill, or I must meet a certain rule to get a skill. Next test, something different." 

The second was climbing trees. Around the house were many trees on which he could try his best. One tree after the other, his forearms became sore. Sweat dripped from his pores, but nothing stopped the enthusiastic faun.

After the fifth tree was challenged and conquered.

 – Skill Acquired –

Climbing LVL. 1 (3%)

Bryn: "Yaaaaaahuu! I'm able to improve!!! What does the climbing skill do? Appraisal."

 – Skill Description –

Climbing LVL. 1 (3%)

Increase your ability to climb on every level. 

Racial bonus - Any species from the mountain; every 3 skill levels +1 dexterity.

"Amazing… I'll have to train the skill to get those extra racial status points later. For now, let's try and get as many different skills as possible."

Time flew as he discovered the bottomless pit that were skills in the new world. Freya called, and so his first day of experiments was over. Bryn didn't last until the end of dinner. After all the energy dedicated to acquiring the climbing skills and tests, he went down like a rock.

Sylas's heart skipped a beat the morning after when he woke up and his son was not there. Running outside, worried, but without waking up Freya, he was in for a surprise.

"Hey, dad!! I was too excited to sleep… Good morning!! Did you know I was able to get a new skill?!" asked Bryn, his hooves and legs dirty from running around the forest near the house.

"You did what? The ritual happened yesterday, Bryn! How?... Which skill did you get, Bryn??" asked Sylas, yawning, confused by both his sleepiness and his son's words.

"Until now, only the climbing skill… But I'll learn others."

"Hahah, don't you scare your father like that; all fauns have it easy with climbing. Skills take time and dedication for you to acquire and train... I can tell you from experience that I have farming skills above level 5."

"Really?? Can I go to work with you? If I do, will I learn the skills as well? What do the skills do?" asked Bryn, his mind overloading with the possibilities.

"Calm down your horns, young man. You'll have many chances to learn new things. Let's have some bread with your mother before our day starts." said Sylas.

Both enjoyed a family bread without any sides or butter and left for the fields.

Sylas was much better from the severe punishments they got, but he was not out of the woods yet. He and Freya offered Bryn all the protein and medicine the family had. One of the reasons the young faun had so much energy to spend.

The day of work was intense; Bryn helped with every single activity they had, but still needed to learn skills.

The next day was the same.

Bryn was already tired, but the dedication kept him going. It was challenging, but he had learned much since coming to this world.

On the third day, finally, his prayers were answered.

 – Skill Acquired –

Farming LVL. 1 (1%)

"Appraisal," said Bryn.

"What!! Did you get a skill already? How is that possible? Has it been so long I don't remember how hard it was?" asked Sylas.

"I just got Farming LVL. 1, Dad!"

 – Skill Description –

Farming LVL. 1 (1%)

The fields you work in will have a better harvest. 1% per level.

"Wow, what level is your farming dad?"

"I'm proud to say that I have Farming LVL 7. One of the reasons Lord Aric was so nice to us, even with the racial difference. I increased his grain production by a lot."

"Fascinating… How many skills do you have, Dad?" Bryn asked.

"Quite a few, but so will you with time…"

"I'll try more things when I get home…"

Bryn's new routine was set. Every day, he would go with his father to the fields to take care of the animals or to prepare for the next harvest. Going home, he decided to use his remaining energy to train his body like on Earth. Squads, push-ups, pull-ups on the trees, everything became him trying to get new skills.

The days continued, and soon, a week passed from the ritual.

Freya was still a maid in the mansion. Since the faun's punishment, she was quiet and didn't speak to anyone. She avoided the maid's chief and any member of the family. On the seventh day, Lady Isolde called the entire staff for a meeting.

"Everyone, we are organizing a banquet here at the mansion. In two weeks, we'll be expecting at least ten noble families. We might even have the Earl's presence, so everything must be perfect. Do I make myself clear?" said Isolde.

"Yes, my Lady!" everyone said in return.

