
Heroes Reborn

Young student bumming out with friends after watching Heroes TV series and was supposed to be magically summoned in Another world but was obviously got isekai’d. Upon waking up in the new world he got kicked into, he discovers the reason this universe was abandoned by ROB (Random Omniscient Beings). Follow his adventure to dominance, and his search for his friends from his past life. Announcement: Volume 1 of this book will contain like a massive amount of INFO DUMPS, you have BEEN WARNED! And this is an 'Alternate Universe(AU)' of Marvel universe so most timelines and scenes will not be canonically accurate but I will try keeping up with the MCU events This one will be a mash-up of other universes from TV series to manga and anime too. So please don't state facts like how Jean became [Phoenix Avatar] when she was saving her dying childhood friend based on the comic verse, whereas she had it during childhood in the Dark Phoenix movie. Disclaimer: I do not own all Marvel, Anime/Manga, DC, film, and other novel or book characters. As I will make sure of following the “Fair use” clause of copyright. Book Cover Illustration by Uchuubranko(teez) taken from Deviantart (deviantart-com/uchuubranko/art/teez-492382847) change the dash between 't'and 'com' to period to access link.

WayneSteine · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

3-Diary and Telepathy [2,531 words]

—————–Time Skip———————

May Xth 2000

It's been 6yrs since I have activated my [Emphatic mimicry] so I'm now an 8-year-old kid since then I started writing a journal to keep track of my progress regarding my path to the peak of this world. Other than hanging out in the library of this huge mansion in the East Village, NY – USA.

I have also been bonding with my father in the gym located on the west side of the mansion, in order to cultivate my body for it to handle a different kind of powers in the future.

But I'm slowly accumulating the muscle build-up cause I don't wanna be looking buffed like Guilano Straw the youngest bodybuilder in Guinness World Record on Earth-Prime so it really shows a lot to maintain these cute looks I've got as a second chance in life.

『Davion』(Can't avoid becoming narcissistic when you're given that appearance advantage from being a simple looking guy you know)

Even though the family I have now is rich as fuck, and wants me to have the best education, I've persuaded them to enroll me in the Midtown School of Science and Technology so that I can still be classmates with my childhood buddy THE Peter Parker.

(Cause can't let that wuss be kept being bullied by Flash ya know while also getting the radioactive spiders for research so I can provide my parent's powers in the near future too cause it'll be just a waste in the hands of Norman Osborn).

Didn't even need to try hard to convince them cause of the good sample of a prick going by the name Harold Osborn.

This guy got arrogant by the time we entered Middle school and only hanged out with other rich kids while looking down on Peter and Ned which really made me punch him for insulting Pete and Ned just to get me to hang out with him instead.

Because they almost avoided me to spare themselves for another heartbreak in thinking I might be another Harry, that shit almost ruined one of my plans.

Well since I can't save him from himself, can't blame me for planning on taking those radioactive spiders and OZ serum research for myself then.

Another amazing event happened in school which I can't believe happened today that just bumped up the progress of my body and mind cultivation, fucking JEAN GREY happened!

(A/N: Remember Marvel AU, so different birthday for selected characters/heroes)

Looking like Violet Verdandi an Instagram model back in Earth-Prime. Well since she's already within my reach might as well keep her too.

She is a new student for this school year and the teacher explained we had to get familiar with her since her family just moved to NY because her father found a job in Bard College a university nearby.

*Evil Grin*

Our group of friends just had another member with her around which is me, Peter, Ned, and Jean (haven't included Michelle "MJ" Jones yet cause they need to build up their relationship in preparation for the Far from Home movie but still we're keeping each other an acquaintance for now).

Though I plan on keeping her from activating the Phoenix Force through the accident of her childhood friend that will be expected to happen in 3yrs.

Cause who doesn't want to avoid the Dark Phoenix happening, and waste a fine woman just because Prof. X messed with her head too early.

So preventing the accident is the best way to avoid X-men's sight this early in the game.

I also just found out that since Jean's ability is still sealed, absorbing it takes a long time of being within her perimeter.

Which caused a misunderstanding to Peter and Ned that I got struck by {Love at First Sight Syndrome} weeell, it's not love, but more like admiration only cause she is damn fine.

『Davion』|*Daaaayum Meme*| (Damn these hormonal kids!! Though I am one too..)

Oh can't forget to include our house's only black butler (A/N: Kuroshitsuji manga) too named Sebastian *Cough* *Cough* being the Alfred of this universe (Hmm… maybe it's one of the 'Easter egg' Truck-kun mentioned before my rebirth?)

