

"I'm the Queen. And I will do anything I want. So you better tell her to behave because I will punish her. Regard if she's your Mistress. 'No one is above the law, MY KING. "You could have told her politely, not embarrass her. Do you have to disgrace her publicly? And now you're using your so-called law for a personal grudge. "You disgust me. Listen to me well because I won't repeat myself, You will never be my Wife, And this marriage is because of that stupid Prophecy. Your cold and bossy attitude makes me ignore you more. I'll never love nor touch you. I hate you. "But I Love You." And I will do anything to protect you from anyone dangerous towards you, even if l have to use my last breath. In time you will know I am the only Wife and Queen you need. Excerpt: "You look beautiful tonight "My Queen." She shyly lowers her head and asks Do I Yes, my Queen. That dress looks ravishing on you and brings out all your curves in the right places. "But I still prefer the naked you." 'Oh really. So do want to take it off? "Haha" Not yet my Love, the night is still young." "Come sit with me, my Queen. She walks towards him while extending her hand. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, then she looks away. I have a question, your Majesty Hmm, what is it? What If I failed to complete my test then? What will you do? 'She smiled with an unknown smile And said, "Do you Dare to fail My King "YOU DARE"

josephine_john · ファンタジー
14 Chs


'What do you mean Minister Xiang. what's this disaster you speak of. 'Speak. A loud voice resound, making the silence in the court scary. For all the officials know that the King is extremely angry and scary at the moment,and no one want that anger to be directed towards them.

Even Minister Lu who likes to give side comments has become small, for fearing to be seen by the King.

'Your..... your Majesty this servant will speak.

"Stop shuttering and speak.

'Yes my King. It's true that the Prince will become mighty and the people will love him.

He will be born with a dragon mark that signify his favor with the gods, for the gods has been showering him with gifts of absoluteness.

My King he will inherit the golden dragon blood,that has been loss from the royal household since the reigning days of your grandfather.

'You mean my son will inherit the golden dragon blood, that good news.... good news indeed.

"Congratulations your Majesty'. All the officials congratulate the king with there fake smiling faces. Some grumbling and wishing in their mind why there wife has not born such a lucky son for them.

'Hmm, your Majesty....

'Sorry Minister Xiang continue. Seeing that the King is smiling ease up the minister shoulder, and he began speaking with ease.

My King since the Prince will be born with great power, their will be great challenges for him to overcome. Even though he will be great among his peers,he will no less become the envious of men.

My king he will face a danger that he will either survive or perish.

Because of the golden blood that's runs through his vein, many will seek after it. There Will be calamity in the land.

'What is this Minister Xiang, is this a blessing or a cursed. If he's bless with such power,why will there be a calamity. And how are we to overcome this calamity.

'Your Majesty this servant is still not sure on how to overcome this calamity.

'What, you're not sure and yet you speak about it.

'My King i am sure everything will be cleared once the Prince is born. So my King this Servant is asking for your patience.

"We are asking for your patience, your Majesty. The voices of all the officials can be heard.

'You're asking for my patience, if it's was your sons, will you still ask for patience. The King sigh and rub his temples, feeling a headache coming.

Hi dearest sorry for late update. I was sick this last few days, but i am better now. Look forward to my next mass release.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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