

A slight gentle breeze struck my bare face, sunlight creep into my vision as I tried to open my eyes.

Creaking sounds occurred as I move my neck while trying to look around my surrounding.

As I gain complete vision and body movement, I notice that I was sleeping in a pool of hardened blood. Tied to a chair that is laying flat on the floor. I see batons, guns and knives laid in a table.

I began to hear dog barks getting closer and closer. I immediately spotted a knife several meters away in a table.

As I struggled to get to the knife, my chest began to contract and I began to have difficulty in breathing.

The filthy hounds are rushing towards me, good thing they got stuck at the door. Its only a matter of time before they broke through the door.

Even though I have hard time in breathing, I still manage to maintain my composure. I began to stand up to get to the table with the knife and gun. When I finally stood up, I slipped and my body along with the chair got slammed to the ground.

The hounds finally broke through the door making me lose my composure, my heart is throbbing so fast that I didn't even realize that the chair that was slammed along with me was now broken.

The hounds began to approach me and out of reflex I prop up my hands to defend myself. As I did so, I realized that my hand is not tied anymore so I wrestled the 3 hounds barehanded. When I got a hold of the hounds neck I began to twist the hounds neck one by one. I reached for the gun and started shooting the living hounds. I exited the house and saw a Porsche with a key inside. I immediately entered the car and drive away. After a few minutes my vision is now beginning to blur together with my consciousness. With my final blink, I fall asleep resulting to me losing control of the car and crash.
