
hi I am a novel writer actually it is a beginning for me .

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What is hi I am a novel writer actually it is a beginning for me .

WebNovel で公開されている、Deluxe_writer の作者が書いた hi I am a novel writer actually it is a beginning for me . の小説を読んでください。...



Heretical Magus

My name is Fiubun, the second child of a fatherless family. Son of a stunningly gorgeous songstress mother with (probably) angelic blood, brother to a half tiger beastmen sister with a killer sexy body, and a recently-matured, full tiger beastman myself. But I'm a weird kid. "Too curious for my own good," others have said, and I think they're kind of right, especially when it comes to magic, but is the desire to learn really that bad of a thing? I'm a tiger, not a fucking housecat, so I can deal with a bit of danger. In fact, I can deal with a lot of danger, but only because I have to. There are many dangerous things and beings in the Shattered Realms, and my fate seems to be set in having me meet with quite a number of them. My curiosity will become my bane because there seems to be quite a lot of power to be gained from forbidden knowledge, but with a fate like mine, curiosity is a strength. We live in the Dark Forest of Hatarvros, an actual city named "Dark Forest of Hatarvros" (yes, it's a weird name, but blame the rulers, who want to please the Gods, and They're pretty weird) (and also, yes, there's an actual Dark Forest outside of Hatarvros), which is near the Edge of Reality of the Vorosza Kingdom of Clouds and Moss (another weird name because Gods). Even though we're in one of the Good Nations, we still have to watch for monsters that spawn from the wild magical energies at the Edge. And that's not the only danger. There are Trickster Gods that mess with the soulful, demons that haunt places of sin, Xenos who try to take our lands, Outsiders who attempt to subvert our religion, Tears of Reality that can pull unsuspecting people into deadly pockets of space, unpredictable Trickster Gods like Santa and Roulette, and the ever-present fear that one day a Broken Realm full of powerful beasts will wander too close to the Central Realms, and then our lands will be ravaged once again. On the more tangible side of dangers, there's the Carrion Grove who hates all living, pirates that hide in the Warpspace, cultists of The Seven Wretched Fetuses who poison our minds, the Shadah House of Fae Rulers who want to enslave all other races, the Kamae of the High Heavens who keep starting wars, invasions of abominations from the Cursed Realms, the annoying Poop Rage Monkeys, the Wandering Elemental Gods ruining crops, and even the other Good Nations of the Central Realms who constantly bicker and raid each other. But right now, what's most concerning for us are the rumors that the Mayor has been procuring guns. That can't be for dealing with monsters because you need experienced hunters for that, not just more weapons, so people are saying that war might be coming. I guess it may be a good idea to learn magic so that I can at least prepare for the worst. I have some money stored, and hopefully, it'll be enough to pay the tuition of a school of magic… -------------------- *Content Warning*: gore, profanity, sexual content (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human (*not for the faint of heart*)), traumatizing content *What to expect*: A rather slow story focused on character interactions, the MC's gradual growth and development, and the exploration of the Shattered Realms. A bit dark but not grimdark, though it'll have its "moments." The plot exists, but it *slowly* becomes relevant. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Tactical and strategic combat. A rather deep and complex magical system. *Lots* of descriptive sex scenes, but not like the usual smut novel where sex is the goal of reading. A harem where each character has a different relationship with the MC. Occasional weird wording and grammar because English isn't my first language. This story will also be uploaded to a number of other sites soon. -- Cover is a temporary placeholder until I commission a proper one.

Manasong · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Ray: The Ultimate Mage

He was resting his face against his knees when a woman approached him, "Why don't you play along with the others?" She said pointing at the playful faces in the playground. "I'm tired." The woman smiled, "You are lying right?" Then she pointed at the playing ground again, "You can see it right? The monster who is staring at the kids." The boy widened his eyes and looked at her for the first time, "You can see him?" "Yea, and I know he's powerful and scary," she smiled again, "But do you know why he isn't attacking the kids?" The boy shook his head fiercely... "Because he's scared... of you." At that time he couldn't believe the woman or why she was there he was just told to stay quiet and live a peaceful life. But words were easier said than done. After all, in no time the other orphans began hating him and he was outcasted, and that day where no one accepted him eventually came... Getting kicked out of the orphanage and thrown into prostitution distract's alley he, who has forgotten his own name, waited for the orphanage keeper to take him in again. However, after days of waiting, an old man with a red illuminating eye tells him "Let this old demon rise you." The boy takes the old demon's hand and later his ambition to create a place where demons and humans can live together. Will he succeed in creating the perfect utopia or change his mind along the way? The cover picture isn't mine. Commenting and liking the chapters will motivate me to write more.

hasta_lavista · ファンタジー
1 Chs


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  • 世界観設定


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