
Hiatus:Ultimate Card System: One piece

Vencha · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

I can Explain!!

Toshiro jumped onto the pirate ship and started attacking the pirate crew. With his current strength they are nothing but some cannon fodder. He was weaving around them and knocking them out.

"Do you want a kid to have all the fun? Lets join him!!" Saraki Shouted and he too jumped on he pirate ship followed by rest of the crew.

Saraki engaged with the captain and the first mate. Rest of the crew were engaging with the mob.

Toshiro was not using his full strength and was just using his basic brawling skills to fight with the mob. He was observing his two targets, who were Captain and his first mate of this pirate crew. He know that Saraki was having hard time to engage with both of them. Finally he decided to step in.

He knocked out one of the pirate and took his sword and ran towards the first mate who is currently not paying much attention to his surroundings. Toshiro quickly made his way to him and simply slashed him from the side without using any technique.

Jimmy saw that someone was attacking and quickly dodged to the side and looked at the person attacking him.

"You are too eager to die kid." Jimmy said looking seriously at Toshiro.

"Let's test my eagerness, shall we?" Toshiro shot towards him.

Jimmy was using double sword style and they quickly engaged in a sword fight. Seeing that Toshiro was doing fine, Saraki took his mind off him and fully concentrated on captain now that the load is lessened.

After a few moves, 'It seems like this is all he got. I am getting bored. Should i end this and go too his Captain?' Toshiro mused.

He observed his surroundings and almost all of the 50 crew mates were taken care of.

"You are good with the sword kid. I appreciate your talents, why don't you join the crew, I will even ask my captain for you. What do you say?" Jimmy made an offer to Toshiro.

"Sorry, I don't like your names." Toshiro said and took a stance.


Toshiro ran past Jimmy and slowly lowered his sword, at his back Jimmy stood sill for couple of seconds and fell down with a huge slash across his torso and his swords broke.


[Objective 1 completed.]

Saraki and others who were observing the battle were shocked. The Pirate captain was in distress looking at his crew knocked out and his first mate fell in a pool of his own blood.

He took advantage of the Saraki's distraction and slashed at him. Saraki barely managed to avoid it and was still wounded.

After hearing the notification Toshiro was in glee. Seeing that Saraki was being taken advantage of, he ran towards the Captain to engage with him. When he was near him he pivioted his leg and slashed by increasing his momentum. But the captain was able to stop the slash in time. which gave time for the crew to take Saraki to safe place.

'Looks like he got some skills. Not every one can survive grand line without skills backing them. can't take anyone lightly.' Toshiro mused.

"Little brat, I will kill you to avenge my first mate!!" Jammy B shouted and ran towards Toshiro.

Toshiro could feel the power behind every move. It was lot stronger than the first mate. Seeing that it was going nowhere Jammy B step back and said-

"You are skilled enough to see my ultimate form. I will fight with my full strength. Lets see how you can stop this." Jammy B said as his body was being modified. He has scales covering his body and his mouth turned into a muzzle like a crocodile. His skin color changes to light blue and he grows a tail.

After seeing the transformation, one sentence escaped from Toshiro's mouth,"Zarbon is that you??"

"So what do you think brat? I ate crocodile-crocodile devil fruit. Even though this form doesn't have high mobility, my strength and defense increases by 10 times. My scales are as strong as Steel, you can never slash through them." Jammy B Shouted proudly.

"Lets test what you just said." Toshiro said as he prepared to fight Jammy B.

They quickly engaged in a fight and Toshiro was being pushed back. It didn't take long for Toshiro was hit.

'Looks like i cannot hold back anymore.' Toshiro eyes flashed as he planned to fight without limiting his power.

"As I said brat, You can never slash through my skin." Jammy B said arrogantly. He was clearly pleased with himself.

"Never say never." Toshiro said coldly and attacked.


A massive flurry of strikes delivered to the opponent. The sheer speed of the slashes makes this technique difficult to counter or defend, and is considered best to wear down more sturdy and enduring opponents.

Toshiro was repeately attacking Jammy B and trying to integrate his own understanding of swords in it. He understood the concept of 'Cutting without cutting' and he was very close to understand the concept of 'Sword breath'. This fight will be an important step stone to pave a way to his swordsmanship to improve further.

'Feel the breath of the steel, take control of what should be cut and what should not be. I need to calm my mind and listen to my sword breath.' Toshiro's mind was very calm even though he was delivering fast paced attacked towards Jammy B.

Eventually, Cuts started appearing on Jammy B's skin. Even though they were shallow, it scared the hell out of Jammy B.

'This brat, he is developing himself during the battle. He is using me as a whet stone. I cannot accept this.' Jammy B thought as he pushed Toshiro using al of his strength.

Toshiro slid back and spoke to Jammy B,"I did tell you, Never say never."

He dashed forward shouting, "Kuzuryūsen". he attacked Jammy B at 9 spots at the same time, forming 9 deep cuts on him and finally finishing off with,

"Ryūshōsen" Jammy B finally fell which undid his transformation.


[Congratulations, on level up Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū LvMAX]

[Objective-2 completed.]

Toshiro closed his eyes while replaying what happened and slowly opened his eyes after few minutes. He had a smile on his face.

'Finally, I am at the level where i can cut steel. I am getting closer to Zoro's level. I need to improve my base strength in order to improve the efficiency of sword techniques. This will be my training goal for now. But with my strength I should be able to stand my ground on the first half of grand line. Until Lucci and others betrayl I cannot show Soru and Rankyaku to others. Over all my strength drastically increased during this past one-and-half month.'

'Edith, Now I can use my Weapon card right?'

[Yes, Now that your sword proficiency increased it is now correct time to use your sword card.]

'That's good. But i will not use it now. I still want to stabilize what I learnt today and get used to fight. And attacking pirates for bounty sure looks like a good way. This will increase my funds as well.' Toshiro mused.

He turned around to look at the shocked faces of his crew. He threw away the sword he took from the pirate aside and said with an innocent face with his hands up, "I can explain!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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