
History's Strongest Master - Yang Weimin

When a young man is Isekaied into the world of Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi, how will he become strong?

Mightiest_Disciple · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 10 - Recovery

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

I awakened suddenly, startled by the discomfort coursing through every bone and muscle in my body. The intensity of the ache prompted me to hastily retreat back into the comforting embrace of my bed. My body felt remarkably rigid, and it was then that I became aware of the numerous bandages delicately enveloping different parts of my physique, even my head. The sight left me perplexed, pondering with curiosity and concern - what could have transpired to lead to this mysterious state?

So, I enthusiastically chose to revisit the intense battle scene and embark on a journey to unravel the mysterious events that transpired. As the vivid memories of the fight replayed in my mind like a captivating movie, I couldn't help but recall with gratitude how Hayato Furinji bravely intervened to save our lives, showcasing his exceptional heroism. This significant act of valor led me to a thrilling realization - could it be possible that I am indeed part of the prestigious Ryozanpaku community?

It was at that exact moment that a distinguished man entered the room, whom I instantly recognized as the esteemed Akisame. The renowned Jujitsu master kindly glanced in my direction and graciously flashed a subtle yet warm smile that immediately put me at ease. As he began speaking to me, his words carried with them a wealth of wisdom and experience, leaving me in awe of his presence.

"Good, you are awake. Your injuries were nothing too severe, though you did have some internal bleeding, but it seems like your Chi is helping it heal nicely. Though I must say, disciples with your level of mastery over Chi are rare. Overall you should recover in a few days." Akisame, in his thoughtful manner, eloquently elucidated the circumstances I found myself in, which pleasantly unfolded to be even more positive than I had initially anticipated, a realization that filled me with gratitude. Yet, amidst this reassuring revelation, my concern for the well-being of both Miu and Umeda began to weigh on my mind, underscoring the importance of ensuring their safety and welfare.

"Mr. Akisame, are Miu and Umeda alright? They both took some pretty bad hits!" I felt a deep sense of concern for the well-being of my two brave comrades who had fearlessly assisted me in bringing down the notorious Yakuza boss. With a heavy heart, I approached Akisame to inquire about their condition. To my relief and gratitude, Akisame responded not with words but with a reassuring smile, conveying more than any words could express in that moment.

"Don't worry there Yang. Those two are doing fine. Miu is in a bit of a worse state due to her fractured Arm, but both are recovering well. However, The elder does wish to speak with you, do you mind if I send him in?" Akisame appeared genuinely surprised to hear that the revered Elder himself sought to have a conversation with me. Despite his astonishment, I graciously nodded in agreement, granting Akisame the permission to usher in the esteemed Elder. The honor of being summoned by such a respected figure left me feeling humbled and grateful for the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with someone of such high regard.

Upon catching sight of the yellow-haired man, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nerves fluttering within me. Curiosity piqued, I found myself pondering about his intentions and motivations. Yet, to my pleasant surprise, he greeted me with a warm smile that instantly calmed my apprehensions, and then graciously made his way over to take a seat beside me.

"Young Yang. I see you are recovering well. That is a good sign. I must thank you for protecting Miu the way you did. You were able to give that man a good fight, and I must say I am surprised by your usage of both the Seikūken and the Inner Eye. And from what I have heard, you learned the Former all on your own. You should be very proud of yourself young man." The Elder's revelation, much to my delightful surprise, showcased his deep knowledge and perceptive understanding of the Seikūken technique that I had mastered. It was truly astonishing to hear him acknowledge my proficiency in such a refined martial art skill. My wise master had always emphasized that only the most accomplished masters possessed the ability to utilize the Inner Eye, but to also recognize and appreciate the intricacies of the Seikūken technique was indeed uncommon. This led me to ponder with admiration: could The Elder possibly be a skilled practitioner of ancient martial arts himself?

"Um, Elder I apologies to ask but. You know about the Seikūken? Are you a practitioner of the technique? And if so, do you think you could give me some pointers? My master, while he knows of the technique, knows very little about its application. So I have been having to learn on my own, so some guidance would be much appreciated!" I must humbly assert that my words resonated with undeniable truth. Throughout my learning journey, I have diligently immersed myself in the study and practical application of the revered Seikūken technique. The opportunity to learn from a true master proficient in this ancient art would undoubtedly be a remarkable blessing. Imagine my astonishment when the Elder's response was met with a jovial and heartfelt laughter emanating from the depths of his wise soul.

"You managed to keep my GrandDaughter from sustaining any serious injuries so I don't see why not! However, all I will give you are pointers and Advice. I won't actually train you young man." The wise elder graciously shared his knowledge with me as I eagerly nodded in agreement. I wasn't looking for extensive training from him, but rather seeking his invaluable guidance on perfecting my Seikūken technique. This mentorship experience was truly extraordinary and meant a great deal to me. To receive personalized tips from the legendary Invincible Superman himself was nothing short of a triumph and I felt immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a revered master.

Hayato and I had an insightful conversation where he generously shared a valuable tip to ignite my journey, further enhancing my skills. According to his expert assessment, my execution of the Seikūken technique was nothing short of exceptional. However, he gently advised me to consider maintaining even closer proximity to my adversaries, emphasizing that the shortest distance is indeed the safest in combat—a notion that initially caught me off guard. Yet, as I pondered on his words, a profound realization dawned on me. The intricacies of the Seikūken technique are tailored for intimate combat scenarios, and leveraging this advantage could potentially disrupt an opponent's strategy, rendering them vulnerable in such close-quarter engagements.

After bidding farewell to Hayato, I was delighted to welcome another distinguished guest, the esteemed Master Yao. His timely visit brought a sense of joy and companionship following my recent battle. Even in the face of defeat, I found solace in the knowledge that every challenge presents valuable opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Interactions with wise mentors like Master Yao serve as invaluable lessons that help me reflect on my experiences and strive towards personal development.

"Yang, it's good to see you are ok. Master Akisame explained what happened, and while I am disappointed to hear you lost that fight, I hope it won't discourage you from continuing down the path of martial arts!" With unwavering determination, I gazed at my master, a glimmer of assurance in my eyes that could easily dissipate any worries he might have harbored. His concerns were truly unfounded, for I stood before him with a steadfast smile, ready to face any challenges head-on.

"Don't worry master! I am not planning on giving up on martial arts anytime soon. Though I will be honest, that was the first time I had felt killing intent like that. I need to learn not to get scared like that again. Is that something we can work on?" I inquired of my esteemed master, whose gaze briefly fell upon me before erupting into robust and joyous laughter. I couldn't help but wonder what had elicited such a delightful response from them. Oh, the mysteries and wonders of our interactions!

"Wow Yang, I was worried there for a second. Usually fighters have difficulty recovering from their first real loss. But you are more worried about not being scared? Yes Yang, that is something we can work on." He impressively managed to articulate, once he gracefully ceased his laughter. Upon reflection, I couldn't help but appreciate the humor in the situation as well.

Despite the eased situation, I deeply appreciate the realization that arose within me, urging me to strive for greater strength. The experience of loss served as a poignant reminder that there are individuals out there who possess formidable strength, motivating me to reshape my own reality. My aspiration soared high as I aimed to cultivate a level of resilience that could potentially exceed even the unparalleled might of Superman. Though this ambition may appear distant and challenging, my heart still longs for such extraordinary power. Just like the wise teachings of my master, I am humbled by the understanding that through perseverance and dedication, I can ascend from the foothills of training and ascend into the revered realm of masters.