(A/N: Keep guessing… *Evil Smirk*)

He is the very image of a young Liam Neeson and with that English accent to go with too.

By the way, I also face palmed big time when I saw my father's police badge when he forgot to bring it to work this morning that I had to drop by his office and learned that his middle name is Edogawa so the full name going by {Conan Edogawa Wayne}.

Being named after my favorite young detective idol in Earth-Prime (Detective Conan) I will go kill myself again if you don't do justice to the name by being a top detective in the police force Kidding! Dying is a hellish experience that I don't want to experience again so soon.

There is also my daily routine of commuting going to and from the school

(A/N: 8-year-old commuting?! Well, he learned basic martial arts for his self-defense ever since he started doing light exercises with his dad back when he activated his powers).

Instead of being serviced by Alfred when I asked my parents I'll go commute to gain more social experience and learn more about the city, they are a bit disapproving at first but putting them charms such as puppy eyes works the best in persuading them.

Did this to completely familiarize myself with the whole city, since a lot of my first activities for becoming a hero are here in New York. There is also that plan to remove the term {MUTANTS} and replace it with {METAHUMANS} (from DC of course).

To remove the ingrained despise from the public from this term because 'Mutants' also a synonym for the term 'Cancer' that's why people will keep treating them as such.

My routine is basically doing parkours |*Parkour! (Michael Scott)*| in which I gained [Acrobat (Black)]^ mastery by running around the city and kicking asses of some basic robbing thugs in the alleys whenever I encounter some by chance.

Wearing an overall get-up of black clothes consisting of (hoodie, bonnet, facemask, tinted goggles, gloves, pants, and shoes).

I made sure to cover everything in my body so I won't leave any DNA at the scene. I guess I'll also keep a note regarding that for my super suit, and shit I'll also need to build a functional A.I.

Like [Jarvis] of Tony Starks' to help manage and protect my database of plans for the future, good thing I'm still keeping every data the old fashioned documenting way that is pen and paper under the secret compartment of my bed.

Nov. Xth, 2002

Hmm… am still feeling lil bloated today cause of all the sweets I got from trick or treating with the gang this Halloween. I'm already 10 years old and finally managed to absorb Jean's [Telepathy (Black)] ability.

I was shocked how quickly I got it cause I was expecting to get it by New Years I guess it was also hastened by the circumstance where I tried to prevent the accident from happening.

By jumping in to save Annie Richardson and get grazed by the side from the car speeding by and Jean upon seeing what happened almost broke and went [Phoenix] on me.

Because I passed out for almost 2 minutes from the blunt force of the clash which loosened the seal on her abilities enough for me to complete the absorption process, though I can say to myself I managed the situation pretty well.

Then after my parents received such news I got proper thrashing and scolding from my parents because of what happened regarding my recklessness, well what can I say?

I had to watch on the sidelines without them noticing my presence to not change too much in the timeline (though it's already messed up with me being here) and act on proper timing, and maan seeing Jean crying for my sake and hugging me kinda made me feel things too.

『Davion』(This fucking hormonal body!! Can't say I like the feeling of spring from the maturing body of Jean though).

And within weeks, didn't know how but my dad managed to catch the dufus who did the hit and run on what supposed to be Jean's childhood friend Annie.

Well, that's Detective Conan *pun intended* for you! Still, I got grounded the past few months and just got out again this Halloween.

While being grounded I used this time for myself to enhance my mental capacities so that any John or Jane Doe can't go in and make a mess inside my head such as the Professor and Emma Frost or any other telepaths.

I managed to fix the space inside my mindscape into a Skyrim-like world scenery with all the mods to increase gameplay experience instead of a vast empty void though this is the limit for now because of the balance with my body.

My body now being able to handle about 6kg of weights because of the advantages provided by the [Telepathy (Black)] ability that increases the usage of my brain capacity (like Lucy movie increase in brain usage enables more access for power).

Which made my dad gasped at the strength I'm showing and encouraged him to teach me more regarding martial arts gaining [Martial Arts (Black)] mastery.

There is also a large improvement regarding the benefits provided of the ability to my studies that help me gain a photographic and eidetic memory and finish all the books in our library including all the study materials needed to complete middle-high school.

Upon which I went back to the old habit before I died of bumming out at home as a reward for myself in finishing all the books.

For at least 2 months before I tackled law, criminology, engineering, biochemistry, chemistry, genetics, psychology, and languages for these skills will help me in the long run of my path to the peak.

First on the checklist is building an A.I. which I got the help of Peter (though he isn't aware of it yet) that is he is working on the compiler and me for the rest.

