

Scarlette Sevilla lost her parents at a very young age. She was having a simple teenage life with the support of her aunt. However, just like how usual fantasy stories flow, unexpected changes happened. After meeting the mysterious guy who saved her, everything turned upside down. Too many coincidences and odd events . . . running away could never be an option . . . too many thoughts and wonders . . . her identity and power . . . why is she 'Scarlette'?

anxiouschip · ファンタジー
26 Chs



A week had passed. Everything was back to normal. Even our lives backed to normal. I mean, not all. I am a demigod already and of course, the new holder of the Hetar sword. I have duties like what Asher and a swordsman have. Mom and the other goddesses are in Hetarnia. They are maintaining the balance of this world. Dad is also there, too. He is already a soul anyway. No one knows about the chaos except for us. And luckily, no human had died in the said war.

When Asher and I came back here on Earth, I asked Aunt Cecilia if she knows about my parents' real identities, and she answered yes. She even laughed at me why I asked about it and called me weird. Oh my, she had no idea!

'Back to school. Back to normal daily life. This is my situation right now.'

'It is weekend! And yes, we will visit Hetarnia.' I heard knocks from outside. "Wait!" The happy face of Asher welcomed me after opening the door. "Shall we?" he asked. I nodded. "Come inside." He followed what I said and locked the door.

He raised his hands in the air. He created a portal. "Are you not making me asleep?" I asked. He shook his head as he smiled. "It is time for you to see the real nowhere." My eyes narrowed into slits which made him laugh. "Nowhere, huh?" We entered the portal. He held my wrist as we walked through the foggy place. Upon reaching the end of the portal, we got out. We were brought in front of the holy place. "Hey. Will you teach me how to make a portal?" I felt the thrill. "Some other time."

I was sitting on the balcony of my room, enjoying the calmness of the place. I decided to stay here after talking to my mom about my duties as the new legendary sword holder.

I was watching the souls as they did their jobs. I saw a familiar face – it was Nel. His soul did not disappear but stayed here because of his good deeds. Unlike him, the soul of her sister was gone. I waved at him. He smiled and waved back. "Thank you," I mouthed. "Welcome."

The wind brushed my cheeks so I closed my eyes. I also opened them when I felt his presence in front of me. His gray eyes met mine. It made my heart beat fast again. "You are too close," I said between my breaths. He leaned closer. I tried to move my face away but my back was already leaning on the wooden chair. Asher's eyes started to drown me again.

"I have already confessed that I like you, Babe," he whispered. He looked down on my lips and into my eyes again. "The chaos had ended. May I start courting you?"