
His Sweet Temptation

[ WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Jing Yue is a renowned business man in Shanghai. He is a widower who lost his beloved wife when she went to labor leaving him with a broken heart and a pair of twins to take care of. Tang Ning is a girl from a humble family background who struggles to provide for her family and to also take care of her sick father. This is a story where two people from completely different worlds and ambitions meet and find love. ________ #Excerpt Finding the door slightly ajar, Jing Yue slightly pushed it and looked inside where his eyes met the most unexpected sight. The woman was in only her underwear as she was rummaging through the drawers while speaking on phone. His eyes became glued to the sight and his legs could not move away. One could never imagine that under the big sweater pants and shirts she wore was a slender and curvy figure. Her skin was spotless and it looked soft and smooth to the touch. "He is still as kind as he was in school," spoke Daiyu on the other line. "Yeah. He has always been kind," replied Tang Ning who was searching for her comb. "But I think that he treats me nicely because he wants my help in pursuing you," she spoke. "Then enjoy the moment," she replied and then landed on what she had been looking for then closed the drawers. "You're so cruel. So, are you serious that you're not giving him a chance?" "I am more than serious," she replied as she turned to walk towards the closet. "Why?" she asked. After getting her night wear, she said, "Because I don't- " She couldn't complete her statement when her eyes fell on the door and the next moment, she dropped her phone on the ground. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts even though she knew that it was too late.

Kironde_Mariam · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 54 To be well prepared

After licking on her ice cream, Daiyu asked," So now tell me, what did you want to talk about?" "This fast?" asked Tang Ning who was yet to finish her ice cream. "Honestly, I cannot keep my curiosity in check," she replied.

"Alright. First thing you should know is that I am dating," said Tang Ning. "Really? I'm glad that you finally gave him a chance Tang Ning."

"I'm not talking about Feng Shufen," she said.

"Not him? Who then?" she asked and before she could reply, Daiyu said," Wait! Don't tell me that it is Mr Jing Yue!"

"Yes it's him," she confirmed and her eyes widened in surprise.

"You cannot be serious!" "I am," she affirmed. "When did it happen?! How did everything start?" "It's a long story," she could only say. "I'm here to listen," she said. Tang Ning started explaining everything to her from the beginning as she nodded her head.

"You kept all those things from me?" asked Daiyu in disbelief. "I didn't mean to. I wanted to tell you only when I am sure," she answered apologetically. "So, you're now dating your boss." "Don't say it that way," she said before asking," So tell me, do you think I did the right thing?"

"Well to be honest, I wanted you to give Feng Shufen a chance but if this is what you wanted then it's okay," she said. "I decided to give it a try. If it doesn't work out then we can always call it quits," she said and she nodded.

"Yes you're right," replied Daiyu before saying," Now that you are dating one of the eligible bachelors in Shanghai, let's go and do some shopping." "Shopping?" she asked.

"Yes. You need to have a change of clothes."

"What's wrong with the ones I have?" she asked. "Come on Tang Ning. You have to style up now more than ever. You have no idea how many girls are dying to be with him."

Thinking about it, Tang Ning said," Okay."

"Alright. Let me call a cab," said Daiyu looking for her cellphone. "No need. The car that brought me is still here," she said.

"That is great," said Daiyu and they walked towards the car.

It took a few minutes for them to reach the mall and Daiyu dragged her towards the women's section.

Seeing the shop they were going to enter, Tang Ning pulled her hand stopping her from entering. "What is it?" asked Daiyu confused.

"Did you see the prices in this shop?" she asked. "Yes. What?" she asked. "They are too high," she said.

"I know but their products are nice. Didn't you say that he gave you a card?" "Yes. I have it with me but, won't he think that I am extravagant?" she asked. "Not at all. He may not even notice that you used anything. The card must be loaded with lots of money. Come now let's go," she said grabbing her hand and they walked into the store.

They shopped a number of dresses and shoes that the cart got full to the maximum. Seeing that Daiyu was walking further, Tang Ning said," Don't you think that we have gotten more than enough?" "We are going to get you some sexy lingerie," she replied and her eyes widened. "For what?!" she asked. "For what? You have a boyfriend now and remember that you sleep in the same house. Anything can happen at anytime and I want you to be well prepared," she replied stopping at the lingerie section.

Tang Ning pondered over her words and she sighed. She watched Daiyu pick many sets of lacy lingerie and she said," But, don't you think that they are so exposing?" "This is the way they are supposed to be," she replied stuffing many of them in another cart.

When they got done with buying everything, they went to the counter to make payment and Tang Ning's eyes widened on seeing the figure that was displayed.

Somewhere, she was worried that the card didn't have that much money. She released a sigh of relief when they gave them back the card and started packing the stuff in the shopping bags.

"Thank you so much. We hope to see you again," said the shop attendant with a pleased smile. "You are welcome," replied Daiyu before they walked outside.

Looking at the distressed Tang Ning, she asked," What is it?" "I am worried honestly. He must have gotten the notifications already that the money has been withdrawn. It is the first time he gave me the card yet I used a lot of money," she said. "Come on Tang Ning. We are speaking about the president of Jing Conglomerate. That amount means nothing to him," she said.

As they continued walking, Tang Ning's eyes fell on the men's section and she paused.

"Has anything caught your attention?" asked Daiyu. "Yes. I've seen the jacket that I've always wanted to buy for my father," she said.

"Let's go and get it then," she said and she nodded before they made way inside the store.

When they finally got done, they walked to the parking lot and entered the car. Before it could start, Tang Ning's phone rang and she checked to see who was calling. Seeing that it was Jing Yue, her eyes widened and she looked at Daiyu then said," It's him!"

"Answer it," she said. "What if he called to talk about the money?!" she asked. "I don't think so. Pick it up and see what he has to say," she urged.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Ning picked the call. "Hello?" she spoke. "How is everything going?" "G-good. Everything is fine," she replied. "I'm sorry for taking long to call you. I have been in a series of meetings and I have just come out now," he said and she assumed that he might not have yet seen the notifications. "Uh, it is really fine I understand," she replied.

"Are you still with your friend?" he asked.

"Yes. We are just leaving the mall," she replied.

"Alright. I wanted to know if you were alright," he said.

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