
hhjm hhjj

作者: Nivi_9918
連載中 · 511 ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is hhjm hhjj

WebNovel で公開されている、Nivi_9918 の作者が書いた hhjm hhjj の小説を読んでください。...



Love Quest Into The Void

Ana is a 20 year old college student. Her only comfort from the monotonous life is books. Her mundane life dramatically changes when she meets Ethan, who is from a very different world from hers and has come to earth in search of a mate. Despite Ana’s indifference towards him, he saves her from several tribulations and inevitably falls for her peculiar persona. Only after she confesses her love for him and accepts to be one of them, does she know who she really is. As the truth is unveiled, will she forgive the great injustice done to her? Will the revelations drive her to turn her back on her true love? Will she embrace her true identity and protect others from ending up a victim for the same fate as hers? EXTRACT I opened my eyes to see two grey oceans staring right at me. They shimmered reflecting the sun rays that stole glances of us bundled together under the same mattress. I did not panic this time, I dint move away either, I couldn't,cause I dint want to. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't resist my heart that was running a marathon to catch up with his. We were lying on our sides. My was head comfortably pillowed on his right arm. He was too close that his sweet breath assaulted my senses and muddled my thoughts. My eyes quickly fell on my my right hand tightly fisted around his shirt color. Blood flooded my cheeks. I wonder how long I have been holding him as a prisoner. I slowly pried my hands open. "Sorry" I murmured. I watched as my hand tried to unruffle the creases on his shirt. He gently relieved my neck from the lock of hair which has managed to wrap itself around my neck, his fingertips left goosebumps on its wake. His eyes never flickered away from me, never failing to pin me down with their intensity."Good Morning" I whispered. His sweet breath faltered. I placed my palm right over his heart, and felt his heart flutter like a hummingbird under my warmth."No one should look so beautiful, it's so unfair to my heart" he whispered. I gasped.

Aurora Wanda · ファンタジー
30 Chs

My Secret Husband But Ceo

Sweetheart the test time has been changed so now you can let your food digest." Xiao Li couldn't believe what she just heard. The test time has been changed just with a phone call. She wished she could do that all her life. "What?" Du Lixin pinched her cheeks. "You heard what I just said. So now just rest and don't worry about the test right now, you still have an hour left." They sat there for about ten minutes then left the restaurant. When they got to the car, Uncle Su bowed and greeted. "Young Master Young Madam." Xiao Li bowed and entered the car. When Du Lixin saw her reaction, he knew she wasn't used to it mostly when it was an advanced man doing that. Du Lixin pulled her into his arms as soon as he entered the car. "Don't worry, you will get used to it. He will continue doing that as long as you are from the Du family." Xiao Li nodded. "Mm." "And one more thing." Du Lixin raised her chin. "Call me Du Lixin, no more Mr Du." He pursed then teased her. "Or you can call me hubby if you want." Xiao Li's face turned red instantly. There's no way she's calling him hubby. This man is being too flirtatious. Du Lixin smiled when he saw her blush. She blushes too much. Her face might burn one day if she doesn't stop blushing all the time. "So where are you going?" He asked. "To school." "Okay, I'll drop you there." "What? no." She couldn't let people see this man dropping her off at school. Although she had broken up with Chen Gao but most people don't know about it. Chen Gao was rich but there's no way he could afford this car. People will definitely know It was not Chen Gao who dropped her off when they see her getting off this car. Many girls had already hated her and was envious of her when she was dating a handsome man like Chen Gao. But now, it would get worse if they found out she was now married to a rich, powerful and out standing man like Du Lixin. She wanted to leave the university peacefully. Du Lixin looked at her confusingly. "Why? don't you want me to drop you off?" "Uh?..... No." .That was definitely what she meant. "Then why?" Xiao Li bit her lips. "it's just that Chen Gao and I broke up not too long ago and if another man drops me off, they will think am nothing but a slut." "So you don't intend to let anyone know about us?" Xiao Li could feel the man's warm breath and the aura in the car was getting darker. "Not about that, imagine this, I just broke up with my boyfriend two days ago and now am with someone else, it doesn't look nice. So how about we keep in for a week?" Du Lixin hesitated for a while but gave in. "Okay just a week." "Mm just a week."

Cherish_Silver · 若者
5 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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