


I ran as fast as I could, fearing that they would catch up to me. The rain was pouring mercilessly that I couldn't even hear my own steps.

"Get back here, you bastard!" Castrid yelled. Still keeping up with my running pace, I took a glance over my shoulder and I saw Castrid trying his very best to chase me. Two guys were also tailing him, it was Greg and Larry.

These guys were chasing me under the rain and in a place that was unfamiliar to me. I was getting cold but it was not the right time to be concern about that. I need to get out of here.

Ahead of me was an alley exit; where should I turn? Right or left? Damn it, Kaze! Your indecisive ass always brings trouble. I decided to take the right route since it was in favour to my side. Hoping that it wouldn't lead to a dead end but the gods seemed to despise me. I got nowhere to run anymore!

"The chase is over, Kaze." I turned around to face Castrid who was now crackling his knuckles. Greg and Larry had both of their hands on their knees, catching up with their breath. "You really like to piss us off."

"I told you, Castrid! I don't have any cash left! I gave all of my allowance to you yesterday!" I screamed as if he would understand what I was trying to say.

These punks were chasing me because I couldn't give them what they wanted. Money; yes, that was solely the reason why they were chasing me. Just because of the goddamn money! We are living in a society where money exceeds the value of everything. If you have wealth, then you have the power and the superiority. It sucks but it was reality.

"Yeah, we know. In exchange, let us beat you up. Boys," He made a signal to Greg and Larry to start attacking me. I bended my weakened knees and held both of my shaking fist in front, positioning myself to fight with them.

"Oh, boy, are you gonna fight us back? With that build of yours, you won't stand a chance." Greg mocked. Larry on the other hand chuckled and started to throw punch from his left fist. I tried dodging the sudden move but it directly landed on my right cheek.

The impact made me speechless and it made my vision blurry. Larry was the smallest of them three but then, he was the smallest of the biggest. His eyes were narrow, broken nose and had thick, cracked lips.

My left foot supported my weight from the blow that I received. I somehow managed not to fall down but then Greg burrowed his fist on my gut.

Greg was next to Castrid when it comes to physical strength. He has a long and messy hair which made him look bad, and one ugly feature of him was his two, crooked front teeth.

"Damn!" I cursed, falling on to my knees. My body went down on the cold and wet concrete cement.

"Such a weak piece of garbage." I heard Castrid talked. He stepped on my face and I didn't even dare to resist. He was pushing me down.

Now, the king of assholes was Castrid. He had the biggest built of them three and obviously the strongest. Everything about him was ugly. I can't bare myself to look at him especially his big eyes and flaring nostrils.

"P-please, stop,"

"Hearing you beg makes me want to hurt you more." The next thing I knew Castrid kicked me on the face then everything went pitch black.

I am pathetic.

I knew that. There were a lot of reasons to prove that statement. I couldn't fight for what I think was right-- letting other people underestimate and hurt me physically and emotionally.

I woke up and found myself lying helplessly on the concrete. I was still at the exact same spot where Castrid and his guys beat me.

The rain was still pouring. I don't know how long I've been out. Wincing in pain, I tried my best to stand up and go home.

To my surprise, I was able to reach my boarding room without passing out along the way. The first thing that welcomed me in my unit was a note saying that I have to pay my monthly rent.

Great! Why do people always ask money from me? First was Castrid and the guys and now the landlord. Castrid stole my money and now I have nothing left!

I crumpled the note and threw it at the side. I guess I need to move out again.

I made my way towards the bathroom. Taking off my shirt, I examined my face in the mirror. Castrid's kick and Larry's punch gave me bruises on the face while on my lower abdomen was another bruise given by Greg. Those assholes!

I should've fought back! But then looking at my body build, I am not in the right condition to fight those guys. This day was not different from those days that I got beaten up by them. It somehow became a routine for those three.

I am thin and ragged, and I easily get tired which makes them think that I am weak which is actually true.

It took me an hour to get out of the bathroom since the body aches were making me move at a slower pace.

I heard my stomach grumbled and it pertained that I was hungry. Oh god! It's not the right time to get famish. I didn't have anything in the fridge!

To distract myself, I turned on the mini television placed at the coffee table and randomly shifted the channel until I stopped on a local news report. The headlines read:

[2 DAMNED Creatures were found at a local high school. It was reported that they were students of the said institution. Investigations are still ongoing.]

DAMNED Creatures are those people who have powers that are beyond the human capabilities. In our society, normal people sees them as demons and monsters who seek for chaos on Earth.

These creatures were arrested and thrown away into some unknown island for security. Since their powers were capable to hurt and kill normal people, then the government decided to cast them away.

I have been living for eighteen years but I haven't seen a single Damned creature yet.

Demons? Monsters? What is the difference between those creatures from normal human beings?

Without holding supernatural powers like Damned do, human beings can also be a monster and a demon in their own ways. I remember a lot of people who were qualified to be casted out.

I took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

I wonder how it feels like to become a Damned creature. If I were one of them, what power could I possess?

If I have the power, does it mean I can do whatever I want?

What the hell are you thinking, Kaze?