

Multiple Valkyries were currently looking Haggard, as if they hadn't slept for days as they cleaned up the corpses that couldn't even be looked at.

Although most of it had dissipated into the atmosphere as it had died some time ago, it was still a big mess to clean

"I'm seriously sorry about the mess." Arthur apologized a bit guiltily at the mess he'd caused as the Valkyrie in-charge of them shook her head with a smile.

"No need to apologise Lord Caliburn, you merely did your job. And I'm glad that they died here rather than later after the destruction they may have caused" she said with a slightly relieved tone of voice

"Yeah!" Arthur said as he smiled at her "We'll definitely defeat the Honkai, keep up the good work Helna." He said grinning at her as she looked slightly surprised at him knowing her name and smiled in return.


{ The Next Day }

{ Chiba High School }

"Look, that's the new transfer student."

"Whoa, he's hot. Is he single?"

"Don't even think about it, he's Rich, like Raiden Rich."

"Wha-? Really? Damn, I got no chance."

Hushed whispers were heard as Arthur stepped into his school grounds, remembering what Rita had done yesterday, he gave a strained smile to his fellow students as he increased his pace, walking quickly to his class

"Ah! Mei-san!" He shouted in a slightly higher voice as he spotted the back of one Raiden Mei who turned around with a confused look that soon became one of kindness

"Good Morning Arthur-san." She greeted him with a slight smile that contained a bit of unfamiliarity yet still filled with kindness as he felt a pang of guilt, doubled by the fact that he was only getting closer to her for his mission

"How was your day?" He asked her as he reduced his pace to keep up with her and smiled

"It was a normal day-" she said as they both started talking about how their day was as they entered the school doors, Mei went to her locker as he also went to his and kept his shoes in them and changed to the ones meant for school

They met up again and began to walk towards class together when Arthur took a deep breath

"Um...Mei-san" he began as she looked at him puzzled "About yesterday, I'd like to explain it." He said as he rubbed the back of his head

Mei smiled slightly "It's not a problem Arthur-san, you don't need to explain." Arthur shook his head as he replied "No, I need to explain. You're my first friend in this school and I'd like to tell you about it "

"Actually, My full name is Arthur Apocalypse." He said with an embarassed smile as she looked at him with slight shock

"Arthur-san, you mean Apocalypse as in Albert Apocalypse?" She asked with a bit of shock as he nodded "Yes, he's my dad." He replied as Mei looked shocked then realisation dawned on her as she then looked at him with emphaty

For those confused, Albert Apocalypse was Otto's Alias this generation as Schicksal acted similar to an international Multi-billion dollar company with their hands in many fields, far surpassing ME Corp

Otto decided to use Apocalypse as the last name for his and Bianka's surface identity, making him their legal guardian and parent in the eyes of others, showing just how much he had to care about them to do something like this

"Ah!" With a sound of suprise, Mei covered her mouth to stop her exclamation

'He really is like me.' Mei thought but then came the confusion, if so, why did he get picked up by such an expensive car yesterday

"From your face, I can tell that you're wondering something. If it's about yesterday, I blame Rita." Arthur suddenly said, making Mei feel a bit ashamed at how rude she may have seemed

"Rita's my friend and an employee at Schicksal, she basically takes care of my sister's life." He said with a fond smile "Yesterday was her revenge for me messing with her a while ago." He explained as she listened

"Oh!" Mei suddenly exclaimed "We're almost late, come on Arthur-kun." She said as she dragged him by his sleeves, her way of address returning to being a bit familiar as he smiled at her


"You're really good at studies, aren't you Arthur-san?"

"Um! Yes, Arthur-san was so smart that the teachers were all surprised!"

Multiple girls surrounded Arthur's desk as the bell rang, signalling the start of lunch as he was swarmed by the girls, them immediately flattering him and some even trying to touch him in places

'What the hell? Aren't they too thirsty? Hn, I definitely like girls like Mei more.' He thought to himself as he smiled and chatted with the girls

"If you don't mind girls, I'd like to get lunch." He said as they all suddenly made way for him, making his eyes twitch and the other boys' envy rise.

Arthur exited the classroom with his bento in hand and walked towards the roof as he remembered where it was

As Arthur stepped onto the roof after a few minutes of walking, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench, surrounded by other girls and boys who fawned over her as they suddenly turned upon hearing the door opening

The rooftop was an small 'not' mini park like area where students could relax with many benches and a good scenery

Arthur gave them a small smile and a wave as he looked at the area above the door, a small place where a few people could easily sit down and he jumped up, one hand grabbing onto the ledge and easily climbing up instead of jumping up because of the presence of normal people

All of the students that were there looked at him with shock or admiration at how effortlessly he had climbed up and the strength it would need.

Mei who was being fawned over and had been giving small strained smiles looked at him in slight shock and admiration alongside gratitude at having moved the attention away from her.

Arthur, oblivious to Mei's thoughts sat upon the area as he opened the bento prepared by Rita, smiling at the 'Have a Nice Meal' note written on the top of the box with a small frilly headband on it

Arthur's smile turned a bit sad as he remembered that Bianka and Rita would be returning to HQ today while he'd now operate from Nagazora, the base having been renovated from semi active to fully active as he had made his base of operations here

With a bright smile, Arthur began to dig into his lunch with enthusiasm as many looked on dazed with a blush at his smile


{ Schicksal Base, Nagazora }

{ Training Room 01 }

In a room over a few hundred metres in size, covered with white walls with circuit like light running through them, Arthur stood in the middle

"Operator! Begin recording in 10 seconds!" He said into his comms as he received an 'Instructions received, Sir.'

Arthur stood in the middle of the room, the corpse of the Vishnu he defeated lying down infront of him as the training room's cameras zoomed in on him

[ Devour ( Lvl 5 - Max ) ]

[ A skill that allows one to absorb the power of another by consuming it. The effect of the skill is to absorb skills as well of the devoured creatures]

[ Level 5 - Devours around 80% of the consumed target's power with a chance of 1/10 to absorb its skills ]

With a beastial grin, Arthur's sword, a normal one, not Diator, stuck itself into the flesh of the Vishnu as the lights turned green, indicating that it was being recorded

As Arthur then tore the flesh off, he bit into it and began chewing on it.

He could hear the discussion of the Valkyries, their worried and concerned voices and the uncomfortableness they felt as he chewed on the flesh of Honkai Beasts

With a pink light shimmering on him slightly, a gasp of surprise was heard from the Operator

"Sir, your Honkai Reserves have increased slightly." She informed him with a bit of shock as he continued devouring the Vishnu, his body undergoing slight changes as his eyes turned slitted

"Sir! The Honkai Reserves have increased by nearly 10%!" The Operator shouted with excitement and worry

[ Congratulations User! You have gained Skill: Vishnu Bloodline ]

[ Dormant Vishnu Gene detected in User's Body, activating multiple Dormant Genes ]

[ Parvati Bloodline has changed to Chimera Gene, Vishnu Gene has been assimilated with Chimera Gene ]

"GRAAHH!" With an inhuman roar, Arthur's body temperature dropped drastically as the floor slowly froze a bit and the air around him turned a bit misty as multiple alerts rang out, only for the cold to suddenly decrease as if being restrained

"SIR CALIBURN!" The operator yelled in alarm only for him to give a thumbs up

"I'm fine, send the video to the Overseer. I don't know why I was able to do that but he should know." He said tired yet with absolute certainty as he recalled the Chimera Gene

This would either end badly or he'd get a clue of who he truly was

Then, Arthur saw no more as he fainted
