
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

What is your purpose in coming to Earth?

The thick smoke-filled car made Eric even see the driver, who was on fire and screaming. Although Eric urgently braked to avoid the collision, due to the crazy acceleration of the driver who was engulfed in flames and lost control, it was highly possible that the car couldn't escape the impact.

In the moment of controlling the car to drift, although it was just a split second, under Eric's heightened sensory perception, the surrounding time seemed to slow down abnormally, as if everything was in slow motion.

Amidst the harsh friction noise between the car tires and the ground, Eric pushed open the car door and activated his heat vision!


Barely noticeable yet carrying tremendous energy, the heat vision instantly hit the out-of-control Toyota Corolla's tires.

With a loud bang, the exploded tires melted by the heat vision.

The burning Corolla, experiencing a blowout while speeding, ultimately lost control completely and crashed into the roadside barrier.

"A bang!" The barrier was shattered by the impact, and the car was completely extinguished.

In less than a second, Eric completed the actions of opening the car door, activating his heat vision, closing the car door, and maneuvering the car safely to the side of the road, so fast that Jonathan didn't even see clearly what had happened.


"Bibibababa..." Amidst the burning flames, Jonathan breathed heavily with nervousness.

He was almost stunned by Eric's swift drift.

Thankfully, he had fastened his seatbelt.

After taking a deep breath, Jonathan nervously asked Eric, "Are you okay, Eric?"

"I'm fine, Dad." Eric unfastened his seatbelt and calmly replied, while glancing at the car that crashed into the guardrail.

The driver inside had already been completely engulfed by flames, beyond saving.

If he hadn't chosen to use his heat vision to blow out the opponent's tire just now, there might have been a glimmer of hope for the other person's survival.

But, sorry, he wasn't willing to take any risks for a stranger.

"There's a fire extinguisher in the car trunk. I'll go put out the fire. Eric, you call 911." Unbuckling his seatbelt, Jonathan looked towards the burning car while instructing Eric.

With the risk of the burning car possibly exploding and the fact that a fire of this magnitude rendered a fire extinguisher practically useless, Eric naturally wouldn't let his father take that risk.

After stopping his father's actions, he called the fire department to come and extinguish the fire, fulfilling his duty as an ordinary citizen.

After a lot of trouble, it wasn't until after eleven o'clock at night that the two returned to the farm.

"Jonathan, why are you back so late?" Martha hadn't slept and had been waiting in the living room for her husband and younger son. When she saw the two coming in, she immediately went to greet them.

"There was something on the road." Jonathan took off his coat, slightly tired, and sat down on the sofa, telling his wife about the incident where they almost got hit by the out-of-control car.

"Oh my!" Martha covered her mouth in shock. Just thinking about what might have happened to Eric made her face turn pale with fear.

She got up and pulled Eric to her side, making sure he was safe, then asked her husband, "Has the driver's identity been found? Were they street racers, or drunk drivers?"

Jonathan hesitated for a moment before telling Martha, "It was Vice Principal Guan from Clark and Eric's school."

"Vice Principal Guan?" Martha was stunned to hear her husband mention the driver's name.

"Yes, but the police can't be completely sure yet, considering that the body was burned beyond recognition." Jonathan said with a slightly heavy tone. "Based on the car model and license plate, the police have temporarily identified the deceased as Vice Principal Guan."

"It's such a sad news. I've talked to Vice Principal Guan before; he was a very good person." Martha felt saddened.

Vice Principal Guan was a teacher who had recently transferred to Smooville High School. Although he was of Chinese descent, his teaching and management style were loved by the school board and parents.

"Although we don't know what happened, I believe the police will investigate the truth of the matter." Jonathan held his wife's hand, comforting her in a low voice.

Meanwhile, Eric, who had been sitting silently on the sofa, fell into contemplation.

Based on what he observed, the fire was burning from the inside out, indicating that it wasn't a malfunction of the car itself that caused the fire.

In other words, was Vice Principal Guan a victim of arson?

An arsonist?

And most likely one from Smooville High School?

Things might have just gotten a bit more complicated!

Eric stood up and looked out of the dark window.

The night wind and raindrops were beating against the window, and the long-awaited heavy rain finally poured down from the sky!

"So, Clark, you tell me Eric can lift a water-filled school bus from the bottom of the river, but couldn't drag a person out of a burning car?" Chloe asked Clark with a very skeptical tone.

"Maybe... it was too late?!" Pete speculated beside her.

The three of them were standing in the schoolyard, discussing the "unfortunate accident of Vice Principal Guan's car crash" that happened last night.

"Hmm, I don't believe he would be hindered by objective factors, being an alien with laser eyes," Chloe shrugged, implying disbelief in Pete's explanation.

"Chloe!" Clark glanced around, a little nervous, and lowered his voice to Chloe. "You promised me to keep this a secret, not to tell anyone about me and Eric."

"Of course." Chloe raised her camera and smiled mischievously at Clark. "But don't forget I also have a reporter identity. Although I promised to keep it secret, the premise is that you must confess to me whether you and Eric are aliens and what your purpose on Earth is."

"I wish." Clark said helplessly, "But, Chloe, believe me, I don't know more than you do."

"That's a pity. I thought the Pulitzer Prize would be waving at me this year." Chloe pretended to be disappointed, making Clark nervous again.

"Alright, back to the point. If Vice Principal Guan was really intentionally set on fire, I think I have the prime suspect." Chloe put away her previous joking mood and said seriously, "Vice Principal Guan has always had conflicts with Coach Watt, and they even argued over the cheating of football team members during exams. If it was Coach Watt, then it would make sense."

"I don't think Coach Watt is that kind of person." Clark frowned, "Chloe, you can't just assume that because you've always had a bias against Coach Watt, he would do something like this. That's unfair to Coach Watt."


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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