
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

A Threat Like No Other

The mana his ability provided me was more than double of what I had prior. Not only that, but by eating a Demon Lord, I could feel my hunger alleviated to the point where I couldn't even feel it. I was pleased at the way everything turned out, because all it took was him actually listening to what was said, and I was done for there. 

As I turned to find new prey as my goal to evolve further didn't change, a sudden feeling washed over me that made me pause. Something wasn't right within my body. I could only watch as my body began to bloat as it bubbled and fizzed. My mask began to have an intense itch I couldn't scratch.

I could feel something trying to burst forth from within me, causing my body to ache with pain. After a couple of minutes of sitting there taking the pain, two objects erupt from my shoulder blades suddenly, causing boiling black liquid to land on the ground everywhere. I could feel things protruding my mask and with fear I hoped my mask wouldn't break because of it. Falling to the ground from the pain, my entire being begun to shift. 

I sat there, on the ground shaking from the pain of whatever just happened for over an hour. After a while, I managed to rise to my feet. 

'Did I evolve?'

I questioned to myself. Internally, I had way more mana than I previously did, no doubt due to consuming that guy. Holding up my hands, I saw that I had an extra set of limbs now. The two objects that had painfully erupted from my shoulder was two more hands with only four, slender fingers on them. Looking around, I found that I was much smaller than what I was before as well. I was still extremely tall, but now I only went up to half the size of the mountains. 

Taking a couple of steps, I knew that I was much faster now as well. At that moment, I knew what happened. I had just taken in so much mana that my body changed to compensate the excess amounts. Striding effortlessly as I was no longer the hulking behemoth I once was, I move over to the dark treacherous waters of the demon realm. There I stand and look at my reflection. 

The first thing I notice is that my mask changed, as now as it was more narrow forward, resembling a lizard. Where the mask ends my shroud covers it almost like a hood as two white horns come out the back of my head. Everything else remained the same. Even so, I had to admit, I looked pretty terrifying and I loved it. 

As the guy had a lizardlike appearance when I consumed him, I most likely gained this from him. Since I consumed him, I took a moment to look at his memories in an effort to gain some knowledge about the church, especially these Cardinals. 

Unfortunately, he only knew of two at the time. Luckily, it was common knowledge among all church members that one of the Cardinals, Eli, was the only human whose natural affinity was light. The other Cardinal was a zealous woman named Samaria. The only thing he knew of her was that she was an A tier Legend, but her affinity purposely was a mystery to everyone. 

Since I accessed his memories, I also found that I had gained some new abilities myself. Thankfully, I didn't gain his Contract ability as I had no desire to be bound by contracts that could just as easy be my downfall as it was his. Instead, I had gained his ability to poison those that came into contact with my claws. They worked over time, but I wasn't picky, as anything now was much better than just being a tall block that had to always outsmart to get their prey.

Now, I could hunt like I was meant to. I had pretty much worn out going to the human world for the moment. I wasn't willing to test my luck as I had a nasty suspicion that my next jump as going to be worse than the previous two. So, my prey had to be the other demons.

Thankfully, with a huge increase in mana output came an increase in my range of sensing mana. Where before it was around 100 meters, it was now a whopping 250 meters give or take. So I could easily feel the Archdemons who were in the area that we just so happen to teleport to, were wisely keeping their distance. Too bad I didn't have the same mindset. 

I picked the strongest out of all of those that I sensed and headed directly for it. No point in limit testing on weaklings. This Archdemon apparently knew of my approach as well and came towards me as well. Even though I was smaller than before, I still was much taller than this Archdemon who boldly stood below me. He had the resemblance of a lion, with a flaming mane as he stood on his hind legs with his arms crossed. 

"I knew that as soon as I had sensed whatever had happened over there that I would be targeted. It only makes sense for the strong to come after the strong, such is the way of life within the Demon World." He says as he sizes me up. 

Ah, he thinks that this is a fight he can win. "How arrogant of you to assume that I thought of you as strong. The word I thought of when I sensed you was prey." I respond. 

"Hah. You say that and yet there are far more easier targets in this area. You choose me because you took me as the strongest prey. Unfortunately for you, even with your massive frame, I don't intend on just lying down and giving you my mana. You're going to have to work for it." He responds. 

Well, I had to admit, he had a point. But in this case, I don't think it really matters much, as now that I examine him closer, I find that I had vastly overestimated his abilities. Unless he possessed an extraordinary ability, which I doubted, he only had a high amount of mana.

As I was studying him, I could hear him chuckle. "Ah, you falter, as you should be. For as I have said before, your height matters little against me due to my ability." 

I watch as he begins to crouch down on all fours and his claws extend more in preparation for his attack. I stare, curious to what his ability could be. If it was something that could kill me here, I would deserve this death for my arrogance. He looks up at me, 

"Behold an ability I call, JUMP GOOD!" With that, he jumps into the air at me with his claws stretched out for my mask. 

Internally, I sigh in disappointment. I don't know why I was anticipating more from him. Since he could only see the new two hands that had formed on my shoulders, he didn't notice the ones that I had with my ghastly cloak that made up my body. He looks stunned as one darts out and grabs him. Then he looks in horror as I bring him up to my mouth, consuming him. Maybe I should try my luck on a human world.

[A/N- For those questioning, when a gillian fights through the thousands of other consciousnesses and gains control, it's supposed to be a unique Menos Grande. This wasn't him evolving but him gaining that form that he should have started with, but I absentmindedly forgot.]