1 - The Beginning

In the beginning, there were people living peacefully in the Land of Dawn. One time, a mysterious creature appeared upon there. It was so small and a man saw its appearance. "Oh so cute!", he said. He adopted it named Harper. He take care of it until he grow. The man who takes care of Harper was a famous Martial Artist of all time. He said, you will call me Master. One time he trained it like sparring until he saw Harper becoming a human like creature. "I think he will became like that when he last longer in battle."

"I will save the Land of Dawn from any enemies!", Harper said.

"Oh hahaha there will be no hardships could happen", he said.

Then after some time a huge creature appeared to destroy any human beings.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!!" "Noooooo" the people are screaming. Despite of these troubles Harper still in training until he heard the screaming of the people. He go out and saw the huge creature. "Oh the dragon!", and until such time there was a great light that goes unto him and Harper became a powerful warrior! "Ahhhhhh!! I felt so very strong!". He fight the dragon but there were some people died. "Unleash the power of Light!!"

"Aaaaargghh!!" Harper bacame a human like creature with a very strong power and defeated the dragon.

After that, he saw his master dying and that time he'll gonna take care of it but that time, it tragically died. "Nooooo!!" he cried. Then the other enemy came. The Roshan! (Nope, the devil). I can't defeat that monster but for you master I can!!!!!!

During his battle to the devil, the devil's damage was inflicted to the people that there were so many people died. "I will beat you!!" and then, Harper did it.

Then the people's fear become joy again and he was congratulated and they built a statue of Harper at the Center of the Land of Dawn.

After so many years, Harper was so old and built a mysterious machine because he believed that there would be an another heroes would come to defend the Land Of Dawn.

After that, he died in an old age and his memories still in the hearts of people.