Next, is the tech needed to run the program on which can be solved by looting OSCORP's secret labs that I managed to get the list of their addresses on through hacking.

Since I managed to hack them I got too cocky and try hacking government facilities such as the PENTAGON for a test on my current ability then AREA 51 slowly building up to hacking SHIELD's system.

And check the data they have regarding the supernatural and get a list of addresses for my future recruits, making sure not to leave and data footprint that'll lead back to me and endanger my family.

『Davion』(Man the thrill and adrenaline I got from doing such venture manage to increase my Mental Powers 'MP' and have a breakthrough that resulted in upgrading my Body State to 'Yellow' level going through such stress.

Though I swear I will never do it again because I really cut it too close and them almost managing to backtrack everything to me. So I guess they'll be fortifying their firewalls to the tooth and nail).

Again I have everything documented in the old fashioned way written in the dragon language from Skyrim because I learned from the best of the best from the novels in Earth-Prime that it pays, being can't be too careful regarding such stuff, which in turn make me run out of space in the secret compartment under my bed.


Dec Xth, 2003

Just in time during my daily routines of commuting to and from school while beating random robbing thugs in the alleys.

I managed to stumble upon an unconscious heavily injured Matthew Murdock in his first vigilante suit that is also a black overall get up with a half-face covered bandana near the border of Midtown Manhattan and Hell's Kitchen.

I guess lucky day for me and an unlucky day for him for getting beat up until unconsciousness in his starting out as the Daredevil.

While helping him out I manage to scan and enter his mind because him being unconscious with no mental preparation and defense looking at the list of card that is his current abilities and masteries that is:


Name: Matthew Murdock

Body State: Blue (Peak Human)

»Masteries (Blue) «

[Attorney] [Detective] [Tracker] [Acrobat] [Marksman] [Stick-fighter]

[Martial Arts] [Interrogator] [Weapon Proficiency]

»Mind (Blue) «

[Telepathy] [Telepathic Immunity]

»Body (Blue) «

[Radioactive Enhanced Physiology] [Healing Factor]

[Superhuman Sensory System (Sonar, Radar, Proximity)]

»Skills (Blue) «

[Person Identification]


Everything is all in blue because he has already the Peak of human abilities with his [Radioactive Enhanced Physiology].

When he had taken a bath with the splash from radioactive isotope in his younger days and his masteries too if not all taught by the ninja master Stick.

Upon seeing his list of abilities I hurriedly absorbed [Telepathy(Blue)] first before everything else to upgrade my own.

In order to hasten the absorption for the other abilities, I have my eyes on such as his physiology and healing factor to increase my body state in tandem with the mind.

Within 5hrs I completed both tasks gaining a body state and telepathy level (Green)^, and noticing that Matthew is about to wake up based on his twitching fingers, I managed to grab a few of his masteries.

Before hightailing it out of there just in case he manages to memorize my heartbeat's pattern and be on his [Person Identification] skill. The masteries I got were all in (Black) level [Martial Arts], [Weapon Proficiency], [Acrobat].

Maaan, if I had more time I could've reached peak Beta class too after cleaning him out of his abilities but I guess you win some you lose some, though this is already a blessing in disguise for me not expecting an early encounter with the guy too.

With these masteries, I managed to raise my own [Martial Arts] and [Acrobat] to (Yellow) since I had martial arts learning from my father and acrobats with my daily routine.

Now gaining a huge raise in my abilities my current target would be hunting this Healer guy that has [Healing] abilities from the comics that is currently doing some faith healing for the public being the good guy he is though dies a gruesome death just because he can heal.

Because his ability will be a huge must, considering my training that is slowly getting harsher as I grow old to further increase my body cultivation and considering I still have plans to build a Wayne Enterprise in this world as my own foothold for future endeavors.

Updated Status


Name: Davion Wayne

Body State: Green (Intermediate Human)

Bloodline: [Wayne – Indomitable Will(Red), Intimidation(Red), Genius Intellect(Red)]

[Unknown – Sealed (Violet level required)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry(Black), Otherworldly Knowledge]

(Sealed – Violet level required)

Abilities Acquired:


[Acrobat (Yellow)] [Martial Arts (Yellow)] [Weapon Proficiency (Black)]

»Mind (Green) «

[Telepathy] [Telepathic Immunity]


[Radioactive Enhanced Physiology (Yellow)] [Healing Factor (Black)]

»Skills: N/A «


Disclaimer: This work is not for profit, no copyrights infringement intended as all recognizable characters are own by respective owners mentioned in which book, movie, series, and company they are mentioned from within the novel.

WayneSteinecreators' thoughts