
The Beginnings

"Good Morning New Arc City!! It is a beautiful day today! The weather should be cool today. So, here is some news today. In recent news, Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Border Faction, 4 Saint Knight have defeated another NightBeast other night at District 4 but lucky no one was hurt of the attack. Anyway, make sure you are all safe from the NightBeast." The T.V. of the other was on as a young girl with long raven black hair in ponytail wearing a dark blue school uniform getting for school. As she was getting ready, a voice call her name "Raika! Are you ready?"

"Yes, Dad!" she said back as she walk out of her room. When she walks to the kitchen, she sees an older male with short white hair and wearing a gray suit setting on the chair with a cup of coffee in hand as she looks at him with her blue eyes. "Morning Dad."

"Morning Raika!" He said while look at her with blue eyes as he smiled. "I made breakfast."

"I thought Rosa made them." Said Raika with a confused look on her face.

Her father chuckled lightly while letting out a sigh. "Okay, I received assistance from Rosa," he chuckled as he swung the door open. A youthful woman with short white hair strolled into the apartment, donning a black dress shirt, black skirt, light blue earbuds, and brown boots, with bags in hand. She spotted Raika and her father, both with blue eyes. The white-haired man glanced at the girl and gave a smile. "Oh, Rosa, you back from the store?"

"Yes, Master Nicolas," Rosa said softly. "Also, should you be going to work now?"

Nicolas briefly paused before jumping up, rushing to the door, quickly putting on his shoes, and turning back around. "Well, I'll bid you all farewell for now. "He exited the door while Rosa let out a sigh. "Master Nicolas can be problematic sometimes."

Raika walked towards the door while putting on her shoes before leaving. She then approached Rosa to hand over her lunch box and flashed a smile. "Please be careful, Lady Raika! Since the NightBeast attack. I want you to make sure you're safe."

"There is no need to worry about me," Raika said as she walked out of her apartment and descended the stairs. She expressed her confidence that everything would be okay, and as she looked around, she noticed someone who had been waiting for her. 

Raika was greeted by a young female who had long, straight, dark brown hair, and was dressed in a white sailor top with short sleeves, a blue skirt, white socks, and black shoes. The young female was holding her bag and cell phone, smiling and looking at Raika with her striking blue eyes as she said, "Good morning, Raika!"

"Good morning Nozomi," Raika said as she greeted her. "Are you all set to go?"

Nozomi expressed her excitement with a loud "Yea!" as she walked with Raika on their way to school. With a smile on her face, she glanced at her phone before showing it to Raika and saying, "Raika, you have to check this out. The Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Border Faction reports that four Saint Knights successfully defeated a NightBeast in District 4 the other night."

Raika's eyes shifted away from Nozomi's phone as she spoke, "I did hear about it this morning, but thankfully, no one was hurt." She rubbed her head and added, "It's not just any group, it's 4 Saint Knight we are referring to here."

A look of surprise crosses Nozomi's face as she raises a single eyebrow. "Hmm... I must admit that you are correct in your statement."

With a smile on her face, she wrapped her arms around Raika in a warm embrace. "Man, I want to join Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Raika."

"Can you provide me with the reason behind that?" asked Raika inquisitively.

"Come on, Raika, we should totally join the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement, it would be so cool!" Nozomi exclaimed. "Picture you and me as part of the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement."

"To be honest, you'll be a D-Rank if you join the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement," Raika said as she observed Nozomi shocked expression.

Raika and Nozomi proceed to walk towards the two bus stops available, with one leading to the Garden of Education West and the other leading to the Garden of Education East. As they approach the bus stops, a screen with the title "Bus to Garden of Education East will leave soon" appears, urging all students who intend to head to the Garden of Education East to board the bus promptly. "I'll see you later, Raika!" says Nozomi while looking at the screen and moving towards the other side.

As Raika boarded the bus with the rest of the middle schoolers, Nozomi stood and waved goodbye to her. The Bus, which had departed, to the Garden of Education West.

