
Chapter 1 of 1/2

February of 2023, A huge commotion have spread the world and all of it was because of an accident that took place in national school.

Earlier on national school sector b inside of section 1, A group of a 30 young man&lady

was studying for their last exam of this month. (This exam determine their position on society).

Later on a teacher enter the room with the exam sheet she then give them it one by one, On the last second of paper given to student a blast of light from above engulfed the room and disappear along with the student. this only give the teacher fear and shoke from what she witness, This soon will spread in the world.

Just like that the world talk about this accident every second but without enough knowledge they make rumor saying "The god punish them" "The god took them to become an angel" a lot of different rumor spread.

But the truth is some of it was true and some of it was wrong-

(Goddess voice) Because we need your help young heroe's this world is in brink of extinction!!.
