
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Into Danger

Third Person; Holly Pov:

"Where are you going Holly?" Dumbledore questioned as he speed off after Holly.

"With everything going on," Holly was failing to find the words. She sighed. "I need to talk to Newt."

"Holly, you need to stay out off this. Your not powerful enough. You could get hurt."

Holly stopped and faced Albus. "You know very well that is not the reason."

"Yes, it is! Holly listen to me! We can't risk you getting hurt!" Albus yelled. He had never lost his temper with anyone. But, keeping Holly safe and hidden from the world was his first priority.

"I don't care, Albus! Newt needs me! Him and his friends can't fight this alone!" Holly screamed back.

Albus was losing this fight, he knew it. But that didn't stop him from trying. "Holly Potter!"

Holly took a deep breath and walked up to Dumbledore. She gave him a hug, maybe even the last one he'll ever get from her.

"I'll try my hardest to stay safe. Please trust me with this."

Albus sighed. He knew it was no use telling her to stay away from danger that involved her best friend. "Just be careful, please. I don't want to lose you."

Holly smiled knowing she had won. "I'll see you as soon as possible. See ya Albus!" She called over her shoulder as she walked away.

"See you soon, Holly." He whispered.

Time Skip:

Holly was standing outside the American Ministry. She had found out that Newt was here for an unknown reason. But, she had a good idea why.

Taking a deep breath she walked into the Ministry. Holly was heading for a meeting.

Holly had black leggings and a grey t-shirt on. She had wore her black boots and a black jacket. Her finger less gloves were in a pocket.

Holly had to keep her head down so no one knew who she was. Holly's name was out there, as a weak person. She didn't like the fact that she was labeled as a coward and weak, but she couldn't change anything at the moment. Her first priority was finding and helping Newt.

She was pretty close to the place where the meeting was being held when someone stopped her. "And who might you be?" The guy questioned.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Holly replied as she pushed pass him.

He grabbed her arm and spun her around. "Your not going in there. Not useless I know who you are."

Holly twisted her wrist out of his grip. "Oblivate."

Holly snuck into the room. She stood in the dark so no one saw her.

"You'd better have an excellent excuse for this intrusion, Miss Goldstein." said Madam Picquery.

A hologram image of Senator Shaw's dead and twisted body floats high above the room, emitting a glowing light.

Perfect, Holly thought, they're going to frame Newt for Shaw's death.

Tina steps forward to address her. "Yes-I do." She starts. "Ma'am. Yesterday a wizard entered New York with a case. This case full of magical creatures, and-unfortunately-some have escaped."

"He arrived yesterday? You have known for twenty-four hours that an unregistered wizard set magical beasts loose in New York and you see fit to tell us only when a man has been killed?" Picquery asked.

Tina looked confused and scared. "Who has been killed?"

Madam Picquery ignored her question. "Where is this man?"

Tina set the case flat on the floor and thumped the lid. After a second or two, it creaks open. First Newt, then Jacob emerges, looking sheepish and nervous.

Holly pushed herself off the wall. She still stayed in her spot put wanted to be ready to step in.

"Scamander?" A British Envoy asked.

Newt closed his case. "Oh-er-hello, Minister."

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Momolu Wotorson put in.

Holly rolled her eyes. Newt was some times mistaken for his brother. It gets annoying really fast.

"No, this is his little brother. And what in the name of Merlin are you doing in New York?" The British Envoy implied.

"I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir."

The British Envoy was suspicious. "Right. What are you really doing here?"

"Goldstein-and who is this?" Picquery asked Tina. Holly guessed they were talking about Jacob.

"This is Jacob Kowalski," Tina said, "Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures."

Furious reaction from the MACUSA employees and dignitaries all around.

"No-Maj? Oblivaited?" The Ministers whispered.

Newt was absorbed in the image of Senator Shaw's body floating around the room.

"Merlin's beard." Newt says.

Madam Ya Zhou turned to Newt. "You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander?"

"No creature did this... Don't pretend!" Newt was trying -and failing- to defend his creatures. "You must know what that was; look at the marks..."

It clicked. Holly knew what had done that.

"That was an Obscurus." Newt had just voiced Holly's thoughts. She knew no one would believe him, at least he tried.

Mass consternation, muttering, exclamations. Graves looked alert.

Holly never trusted Graves. He never acted right after school.

"You go too far, Mr. Scamander." Picquery exclaimed. "There is no Obscurial in America. Impound that case, Graves!"

"Fuck," Holly breathed. If anyone saw what was in that case. The creatures would be killed and so would Newt.

Graves summons the case; it lands next to him. Newt draws his wand.

"No... Give that b-!" Newt starts while he addresses Graves.

"Arrest them!" Picquery yells.

A dazzling eruption of spells hit Newt, Tina, and Jacob, all of whom are slammed to their knees. Newt's wand flies out of his hands, which is caught by Graves.

Graves stands up and picks up the case.

"No-no-don't hurt those creatures-please, you don't understand-nothing in there is dangerous, nothing!" Newt screams as he's magically restrained.

"We'll be the judges of that!" Picquery faces the Aurors standing behind the trio. "Take them to the cells!"

Holly watched helplessly as Tina, Newt, and Jacob are dragged away.

Newt was desperate at this point. "Don't hurt those creatures-there is nothing in there that is dangerous. Please don't hurt my creatures-they are not dangerous... Please, they are not dangerous!"

First Chapter done! I'm happy with this. Remember: I don't own the majority of this story. Credit goes to J.K.Rowling.