Raika put on her headphones as she walks to Garden of Education West. The founding of New Arc City can be traced back to the tumultuous times of World War III when humanity was fighting against the NightBeast, and today, it stands as a shining example of a cyberpunk city with its neon lights and advanced technology. ever since The United Nations pass an act called the Act of M, this act allowed power-users to fight against the NightBeast, Power-users also knows Meisters may join Border. The classification is divided into three categories: Humans, Power-Users and Night-Child.Unlike other creatures in the world, humans do not possess any supernatural abilities that set them apart. They exist and coexist with power-users throughout the universe.Power-users are a group of people who possess extraordinary abilities from birth. It is their duty to protect the world from the NightBeast.Within the Darkside, there is a race of humans known as Night-Child who are both interdimensional and extraterrestrial. Although they may resemble ordinary humans, the fact that they originate from different worlds distinguishes them as an entirely distinct species.The system is divided into distinct levels or ranks. There are seven different ranks to classify these, which include D-Rank, C-Rank, B-Rank, A-Rank, S-Rank, SS-Rank, and SSS-Rank.The D-Rank is considered the lowest rank among all the ranks and most of them are trainees who are not allowed to use their weapons or go on missions. They are solely utilized for training purposes. If they receive orders from their superiors, they will be permitted to proceed with the mission.Moving up the ladder, C-Rank is the subsequent rank above D-Rank. They have the option of going on a mission, but only if they are accompanied by a higher-ranking officer. By undergoing D-Rank training, individuals can work towards ranking up.As official officers of the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement, B-Rank and A-Rank officers have the authority to conduct missions without obtaining prior approval from superiors. They are being sent on a special mission as per the request of higher authorities.The highest achievable ranks in the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement are categorized into three levels, which are S-Rank, SS-Rank, and SSS-Rank. Among the other Ranks, they are considered the strongest.Despite the fact that Power-users receive glory, they often look down on humans and perceive them as weak, which has led to the creation of an Anti-NightBeast Mecha suit, Mecha Robots, and Anti-NightBeast weapons that contain elements of NightBeast in order to combat it. For the purpose of ensuring human efficacy in using Anti-NightBeast weapons, a project was created to test their capability. This project was identified as Project C.S. The project, which is also referred to as Project Core Stigmata, involved selecting several humans for testing. Unfortunately, some individuals lost their lives during the project, while others managed to succeed. The C.S Watch or Core Stigmata Watch was invented by the researcher to prevent the development of Core Stigmata. This watch restricts the wearer's powers and can only be utilized to its full capacity when they say 'Stigmata Release'. Because of this, Counter-User was created.The Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement was organized into five distinct factions, each with its own unique name: Border, Fafnir, Galaxian, Alphatrix Institute, and Orion Militia. Border, Fafnir, Galaxian, Alphatrix Institute, and Orion Militia all come together to form the 5 Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement.With great determination, Raika walked a distance of 55 miles in order to reach her destination, the Garden of Education West. Once she arrived, she pulled out her ID and scanned it to gain entry. The Garden of Education district is expansive and comprises many schools that are distributed across four different regions: North, South, East, and West.The northern region has an abundance of preschools and elementary schools available.The Eastern region is densely populated with numerous Middle Schools.The Western region has a plethora of high schools available.The Southern region of the country is filled with numerous colleges and universities.Raika steps inside the Garden of Education West and proceeds towards the 8th Area, which is home to the New Arc Academy. Her gaze is fixed on the gate of the school as she watches each person walking through it. With a short, light blue haircut and a black school uniform complete with a short skirt and black boots, the young female walking towards the school gate was a sight to behold. All the girls couldn't help but scream in excitement upon seeing her, with one fangirl even exclaiming "It's Alice Kiryu!""ALICE-SANNNNNN""Behold, the Extreme King has arrived!""She has a really cool personality and I admire her for that.""I am surprised that there is a meister in our school."When Raika caught sight of Alice Kiryu, a member of Freedom Scepter, at her school, she was amazed by the unexpected encounter. Despite this, Raika didn't feel particularly bothered by it. After walking to her locker and changing her shoes, she made her way to her classroom, Year 1-B. As she walked through the door, the bell rang for class, and she quickly made her way to her seat. The teacher walked in shortly after, and everyone took their seats. Raika took her headphones off and placed them in her bag in preparation for the start of class.--------------------------------------------------------

{In Border's Headquarter}

The young male, who had short jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes, was dressed in a blue military outfit and black boots, with a saber hanging at his side. As he gazed at the screen, he pushed up his glasses and let out a sigh before asking, "What does the report say?"

