
Throne, Master’s Clan

Little Chaos got up and roared like a beast. This had become a habit of his, every time he finished his training, he would roar to declare it.

He just calmed down from the roaring, when he saw the Divine beast walking towards him with a smile. The Divine beast reached the young boy who looked about ten years now.

He looked at little Chaos as if measuring his growth and nodded, satisfied. "Come with me, today I will take you to a special place." He said.

Little Chaos nodded and followed the Divine beast. They traveled for an hour before reaching a cave. The Divine beast entered the cave gesturing little Chaos to do the same.

The inside of the cave was lit by moonstone, a type of special stone which stores moonlight in it.

They walked for quite some time before they reached the end of the cave. There, Little Chaos saw a majestic Throne. This Throne looked so grand that it mesmerized little Chaos.

His mind stopped working, all he had in his head was the Throne now, the Divine beast sighed and infused a small amount of nature laws into little Chaos, only then did Little Chaos come out of his trance.

Scared, Little Chaos asked, " senior, what is that throne? it can bewitch people just by looking at it once."

The Divine beast sighed and replied, "This throne was originally a property of the Heavenes. Some years back your master had killed an 'Enforcer' from the heavens. The heaveners were angry at your master for killing one of theirs, so they started attacking your master again and again to get revenge for their Enforcer."

"But your Master was too strong and all those sent for revenge were killed by your master. The Heaveners could not bear anymore and sent one of their strongest Enforcer elder to attack your master."

"That battle lasted seven days and seven nights and when everything became clear, we saw the enforcer elder torn to pieces, but your Master also damaged his life force in this fight."

"When your master's mother saw her son in that state, she took him with her and attacked the Enforcement palace of the Heavens. She, like a war goddess killed her way into the main hall and made the Palace Master of the Enforcement palace get on his knees and apologize to her son."

" The other palaces were busy fighting the Beast God and could not help the Enforcement palace in time. Finally an Ancestor of the Enforcement Palace came out and granted your master's mother with this throne to spare the Enforcement palace lord."

"This ancestor also told that he did not know what this throne represented and it was just rusting in their ancestral hall. It was passed down by their first Heavenly God, their First Heavenly God expected his successors to unveil the mysteries he could not."

"But not mentioning unveiling the mysteries, they don't even have a single clue about the throne after millions of years, since the start of the heavens."

"Your master's mother accepted to the deal, she crippled the palace lord and took the throne with her, no one of the heaveners dared to move a inch as she left."

"She then brought the throne to the forest and placed it inside this cave to seal its presence."

"Don't look at it a second time, even though no one knows its exact function, it bewitches anyone who sees it. Without a will power comparable to the Beast God, it will leave your soul in a trance making it lose sense of time, your body then ages rapidly before you die."

"The worst part is that your soul will stay bewitched and would not leave, then you can't reach the Darkness realm for rebirth."

Sweat flowed down little Chaos's face rapidly, to make you so bewitched that you never leave, this was something he could not fathom right now.

He nodded to the Divine beast and asked, "Senior, I want to know about my Master, is it possible for you to enlighten me about what type of person my master is?"

The Divine beast nodded before he told the kid about his master, "Your master's mom comes from a very powerful demon race, those belonged to this race have an innate nature to be lazy."

"But their males had short life, they usually die before reaching thirty, so even though they were powerful from their birth, they did not become rulers like those other strong races."

"Their females were the exact opposite of their males, they lived very long but their bodies were born fragile. The only common characteristic between the males and the females was that both were lazy."

"They usually lived in the forests of northern lands, no one dared to attack them. So they were left alone to act lazy like they were supposed to."

"That was until the current queen of their race came into being. She was born to the previous queen. Like the others she had fragile body, but she loved battling, contrary to their lazy nature."

"When she turned ten, she created a type of law which changed how their race lived until then."

"She called these new laws as Truth laws. Those who practiced these Truth laws had their life force extended by at least twice and the more they understood about Truth Laws the more their life force extended."

"Now their males could live long, so they expanded their territory. But being inherently lazy, they did not put much effort into it and stopped when they conquered the whole north."

"If not for the current queen's love for battle and her excellent strategies, they would not even have tried to expand. Even though the queen wanted to battle more, she knew her clan's character of being lazy and did not push them."

"But still dissatisfied, the Queen performed the forbidden law of their clan to increase her own power. This law gave her power equal to those of the males in her clan for a short time at the cost of her life force."

"She then performed Another Forbidden Law and gave birth to a pair of twin girls with strong vitality and strength. This made her lose her life force rapidly and her body became fragile again, every body thought she would die, but she survived."

"She then raised her two daughters while slowly recovering her lost life force. Her understanding of Truth laws had already reached to some thing comparable to of Creation laws from silence, so she soon reached her peak."

"One of the twins born to the current Queen is your master's mother. Your Master's mother left the northern forest and travelled all over the planet, battling the strong and improving herself, she lived the life her mother wanted to, constantly battling."

"The twins then left the millennium planet to search for stronger opponents."

"When Your master's mother returned, she had a baby with her. she came back alone with your master."

"She then returned to their clan, but was banished from the clan after a year from her return. It had something to do with your master but I don't know what the exact reason is."

"She then came to the Heavenly forest and started to live here, six years back, a huge lightning that could blow up the whole of Millennium planet attacked the small house in the centre of our forest."

"Your 'Master' was the one who shielded most of the lightning, but the lightning did not stop and soon a second lightning came down with more power than previous, the lightning continued for three days and nights before it stopped."

"Your master almost died that time. When the lightning subsided, your master's mother came out with a newborn baby in her hands. She first healed your master using truth laws before she went back into the house."

"The heaveners sent a lot of people this time to attack, thinking that they could erase your master's mother when she is weakened from giving birth."

"They already put your master on the dead list, your master then fought like an enraged beast and killed a lot of elders without caring about his welfare before the heaveners retreated."

"So to tell about your master, he is a typical example of his clan, a lazy beast you should not provoke!"

Little Chaos was left speechless, so it was not just the Divinity kingdom which is strong, there are others as strong as the Kingdom. He finally understood that there are a lot of amazing people in this world.

He bowed deeply to the Divine beast, he knew why the beast explained him all these things. It was to broaden his perception and the way he thinks.

"What is master's clan doing now? Senior." He asked respectfully.

The beast looked to the north and answered without turning back, "They are guarding the planet from the Chaos destroyers."


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