
Undying Enemy

The loud noises of the crackling ground, clashing weapons and bodies filled the battlefield as a bloodied scene of gore and chewed-off bodies colored the night red. 

As soon as the peak master rank variant monsters created by the necromancer subordinate came into the play.. The once seemingly well-organized army of the hydra heads was discombobulated in a matter of minutes. 

Ceril who was now being attacked by 6 peak grandmaster fighters who were as strong as him prior to the moment where he revealed his real form, now felt like a bunch of tryhards who were barely living up to their reputation. 

"Impossible! I don't believe this! How can he be stronger than all of us combined?" said the elven swordsman who was using all of his highly destructible sword attacks that would normally blow everything to smitten and not even leave a single body part intact. 
