

Eugene and kyle joins the "school games" which every representatives of the school will fight for points, the two will do everything to save their school.

Daoist77M9rh · アクション
2 Chs

2: The Unexpected Interuption Of Kyle

10:30 at the Petra school, on the back, the two teenagers, Kyle against Eugene. Kyle said to eugene that he knows how to fight, judging from his fight. Eugene claims that he just watched it on a online video, the title was "How to make bullies not to fuck with you anymore.". Kyle was...confused and was in disbelief from what he has heard.

Kyle said "Enough chit-chat! Show me what you've got!" 

Kyle goes for a fighting stance, kyles group that was behind started talking about him. They said that Eugene has no chance against Kyle since Kyle knows how to fight. The nerd that was behind Eugene warned him that Kyle is the problem of the group since he's quiet but deadly. Eugene smiles at the nerd and said "nah, I'll win.", the two cautiously closes to eachother. Kyle's figthing pace was fast, he gave Eugene consecutive jabs left and right. Kyle covers Eugene's eyes following a spartan kick but Eugene grabs it and kicks the the remaining feet that was balancing Kyle. As Kyle dropped on the ground he saw Eugene's fist close to his face. Eugene misses only punching the ground, Kyle was shocked and gulps down. Kyle grips his arm and locks him with a triangle lock. Eugene bites his thigh making Kyle lose his triangle lock at him. 

The two makes distance to eachother, they waited eachother to make a move.

They charged at eachother and throws a punch at the same time. The principal stops them but the principal tasted two punches coming from two people at the same time. The two know what's the time, "Guidance time", they were accompanied by the student council president. The assistant principal always waiting for them, he offered them a sit and wants to talk clear to them. As the principal was in the clinic knocked out and was sleeping comfortable. The assistant principal said if they want to join the "school games".

"HUH?!" the two said at the same time.

He explained what is this "school games", different schools tries to gain points by doing some task. Even fighting but not intending to kill and needs to be fair. The representative are experience and agrees to the terms. Whoever has the lowest points will lose their money and get bankrupt. The first principal before lose to much money in Petra school he even put the school in line. The Petra school is the only thing poor people can afford, if they lose it they'll find others but too expensive. Yes, the Petra school lacks discipline but full of potential students. This school is their ticket to enroll a good university because petra school gives discounts. If Petra school loses, it's over for them, no more discounts for tuitions. 

Eugene who wants to finish school doesn't want that to happen. He agrees to join the school games, Kyle wanted to join for his sister who's gonna be studying here next year. The two agreed and they become close to eachother and understands their reasons on a split second. He assistant said that they will give them something special once they've done it. The assistant said that dont force themselves if they can't do it anymore. After that Kyle wants to ask forgiveness to Eugene for figthing him. The two shakes hand and becomes buddies and Kyle promised to control his group o their bad actions.

The principal wakes up and he shouted "Kyle!!!! Eugene!!!!".