

"I'm the Queen. And I will do anything I want. So you better tell her to behave because I will punish her. Regard if she's your Mistress. 'No one is above the law, MY KING. "You could have told her politely, not embarrass her. Do you have to disgrace her publicly? And now you're using your so-called law for a personal grudge. "You disgust me. Listen to me well because I won't repeat myself, You will never be my Wife, And this marriage is because of that stupid Prophecy. Your cold and bossy attitude makes me ignore you more. I'll never love nor touch you. I hate you. "But I Love You." And I will do anything to protect you from anyone dangerous towards you, even if l have to use my last breath. In time you will know I am the only Wife and Queen you need. Excerpt: "You look beautiful tonight "My Queen." She shyly lowers her head and asks Do I Yes, my Queen. That dress looks ravishing on you and brings out all your curves in the right places. "But I still prefer the naked you." 'Oh really. So do want to take it off? "Haha" Not yet my Love, the night is still young." "Come sit with me, my Queen. She walks towards him while extending her hand. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, then she looks away. I have a question, your Majesty Hmm, what is it? What If I failed to complete my test then? What will you do? 'She smiled with an unknown smile And said, "Do you Dare to fail My King "YOU DARE"

josephine_john · ファンタジー
14 Chs


This has been going on for years now, and no question it. Since he was a kid and thought about how to run the Yang family, he was told to carry on the revenge and make sure the Yang family won this battle. Although he was told why he never questions this decision.

'Huifen see that her husband was thinking about it and decide to convince him to stop this pointless revenge. Chen, they are fighting themselves for power, they are on the verge of destroying their monarchy. Why don't we let them destroy themselves while we make ourselves richer? You know like enjoying a good show with popcorn in hand.

Chen smile seeing his wife's devious look. Ah even with that look she is beautiful.

Chen, why don't we have a child now, hmm, let focus on our family this time okay? Chen, I want a baby, Huifen said shyly to her husband. Chen, can we have one too? Huifen frowned thinking about the insult and humiliation she went through during the Elite women association. Those pompous and brainless women who only know how to waste their husband's money were boasting and insulting her because they have a child. She thought they were there to plan for the upcoming charity festival but instead, all they talked about is the latest fashion, and who has the most intelligent child. Those hypocrites, let them wait when she has her child then she will show them how wealthy her husband is. Although the Yangs are the wealthiest family in-country A they like to keep a low profile.

'Chen look at his wife changing expression and knew something is wrong. He pulled her to sit on his lap. Huifen what wrong?

Huifen was pulled out of her thought by her husband's voice. Turning to face her husband she started complaining, Chen, all the Elite women were boasting about their wealth and children, I felt so ashamed today because I don't have a child to show off. Chen, I want a baby, a cute little girl that I will dress up cutely. We will go shopping every day and she will be so intelligent as you.

'Yang Chen looked at his wife's adorable expression and couldn't help but kiss her lips.

Huifen looks at her husband and sees his amused face, She frowned at him. Chen, I'm serious.

'Darling I know that you're serious, even I would like a little miniature of you. Hm, darling why don't we go to the room and start the baby-making process.

Huifen hit her husband shyly, Chen, be serious, please.

Darling, I'm serious. Chen starts kissing his wife.

Huifen knew her husband wants to distract her from her thoughts, but today she is not going to give-in.

Moving from his lap she said, Chen if we are going to start a family then we have to let go of revenge.