"The NightBeast is not visible on the radar, sir," informed one of their officers to the sir. "I just want to make sure that there is no confusion, so let me clarify, Captain Sakazaki."

The Captain of The Border, Kyosuke Sakazaki, let out a sigh of relief and cast his gaze towards his officer, expressing his satisfaction with a simple "good".

Kyosuke walked over to his desk, settled into his chair, and was about to relax when suddenly the loud siren went off, and one of the officers spoke out. "Captain Sakazaki! We have just received a notification that a NightBeast has appeared on the radar and is approaching our location."

"Where is located?" Kyosuke asked.

"New Arc Academy"

"Alice's School." He sighed. "Let it be known to all," he declared while getting up from his seat. "In anticipation of a NightBeast Attack, everyone is getting ready and making necessary preparations."

"Sir!" exclaimed the officer as she frantically notified everyone about the NightBeast Attack.

"It seems like there's no end to the war between humanity and NightBeast," Kyosuke said with a hint of despair as he gazed at the screen.


{Few mutinies later, At New Arc Academy}

The school's classes were still in session when suddenly, the loud siren went off, startling everyone. At that moment, a light blue hologram appeared, displaying the words 'NightBeast Attack, Code: Orange.'

The Voice appear, 'Warning! Warning!, NightBeast Attacking I repeat NightBeat Attacking, Code: Orange, Location: New Arc Academy'. As a black portal suddenly appeared, Oni NightBeast emerged in the school, causing everyone at New Arc Academy to panic and scream in fear. "IT'S A NIGHTBEAST." Oni NightBeast launched an attack on the school, but fortunately, the school had a barrier in place and everyone started to run to safety.

Upon receiving the message from HQ, Alice let out a sigh and expressed her disbelief with the word "Really?". "Everyone, please remain calm," says Alice Kiryu as she opens the window and displays her badge. "I am a member of Freedom Scepter and I will be taking charge from here on out.". With a daring leap out of the window, Alice lands gracefully on the ground below. She confidently walks towards Oni NightBeast with a smirk on her face and declares, "Well, look what we have here!". Alice Kiryu summoned twin guns with a smirk on her face, introducing herself as "The Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Border Faction, Freedom Scepter Ranger, Alice Kiryu." She declared that she was ready for action.

Excitement filled the air as the entire group of people cheered in unison, encouraging Alice with the words "GO ALICE!"

When the Oni NightBeast began to attack Alice, she reacted quickly and managed to dodge the attack before firing at its arm, which was ultimately blocked. Demonstrating her unique skill set, Alice effortlessly retrieved a pair of bullets from her pocket. Harnessing the power of the wind, she charged them with an awe-inspiring energy before expertly loading them into her gun.. She aimed the weapon at the Oni NightBeast, but the creature managed to block her shot. Alice let out a sigh of frustration, muttering "Oh come on now!" With swift precision, Alice extracted three bullets from her pack, each one pulsing with wind energy, and deftly loaded them into the chamber of her gun. Then, she aimed her weapon at the menacing Oni NightBeast and declared confidently, "Game Over!"

With her finger on the trigger, she released a powerful surge of wind energy from her guns that struck the Oni NightBeast, resulting in a massive amount of destruction. When the Oni NightBeast attempted to strike Alice, she quickly moved out of the way. However, she soon realized that the creature was actually attacking the school and attempting to break through the barrier. As Alice pondered to herself, she let out a deep sigh and thought, 'If the NightBeast continues to attack the barrier, it won't hold for much longer.' The scene was chaotic as everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs.

The Oni NightBeast had its arm frozen by a light blue knife that had stabbed it. When Alice gazes at the young male, she notices his messy black hair and the outfit he is wearing, consisting of a short-sleeved white dress shirt underneath a dark blue sweater vest adorned with the school emblem, paired with black pants and white shoes. She also takes note of the black glasses he is wearing as he walks towards the nightbeast, holding a saber in his hand, all while looking back at Alice with his piercing blue eyes. "I'm so disappointed, Alice. Really?"

"Shut up! Keigo!" said Alice, while getting up as she look at Keigo. "I'm glad you made it."

"I'm the not the only who here, Alice." said Keigo.

