There life was arranged. Two people who hates eachother most suddenly falls in love...hhow and why?
I rubbed my eyes and tried my best to stay awake.
"Blah blah blah homework blah blah blah france blah blah blah..."
I stiffened a yawn and rested my chin in the palm of my hands. I hate highschool...
i sighed. what makes me think college will be any better?
as if fate was on my side, the school bell rang and i didn't waste a second to grab my books and run out the classroom.
"Someone was excited to leave the classroom..."
I turned around and blushed...
"Hey babe."
I let my boyfriend kiss my lips while pushing me gently onto the locker doors. He was my first boyfriend and my first kiss...people always asked us if we "did it"
I was never ready and I was glad Jake was so understanding of it.
"Was it that obvious?" I whispered, in his chest.
I sunk in his embrace as he stroked my hair," yes baby it really was."
before I could answer, we was disturbed.
"Ugh get a room!"
Jake laughed, while I blushed at my bestfriend Miya fake gagging.
"Oh shut it Miya, how many times did you get a room."
"You little-"
I stepped between my boyfriend and my bestfriend. I honestly had to look up at both of them.
For a 18 year old teenage girl, I wondered if I stopped growing...I reach Jake shoulders because he is also short and I reach Miya shoulders...
"Miya your my ride home," I turned to Jake and smiled sweetly. "babe I will text you later."
He pulled me in his arms and our lips touched. "Promise?"
I giggled and nodded. "Promise."
I rolled my eyes and laughed. Why is she so crazy. I inserted my key and took off my shoes.
i set my house keys inside the blue icy bowl on the counter and walked into the kitchen.
Ayden, my older brother was sitting in front to some papers that i assumed was homework.
Mom and dad was by the sink whispering. I felt the tension in the atmosphere, something was wrong. Ayden is actually looking at his homework, and my parents were home at the same time...for the first time.
"Ma? papa?"
I gulped and felt my heart pounding. I flinched when i heard the crack outside and i looked too see the sky dark and rain pouring faster...
"Honey sit down...We need to talk."
i sat next to ayden and knew this was really bad once Ayden touch my hands. We always held hands in secret when ever we used to get in trouble when we were younger...
"We have something to tell you both and one would not like it much less than the other."
My father words rang in my head... i could of sworn it was sunny just a second ago...
"What's wrong? whats happening? are you dying? are we moving?"
I could feel the tears thretening to fall. I don't even know why i was about to cry when i don't know whats even happening.
Ayden hands interlocked with mines and i looked up at him. He actually smiled down at me and i stared up at him in shock. He- he smiled... Ayden hasn't smiled since his girlfriend broke up with him.
Oh god help me!
"Alessandra your getting an arranged marriage."
The room fell silent. The whoosh from the trees could be heard. The ticking from the clock was filling my ears. I blinked.
I jumped not realizing, Ayden was literally inches from our father's nose.
"Watch your tone young man."
I could feel the heat radiating off of Ayden. Our mom wasn't even scared. She just stared at her hands...
"how could i calm down when you practically sold my baby sister to some stranger for a god damn arrange marriage. Who knows who he is or even what he is."
Ayden words sinked in. "He could of killed his past wives for all we god damn know."
"don't you think i know that. Don't you yell at me in my house young man."
i shook my head and ignored my trembling hands.
"So why?"
This time it was me who spoken. I barely heard myself, yet i was suprised they heard me.
"Why do this to me? Im 18 for god sakes, i had a life planned ahead of me. "
"Baby im so-"
I got off the chair and ran out into the rain ignoring my family screaming for me to get back.