A girl dismissed from her country finds comfort in another. This is a story about a girl who finds love where she didn't expect to. Passing all the hurdles with her man, life finally sets happiness for her. This story comprises of love, affection, sorrows, humor, anger and finally relief that anyone seeks the most. Hope you enjoy!
India has been known for her unity and brotherhood since independence. Many resided in and cheated on her kindness. Many a times when Indian blooded also back stabbed her. But, the soil of mother India never fails to bring back the unity.
It was the fourth year of Janta Vadi Party(JVP) governance. In its last years, after assembling an important meeting with all its members, JVP decided to welcome majority sector rather than minorities for the next election. As India has always been sensitive about religion matters, JVP decided to make it their main motto. Religion wise majority was hindus and minority included muslims, sikhs, christians and many more. But, the government had some sort of hatred for the muslims particularly. It believed that by enraging hindus against the muslims, India would develop more strongly as it would be a one-religion country and other minorities would be sorted out with time. With this idea in mind, JVP enforced a new law which stated, "Government of India is imposing an act known as Land Registration Act. According to this Act, muslim population which are below poverty line will have to leave their land property. In cases they have their registered documents, they shall not be disturbed by any government authority. "
Government was very well aware of the condition of those crowded slums and the muslim population living there. JVP expected the hindus to celebrate it, but little did they know how every single cell growing on mother India is an Indian before a hindi or muslim. The power the Indian unity holds is more than enough to fight a petty government.
The hindus disliked the Act on a big scale. They believed that it's a big scar on India's reputation. They felt it like derogation towards the people who made us free long ago and gifted a Constitution that had been keeping us equal and united. It's pathetic to live happily knowing our brothers are homeless. Muslims were innocent and helpless so their brothers from every religion, caste, creed, gender, state and social status came up to hold their hands and stand them up. People came out to roads protesting against the government. There were rallies, strikes and sign campaigns all over India. NGOs played a major role here. People showed their devastation and opposition openly to the government. They feared no one. Though,the media was shielding the government, the Internet made the news world wide. Many countries came against LRA, even the UN. There are always exceptions like the US and some African countries. UN had said, 'We are giving you options. Option A: Withdraw LRA, and in lieu, we will give you financial help. 'as India really needed it. 'Or option B: Let this law flourish and then forget your affiliation with UN. '
JVP was overconfident. It chose option B, and the tables got turned. It was a great downfall for Indian economy. But, it was no fault of the citizens but the government.
Now, when LRA was on the floor. Some families thought they were safe as they had already got their properties registered. But, that was all a trap! It was first established in the capital, Delhi. There were long queues for registration that covered kilometres! On the other side, men were brutally beaten behind the bars even if they had their land registered. Every single muslim BPL family was in danger. When this betrayal news spread through the country and the world, UN and many other countries stood in rebellion. While within India, citizens with big hearts helped many families by providing money, cottages or rooms to dwell inside their country. Some even created foster families. Every muslim BPL family, whether they had the docs or not, were sent into detention camps and were tortured there. They were given buns in the morning which they had to store for the whole day. You could never hear silence in DCs(Detention Camps). There were always screams and cries of poor people held in pain. This was a heart-wrenching experience for one and all. Can you imagine you and your family thrown out of your house and living in tents like places? Can you imagine the loneliness? Can you feel the pain? Can you do anything to help yourselves? Can you survive in this hell like situation? Can you?
Those people couldn't think of anything worse. It felt as if angels had left their lives, relief had said goodbyes and troubles said, 'No way out! ' This was the sight.
Special rails and flights were sent from some north-west and North Asian countries. These countries ended their relations with India, and India ended up being one of the poorest countries. Turned out, citizens who left were in a much better condition than the ones living there. The countries that helped were appreciatedly known as the Greater Ones.
Due to the distribution of people in different countries,families were dispersed. But, this was the most UN could do for the refugees. It was a obvious risk upon the Greater Ones to let aliens dwell inside their boundaries. They had rules and regulations which could be affected by the presence of the immigrants. Even after all this, UN declared, 'We need you to be strong and stay united. We will do all we can do for you. We welcome you with open arms. '