A male with long black hair tie in a ponytail wearing the same uniform as Keigo with kanata in hand walking beside Keigo and sighed. "Alice, I hope you don't mind that bring her with us."

The girl with long blonde hair has a big grin on her face as she stands wearing a navy blue sailor uniform, black stockings, and black shoes. She is holding two tonfa in her hands. "Behold the mighty and powerful Explosive Meister, the one and only Queen Destroyer! Julis Enfield has arrive!"

"Great!" said Alice with grin on her. "Katsu go get everyone out the building to safety with other officers, I don't think that the barrier won't that long."

"Got It!" Katsu rush to the school building with another officers. He rush to the Raika's homeroom class. "Everyone! Please evacuate the building right now! The barrier won't hold for long." Everyone grab their stuff and rush out the building fast while the Oni Nightbeast break the ice and attack the barrier. The barrier was down as The Oni Nightbeast destroy the school. Some people mange to escape but some was still inside.

Raika was trap inside the building with some of the student who are first-years and second-years, she sees the Oni NightBeast with fear on her face. "AHHHHHH! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Raika take a deep breathes as she looks the other students "There is emergency exit on left side if we start moving we can make out of here alive. Fellow me!" Raika start to runs fast with other students. 

Alice, Keigo and Julis are still facing the Oni NightBeast as Alice shoot her bullet at it. Julis move fast and jump in the air and flew down and punch the Oni NightBeast with explosive energy creating a huge explosion but the Oni NightBeast grabs Julis throw her down but Katsu catch her. Julis spoke on the anger tone "FUCKING NIGHTBEAST!"

"Katsu! How is everything." asked Alice.

"Most people got of there but some students are still trap." said Katsu while caught his breath. "Alice, we can't move forward without a plan, and we're counting on you to help us develop one." 

"I am aware," Alice replied, while her mind was racing to come up with a solution, and eventually she developed a workable plan. "Guys! It time for formation A."

"Formation A," Keigo said with a serious demeanor. "From my perspective, the likelihood of that working is very low."

"I don't know if it will work," Alice says with a smirk as she looks at Keigo, "but it's definitely worth a try.". Alice raised her index finger and gestured with her hand to make a sign that indicated "FORMATION A."

"Roger!" was the unanimous yell that echoed through the room as everyone expressed their agreement.

All members of the group are instructed to form formation A and wait for Alice's command. As soon as Alice raised her hand and pointed towards the Oni NightBeast, everyone in the room took notice and began to launch their attack on the creature. As the alarm blared loudly, Raika and her peers quickly made their way to the school exit to evacuate the building. After making their way out of the building, they were seen by officers who provided them with help to ensure they were safe. While witnessing the fight, Raika observes that everyone is attacking the Oni NightBeast. Raika's sudden appearance caused the Oni Nightbeast to miss its intended attack and instead, it went after her and grabbed her.

"Ahhhh!" With fear in her voice, Raika screamed and attempted to strike it. "Let me go! I don't want to die." Raika was trembling in fear as the Oni NightBeast moved its hand closer to his mouth, and tears streamed down his face. Alice switched from using her guns to using an arrow, and she shot it at the Oni NightBeast. However, the beast swung it back at her, but Alice was able to move out of the way just in time. Raika closed her eyes and reluctantly accepted her fate, thinking to herself, "I can't believe I'm actually going to die."

As a preemptive measure against the Oni NightBeast's deadly intentions, a blue spark emitted from Raika's body, electrocuting the beast before it could strike. Raika's eyes began to glow a brilliant blue as she summoned her power-user abilities and delivered a forceful punch that caused her opponent to stumble backwards. Utilizing his formidable skills in combat, Keigo wielded his saber, which emanated an iridescent blue glow, and plunged it into the flesh of the formidable Oni NightBeast, causing the beast to freeze in place. Raika then descended from the sky and delivered a powerful punch to the creature, causing it to shatter into countless pieces and emitting a shower of sparkling light. Raika, as she finally landed down, her eyes changed back to their normal state before she passed out, having awoken to her power. Keigo caught her and spoke, "She has finally awakened to her power."

"I know" Alice held her phone and informed Kyosuke saying. "At this moment, I will inform the boss about the situation, but for now, could you please take her to the hospital?"

"I'm on it!" Keigo affirms, taking Raika to the van that is waiting to transport her to the hospital.