"Good. Freya, step forward… On the event, you won't be at the mansion. To compensate, you will clean all the toilets and the dining room the day after. Also, I ordered Sylas to come here tomorrow near the sunset. Lord Aric and I will arrange with him which animals we are having at the banquet." 

Stepping forward and kneeling one leg on the floor, Freya couldn't look Lady Isolde in the eye. A mix of emotions ran through her. Still, fear was the strongest of the bunch.

"Thank you, my Lady." said Freya.

The next day, after working the fields, Sylas followed the orders delivered by his wife. He ordered Bryn to go with him, saying it was vital for him to regain face with Lord Aric. When the reality was that Sylas wanted his son to take a break, he became obsessed with learning new skills.

Arriving at the mansion, they had to clean their fur and hooves before going in to avoid dirtying the floors and increasing Freya's workload. 

Bryn's mind got flooded by the new skills he could get if he had the chance here at the mansion. Reading and writing should be skills. By going to the kitchen, he thought of cooking for the first time in ages. Ever since he came to the New World, he has mainly eaten vegetable soup. He forgot that cooking was relevant until now.

His eyes were goggling at different parts of the house that could provide him with new skills. When both fauns arrived at the study, Lord Aric and Lady Isolde were waiting for them.

Lady Isolde with her air of superiority. Lord Aric was the same as before, severe but fair.

"My Lord and My Lady, firstly, I would like to thank you for allowing Bryn to take part in the ritual. How can I be of service today?" asked Sylas.

"Lord Aric, Lady Isolde, thank you." said Bryn. His memory was still fresh from the lashes his family received. But there was no resentment in his voice—only excitement. 

Aric shoulder and posture relaxed on hearing both of them. The opposite happened to Isolde.

"This freaking animal is happy? How dares he be happy; he is a faun. No faun should celebrate taking the ceremony. I don't care what Aric says. I'll destroy this trash." she thought.

"That is great to hear, Sylas. You have been a loyal servant to us for the past decade. Bryn, I heard you got a blessing as well. What were your benefits?" Asked Aric.

"Yes, my Lord. I got the blessing of intelligence and the demi-humans. Both were percentual bonuses to my status, +1% dexterity and +2% intelligence." answered Bryn.

"Good for you, I hope you have a great future ahead. Now to business. As you might know, we are having a banquet in 14 days from now. Sylas, I would like you to choose the best cattle for us to eat. Also, please ask the hunters to get a few rabbits. They will go amazing with the apples Isolde bought in Stellawood." Said Aric.

"Yes, my Lord. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Sylas asked.

"That is for now. Dismissed." Ordered Aric.

Both fauns had left the room, and an intense noise came from the door hitting the frame.

"That faun… All I want to do is to crush his weak bones. Why did you treat them so nicely, Aric?" asked Isolde, her eyes focused on her husband and burning in fury.

"Might I remind you that Sylas helped the farm improve our harvest and animal production? He is a faun, and his son did rob us some time with Eamon, but that was it. They got their punishment, and now everything is back to how it was." Aric answered without raising his tone. 

"It most certainly is not back to how it was. You are too weak in your heart. There is no going back as long as the faun can't give us two years with Eamon. And now, he is even happier than Rowan after the ceremony. Did you look at his eyes?" She asked, looking at the door they had just used to leave. 

Aric was indeed shocked by the kid's eyes. There was no resentment at all in that moment. All Aric could feel from the young faun was curiosity and excitement. It had been a long time since he had felt that way.

"That is enough about the fauns. You focus your energy on the invitations we must send for our son's celebration banquet." he said, changing the subject.

"Hmm…" Without saying a word, Isolde left her husband in the study.

The following weeks got agitated at the mansion. New furniture arrived in caravans, materials for the banquet, new cutlery, and glasses. Aric and Isolde invested a lot in presenting their proud baby and his absurd talent. It would be the best opportunity for them to take a big step on the region's political scene.

Bryn's dedication to learning skills has achieved new heights. He had acquired the Physical Improvement Beginner skill. That confirmed a few of his guesses about the system behind skills. Leveling was still a mystery to him.

