
Professor Snape, are you okay?

At night, the bright moon illuminated the surroundings. Even though Felix was standing at the window on the fifth floor, he could vaguely hear the exclamations of the little wizards on the black lake below.

At this time, he was in his office. From a spatial perspective, the office had not changed much and did not have too many decorations.

The office desk and chair had transformed into a coffee table and a red single sofa, both made of leather. They were new and soft to sit on, but without the matching dimple, Felix still felt a little uncomfortable.

In front of the sofa, there was a square footstool. Additionally, there was a side door that led directly to the library, as well as a gramophone and a cabinet for storing records.

After hearing Felix's request, the elves noticed that the office was too empty, so they asked if he wanted some basic decorations. Seeing their expectant eyes, Felix couldn't bear to refuse and agreed. Of course, he rejected the idea of paintings and photographs.

Theoretically, paintings or photos of the entire castle could serve as a form of surveillance, possibly for Dumbledore.

Pondering this, Felix couldn't help but glance at a piano with a helpless expression.

As he walked out of the door, Sindel greeted him warmly from across the way: "Good evening, Mr. Cat, why the sigh?"

"My name is Felix Peregrine," Felix corrected her, waving back. "Sigh... just because I didn't expect house elves to put a piano in my office."

"Is it too crowded?" she asked.

Felix shook his head. "That's not it, it just... feels unnecessary."

Sindel remarked, "They must have been inspired by a painting. But even if they can be used as decorations, they've been piled in the warehouse all year round, never seeing the light of day. If the piano were like our paintings, I think it would be happy to be placed in your office."

Hearing this, Felix couldn't help but laugh. "I think you're right. Well, I'm going down to attend the opening dinner. Let's chat when we have time."

"Okay, Peregrine... Mr. Cat!" Sindel waved, "You don't mind?"

"I don't mind," Felix replied, waving back as he walked downstairs.

The lobby on the first floor was bustling with people. Thousands of candles floated automatically, illuminating the vast hall. Four tables were adorned with gleaming gold plates and tall wine glasses.

On the upper stage, there was another long table, reserved for the guests of honor.

Felix's appearance was not as plain as one might imagine. On the contrary, his unique appearance attracted whispers from many students. However, except for a few children, most of the comments were not malicious.

At the guests of honor table, all the teachers took their seats one by one, with Dumbledore already seated in the principal's chair in the middle.

Among the Hogwarts staff, except for Filch and one or two professors who didn't enjoy such occasions, everyone took a seat at the honorary table, with no strict divisions.

This was also the first time Felix had met other teachers at Hogwarts besides Professor Sprout. Excluding the one he encountered on the spiral staircase, Felix still didn't know his name.

Since constructing the "door" in the Shrieking Shack, he had only met Hagrid, Filch, and Professor Sprout from the Herbology class so far.

"Welcome, Felix. I'm contemplating what kind of introduction to give you later," Dumbledore said, shaking hands with him.

"An alternative pioneer of Animagus!" Felix chuckled.

"That's a good suggestion," Dumbledore nodded, gesturing to his left. "Please take your seat; Minerva has already gone to fetch the little wizards, and the sorting will begin soon."

Felix nodded, took his seat, and then glanced around.

To his right, outside, was Rubeus Hagrid's position. Because of his size, he had to be placed aside.

On the left side, facing inward, sat the greasy middle-aged man Felix had encountered on the spiral staircase before, wearing a black robe. Felix saw from the name tag that his name was Severus Snape.

Next to Snape sat a man with a head covered like a tumor and a somewhat dazed expression, Quirinus Quirrell.

Not long after Felix sat down, Hagrid entered. The two exchanged greetings, and then a woman in a green robe quickly walked out of the huge wooden door in the middle of the hall.

As Professor McGonagall appeared, the noise below subdued. Approaching Dumbledore, the two whispered, with Professor McGonagall casting occasional glances at Felix.

"Is that Professor McGonagall?" Felix wondered aloud, feeling a little puzzled. "Why is she looking at me like that?"

"It's normal, isn't it?" Hagrid grinned broadly. "Look at the children below, half of them are staring at you."

Felix could only smile wryly and replied, "Okay."

Not long after, Professor McGonagall opened the door again and entered with a group of children. She asked the children to quiet down, placed another four-cornered stool, and then set a hat upon it.

"Now that we're about to begin, where do you want Harry to be assigned?"

"I don't know, it depends on the child's own choice. No matter where they are assigned, they will learn the same things, and that's enough," Felix said nonchalantly.

Then he added, "But that hat is really dirty... Oh, and it can also sing! It has never shown this side when it was in the principal's office."

The hat grinned and began to sing loudly, "You may not think I'm beautiful, but don't judge a book by its appearance... Slytherin... maybe Hufflepuff... because I am a thinking magic hat!"

"Whoever's name I call now will put on this hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting," Professor McGonagall announced. "Hannah Abbott!"

A girl with a blond ponytail stumbled up and donned the hat. After a brief pause, the hat exclaimed, "Hufflepuff!"

Observing this, Felix finally grasped the sorting process. Not long after, he heard a familiar name.

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione quickly approached, placed the hat upon her head, and nervously tugged at her clothes' corner. Fortunately, the Sorting Hat didn't take too long before shouting, "Gryffindor!"

After a while, they reached Harry's name. When it was announced, the room erupted in cheers and various conversations. Felix even noticed the professor beside him straighten up and lean forward, as if eager to get a good look at Harry.

This also seemed to make Harry nervous. He glanced up at Felix and then proceeded to the stool, where he placed the hat upon his head.

"Well," a small voice whispered in his ear. "It's difficult. Very difficult. I can see that you have courage, talent, and a strong thirst for knowledge. You also have a desire to protect... no, it's more like a yearning for protection. And... oh my, yes - you're quite eager to prove yourself! 

So, where should I place you?"


There was some scattered applause from the Slytherin table. Harry paid it no mind and made his way to an empty seat.

It was a shame he wasn't in the same house as Hermione.

At the guests of honor table, Felix keenly noticed the professor beside him stiffen for a moment, precisely when Harry was sorted into Slytherin.

Hagrid also wore a regretful expression. "Oh dear, I thought he'd be in Gryffindor. What a pity. Hermione's clearly there too."

Felix waved his hand. "Indeed, who would have thought that one of these two close friends who met before the start of school would end up in Gryffindor and the other in Slytherin."

Suddenly, Felix turned as he heard the sound of glass shattering in Snape's hand. He asked with concern, "Professor Snape, are you all right?"


Translator notes :

Here the 50 chapters i promised. I hope that you like this novel.

The next chapter will come daily next week.

I think that Harry being in Slytherin is normal thanks to Felix upbringing.

I think that i will open my patr£on on Saturday.

If you have an interesting patr£on model/tiers to propose, feel free to share.


Here the 50 chapters i promised. I hope that you like this novel.

The next chapter will come daily next week.

I think that Harry being in Slytherin is normal thanks to Felix upbringing.

I think that i will open my patre¤n on Saturday.

If you have an interesting patreon model to propose, feel free to share.

The_Dream_Wanderercreators' thoughts