Memorized by her looks, you could tell she was not like the others... Her delicate body danced under the light of the moon, her fierce eyes burned with passion and detemination. Men looked at her, while women envied her... but the eyes of one man glared into her eyes like looking into her soul. Who was she? No one knew her. ______________________________________________________________ Like his name, Zhou Weisheng was greatness indeed. Having inherited the title as Emperor from his father and being one of the fearless warriors, the Zhou dynasty had been a success. All but one thing left: a heir. Countless women threw themselves at the feet of the Emperor, wanting to be the Empress. He never even took a second glance or looked back. Chen Hien Lixue, one would call her a free spirit. Her mother had died at childbirth, leaving her with her father and step mother. Her father adored her more that his other children, making the step-mother abusive towards her. Her only friends were her grandparents and her cousin. With her ability to see things before they happen and her beauty like a goddess, made her father keep her in secret. This is a journey where one finds her place on the earth and another paves a pathway to her.
"Where is she?!?" The emperor yelled as he stood up from his throne. His eyes bloodthirsty and ready to tear anyone who dares to define his order. "TELL ME RIGHT NOW! I DEMAND TO KNOW!" He yelled. The servants body was shivering as she kneeled down in front of her master. "S....she's nowhere to be found. She left with the baby-" "SHE TOOK OUR SON!" He went insane. His heir and his queen weren't in the palace.
"She left this, on her bed" the servant said, sliding the letter towards the emperor's feet. He snatched it from her and read what his beloved wrote:
It will only be a matter of time,
I know I can not have you all to myself
But I'm selfish for your love
I yearn for your attention and I desire you all to myself
I bid goodbye, not as a queen, not as a mother, but as myself
I have known for the past 2 months, there is another
And call me selfish, but I do not want to sleep at night, knowing that I could be replaced as the one who has your heart. I took Chenglei with me, knowing that once your concubine gives birth, you won't have time for my child.
My love for you is eternal
~ Hien Lixue
The emperor stood up. "Get me my horse!" He shouted and walked out the throne room. He changed into proper clothes and went to his horse. "Alert my special force. The empress has been kidnapped" he said with no emotion in his voice.