
Watching own ass get kicked.

Right after the guard and Hitler's soul exited the tunnel, he punched Hitler in the face.

Hitler's soul screamed in pain.

"What are you doing?" The Lord's voice came from inside scaring the guard shitless.

"My Lord...I was..."The guard got scared thinking he misunderstood his Lord's intention.

"Not here. Take him to a quiet place that has the proper tools for the task. That way you can take your time doing it. Haha."

"Thank you, Lord, for your advice." The guard bowed before dragging Hitler's soul away.

The invisible Hitler was also was forced to follow the guard by the system.

What happened to Hitler's soul or What the guard did to it does not need to explain.

Because it was brutal. Too brutal to watch.

When he was facing the different tortures, his mind was occupied by the pain that he did not feel sympathy for himself or the chill from watching it. He had seen others getting tortures in hell, but even during that time, he was in so much pain to think like this.

This was too cruel. Too cruel to watch.

He felt pity for his own soul. But why is he fine now? Maybe this was how pitiful all the other people who suffered during his reign might get treated. For the first time after a long time, Hitler questioned his own cruelty.

"You dare to comment on Hell King's beauty?"



"How dare you call Lord 'extremely ugly'?"





"And you fucking have the guts to call the SUPER HANDSOME me 'ugly'?"

"Who? You?"







The guard seems to get more stimulated with the screams the soul made. It was like a drug that made him motivated. But soon the lack of response slowed him down. The soul was too devastated that it became unresponsive.

Usually, souls do not sleep despite how weak they are. At least in hell souls are not allowed to rest. Maybe hell's environment has some condition that made it possible.

Each time the soul is weakened by the state of disintegration, the guards will revive it using a special medicine.

Hitler could not continue watching so asked the system for an explanation of how the guards could touch souls to beat them up.

Souls did not have a physical body, right?

But what he received from the system was a reply saying he was lower in rank to know the secrets.

"I don't want to watch anymore." Hitler requested the system.

***Ding: Can't do that. You have to.***

System lied. Because the system wants to make Hitler suffer from watching his soul getting tortured.

"But why am I fine now?"

***Ding: Are you really fine?***

Hitler was surprised by the question. Isn't he fine? And can this system question back like living beings?

"Yes, I seem fine....no... don't tell me?"

***Ding: Right. You don't remember this event yesterday. Do you?***

Hitler took a deep look towards the beaten up soul. The soul despite recovering after the medicine still has a stupid expression.

"Don't tell me I got knocked silly?"

***Ding: Yes. The guard did a heavy job on you and you lost a significant amount of memory. The Lord and the system, me, had to work hard to recover them. We did recover most of them. But the recent ones were severely lost. This is the reason why I am making you see this even like this. ***

After all day of watching the brutal torture instilled upon his soul, Hitler got enlightenment towards various torture method that can be implemented later on his opponents. But the main enlightenment he gained was 'Watching your own Ass get kicked is not entertaining.'


When he got back from memory, Hitler still had a lot of questions that he needs answers for. But his head hurts from all these experiences, especially watching the torture. Maybe...Maybe he could rise in power after this test. Then he will use his ability to get revenge on that bastard guard who treated him like garbage. Not just him but all the demons who tortured him all these years. Even the ugly sex maniac Lord will suffer in his palm. "Hehehe...But how can I do that?"

"Forget it, no matter what, at least I got the equivalent of extra life, and therefore I really shouldn't complain too much." He began to wise up to the fact that he would probably adjust to this life in the days to come, but that for now, the most important mission was to act well as Prince Roland and not let anyone find out. Or else, they may believe that the Devil had possessed the real Prince Roland, and immediately burnt him at the stake. "So, most importantly, live well. " Hitler took a deep breath, and whispered towards the mirror, "From now on, I'm Roland."

"Roland? What kind of bad name is this? And what was the last name? Wimbledon. Isn't that a tennis tournament and a place name in bloody Britain. Fuck Britain. Those fuckers made me lose the war. I never wanted to fight those bastards. Damn buggers.."

"Hey, stupid system. Aren't you quiet silent? You know how to give respect to this Führer. I want to change my name."

***Ding: Name change is not the system's job...Commencing Punishment Random draw. Difficulty set to HELL mode due to accumulated hate

Not fun at all.

End of arc.

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