 – Skill Acquired –

Physical Improvement Beginner LVL. 1 (8%)

On the day before the banquet, Sylas and Bryn took the best cow from the farm to the mansion. They would have to butcher the animal the night before so the meat would be as fresh as possible. The cook from the mansion had great skill in dealing with animals like cows and rabbits. He would take the lead.

Bryn asked the cook if he could stay and help him with the butchering. After talking with Sylas, the cook allowed Bryn to visit and learn.

The process was much more challenging than he thought. A part of him thanked that Earth had found a way to deliver well-cut steaks almost anywhere in the world.

After helping with the cow and a few rabbits, the unique notification rang again.

 – Skill Acquired –

Butchering LVL. 1 (4%)

"Hello, Cheff sir, how long should it take to get a butchering skill?" Bryn asked.

"If you do a few more rabbits alone, you should get the skill. On level 1, there is nothing to brag about. The skill starts to shine above level 5. That is when you stop wasting meat and become immune to ruining a good animal when cutting close to the guts." said the chef.

"Thank you."

After a few more hours of work, it was time to go home. Bryn could not hold his emotions to himself. He wanted to run home and tell his parents about his acquired skills.

"OK, it is time to inspect my status and see how much I improved in the past two weeks. Appraisal." Bryn thought.








Blessed by Lugh

Blessed by Flidais















Climbing LVL. 1 (76%)

Farming LVL. 1 (33%)

Physical Improvement Beginner LVL.1 (8%)

Butchering LVL. 1 (25%)

"I still think "Physical Improvement Beginner" is a little OP. How strong will the evolutions of the skill be?."

 – Skill Description –

Physical Improvement Beginner LVL.1 (8%)

A strong body allows one to improve faster. 

Learning bonus to all Physical skills. Every two skill levels earn +1 on strength, dexterity, and agility.

"I guess what I have to do is keep on experimenting…"

Arriving home, Bryn slept like a rock. The next day was a rare one for the fauns. Since it was the banquet day, they were not allowed close to the mansion. For that reason, Sylas allowed Bryn to sleep his tiredness away.

In the mansion, everything was ready to celebrate young Rowan.

The guest list was short but filled with the most relevant nobles in the region. A Lord had only so much pull when inviting people to their homes.

The first to arrive that day was Darragh, the cleric. He would not miss interacting with his most successful blessing yet. Rowan's future was sure to be important for the region and him. With every achievement Rowan got, Darragh could claim some of the merits.

The next one arrived in a more luxurious chariot. Two of the most enormous horses at the front. A well-designed cart made of different colored woods and finished with steel. The wheels even had a bit of rubber on them. It was Viscount Lyonel Thornley. He and his wife arrived just a little later than Darragh.

As they talked, another extravagant chariot arrived. It was as well-built but more prominent. From it, a bearded man walked down. One could see the cart going upwards when he stepped on the floor. He had a few scars on his face. The weapon on his side was a saber, one of the official weapons from the military. His clothes were all aligned and without wrinkles, as if someone had ironed them on his body.

"I see you've made it, Gareth… What are you doing here?" asked Thornley.

"Viscount Huxley, welcome." said Aric.

"Thank you, Lord Aric. How could I miss the celebration of one of our nation's future knights? I see you haven't changed, Lyonel. How they allowed you to become a viscount with such a low level still beats me to this day." said Gareth Huxley, looking downwards at them.

"Youu-" Thornley was about to retort but got interrupted. 

"Gentleman, please come in. We are still waiting for a few people to start our celebration. I'm sure you can have better arguments over a cup of wine." said Lady Isolde, inviting them in with her arms.

Both viscounts looked at each other with knives in their eyes. They wanted to continue picking at each other, but it would be disrespectful in the presence of a Lady.

A few more Lords arrived. They were the ones with land next to or close to Aric's. Family friends from when he was young and partners on harsh winters. The mansion was already full, and the time for the banquet to start was near.

