1 The day the night arrived

Lying in a hospital bed ready for surgery is saito akumo, as he is been prepared for surgery only one though goes through his mind " finally." He has not been having a great past year, as saito was diagnosed with a tumor near his left ear. lucky it could be remove but for the past year saito had to take medications to try to shrink and prevent the tumor for expanding causing his body to look weak. Finally after have a year the doctor gave the green light for the operation as they believed it was safe enough.

As saito lyies on the bed, the anesthesiologist walks up to saito and bends down to puts the anaesthetics mask on saito.

with a calming and low voices he asks saito,

" You are going to go to sleep, everything is going to be okay, so just count to ten and everything would be over?" Saito with a playful smile responds, " Can I count down I always wanted too, since everyone counts up on the movies"

" sure " answer the doctor with a tone which seem to explain that he had received similar request before.

" 10 -9 -8-7-6. ..... 5......4.......3.....2..........1....lift off"

As saito finish counting his eyes close inviting darkness to take over, Hoping everything would be better once he sees the light again.
