
Chapter 18

"Now for a starters I want the Witches tower to burnt down,kill as many people as you find there, it's my wedding gift to them" Ramos says to the head guard who was present at the meeting.

The whole cabinet members had their eyes widened in shock,there was no way he was going to go through with that right?

"Your majesty,they don't belong to this kingdom,you have no right to do that,you could always send them away" Amelia says.

Ramos turns to her giving her a hard glare.

"Shut your mouth and keep your opinions to yourself or else I'll make you do" He says.

Everyone had heard it,she was more than embarrassed so without much Ado she walked out of the throne room.

"So are you doing it now or should I behead one of you as example of disobedience?" Ramos asks making the head guard shuffle away in fear gathering his army.


Hepher and Ahishar had been worried to no end,this was the day the Witch Queen was to hand over to Sophia but there was no sign anywhere.

Sophia was planting in the garden with Talmon, Abijah and Joiada like nothing was happening or going to change in her life today.

As Hepher had thought there was much improvement in her magic since she was proclaimed the next Queen,to the extent where she had become much stronger than her friends that where ahead of her.

An achievement.

Shaking her head she makes he way back to her room when she hears something, running to the highest room in the tower which was usual vacant Hepher sights a troop of guards with swords matching down to their tower.

Looking at them she was certain they didn't come to exchange words.

Plus the King had been crowned just yesterday evening, putting things together she realized he had made a decree.

He was the sole reason for this.

The main problem was that her daughter's fears had come true,the new king had declared war on them,now they had to fight from two sides.

As Hepher runs down the stairs she could feel panic rising in her and her old age hadn't made it much easier for her.

The first place she goes to is her daughter's room.

"Listen Ahishar you need to take Sophia and leave this place" Hepher says.

"What happened mum?" Ahishar asks.

"The King,he has sent armies to destroy us and our homes,you have to leave now" Hepher says

"Mum, we have to leave"

"No dear,even if I try I won't be getting out of here alive Diane had already told me before"

"Mum,what had she said to you?" Ahishar asks sobbing already.

"That I would know when I would die,when I would have to sacrifice myself for my daughter and granddaughter and I know the time is here" Hepher says as tears runs down her cheeks.

Ahishar's tears become frequent as her shout and screams echoes.

She wasn't ready to let go of her mother,ever since her husband left her she had only her mother to lean to as well as take care her little daughter.

That was what she got for marrying a socerer.

"Pack up the little you can I'll go get Sophia they'll be here soon I want you both to be gone by then" Hepher says sniffing before walking off to the garden.

Once her mother leaves she falls to the ground in tears,the King had turned out worse than she thought.

Just how many more people where they going to loose in this war?