That is when a group of 5 chariots appears at the farm entrance. The first and last two were pitch black, their horses as well. Both the riders and the horses wear armor from head to toe. That only made the main chariot stand out even more. It was a beautiful dark blue with golden details. The rider was also wearing armor, but his armor matched the colors of the chariot. The entire hall fell silent to watch the scene. Despite being armed, the horses were traveling with grace through the land.

When all carts arrived in front of the mansion, three walked out, accompanied by two guards.

Leading the group was Cedric Thornebrook, the Earl himself. Next to him was a mesmerizing beauty. Blonde hair with green eyes, an elegant dress complementing her natural visage. How could anyone confuse her, the infamous Vivienne Thornebrook? The last one out of the chariot was Adrian, the earl's second son. Rumors could not do the family justice. Everyone was sure that if paintings could walk, it wouldn't look as good.

Lady Isolde was the first to regain her composure from their entrance. The most powerful man from their entire region arrived with his family. Having such guests was one of the biggest honors a Lord could receive.

"Earl and Countess Thornebrook. It is my honor to meet you and welcome you to our humble home." She bowed her head to greet the newcomers.

"Earl Thornebrook, Countess Thornebrook. Please, welcome. Please feel as if our home is yours". Said Aric, also lowering his head.

"Thank you, Aric, Lady Isolde. Let's not keep the formalities. It is a celebration, after all." said Cedric Thornebrook.

If Bryn were here, he would laugh at Lady Isolde being outshone in every way imaginable. Beauty, body and class. Miss Thornebrook was mesmerizing.

With everyone settled, it was time for the banquet to start.

Different fruits and vegetables were already served. Little by little, the silver trays with the prepared cuts of meat were served.

Before they all started, Lord Aric raised his cup and started a toast.

"Tonight, we celebrate the potential that resides within our kingdom. With immense, boundless joy, I raise my cup to each of you. Pillars of our community.

I am honored to share with you the reason for this remarkable celebration. The radiant star of our family, my beloved son Rowan. May your future be as powerful as the blessing you received.

To the viscounts among us. Your wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support have been the foundation on which our region stands. Your presence here tonight means a lot to our family. We are forever grateful for your alliance and friendship.

To my Earl and his family, may your brilliance and leadership keep us on the right path. Sharing such an incredible moment with you and your family fills my heart with happiness.

So, I raise my glass to you all. To the legacy we create, the future we embrace, and my son, whose journey has only begun. May his path have many triumphs, and may him shine as bright as the stars in our night sky." As Aric finished his speech, he heard clapping sounds coming from all present until a voice made them all stop.

"Amazing words, Aric. May your family live long and prosper. One son has already been accepted into the Royal Academy, and now a second one will shine. Please know that you and your family are our friends if you or your son ever need anything. I'll be there. Also, I was told your son received a battle name from our beloved viscount. So I propose we all raise our cups again and cheer the might of Stone Fist Rowan." said Earl Thornebrook.

After their toast ended, the night continued as any banquet should.

Adrian, the earl's son, had a few cups of wine. Bored, he had difficulty controlling himself so as not to lose the composer and talk with Evelina alone.

Rowan was the star of the night. All the nobles wanted to talk to him and ask about the blessing he received. Both viscounts and the earl prized him. Only one of the three mighty men reinforced the dedication Rowan would need. Viscount Gareth. One could feel the importance he gave to someone's potential as a knight.

While the Wycliffes were drawing in wine and flattering, Bryn had finally woken up from his long rest.

Waking up late and chatting with his father, Bryn learned about his newly acquired skills. The only one his father didn't have was Physical Improvement Beginner. His father told him it was a skill that came from constantly training the body. Many knights, adventurers, and hunters developed the skill during their training. What surprised Sylas was that he soon learned four skills in less than two weeks from the ritual.

While the two exchanged skills, Bryn tried to create a game plan for his quick development. While the two talked, Freya awaited the end of the banquet. Her task of cleaning everything for Isolde while the family slept was still valid. Like that, the night of the banquet was over.

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