
Chapter (2): The CEO of River group

The man closed his umbrella, seeing that her body was frozen out of shock, abruptly, he lifted her off the ground. Without looking into her eyes, he walked to the car which was parked a few meters away.

The dizziness, in her head, showed up as soon as she began to stare at him, his beauty was praising, like an angel he appeared to her, this man was famous for being a mere gentleman. All his employees loved him so much and the loyalty among his group was always on point.

While she was trying to hold herself back together, her head grew heavy and she fainted.

"Alright little bunny, we must prepare you a decent bath."


A few moments before...

A panicked man in a black suit knocked on the door. A very unique door on the penthouse of the main skyscraper in the center of the town.

Another man came out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel over his waist, he drew a hand in his hair and picked up the remote. Pressing on it, the door ran wide and the man stormed inside.

"Master Qin Hu, the lady is pregnant." He had his phone in his hand, someone was on the other side of the line.


He saw the name and quickly grabbed hold of the phone.

"Speak, Bella! Could you find Dandan?"

Bella was distressed, she was speaking fast and Hu's face turned aggressive. The gleam of anger simmered in his eyes.

"I called her, she was crying."

"Is she really pregnant?"

Saying that he tried not to let anyone realize the shiver in his heart, although, the wiggling chill on his spine screamed how hard he was getting through not to go and kill Li Qiang.

"Yes, I am worried if she does something stupid, I'm behind the door in her apartment. That wench Anastasia, see how did she betray her."

"Pack up your stuff Bella, you are coming to stay in my Villa, sister."

Bella was his sister from another father, when Hu's mother divorced his father, he was only five years old. She used to talk about Dandan a lot once she met her.

"Brother, I'm not sure if my father let me out."

She was eh? What was his brother tending to do? Letting Dan know about the truth?

"I hang up, don't stay there."

Hu gave the cell phone back to his butler. One day that he was going to turn his phone off and have some rest turned into the busiest day in his life, first he was supposed to handle some underground deals, and now...

"Master, you won't kill the guy, will you?"

While walking to his chamber, Hu shot him a glare, why should he even ask such a foolish question? Was he someone to spare this?

"I shouldn't have let him approach her, I should have broken his neck beforehand."

His butler halted and swallowed when the door was shut to his face. Sweat beaded on his face, why was he so obsessed with this girl? However, she looked so familiar.

Getting dressed in a black suit, Qin Hu stormed out of his chamber, he didn't even bother to button up his shirt to his neck and left it half-open.

It was madly pouring outside, if she was truly pregnant with the child of that rascal she would definitely get ill.

"Tell me what else you got, Victor?"

He asked the butler while hitting out of the penthouse and entering his personal elevator.

Victor pressed his eyelids together while standing behind him, as his master hated weakness, he had to eat it up.

"Li Qiang was secretly engaged with Miss. Tian but he broke up with her two hours ago...he..." Stammering at the next words that were coming out of his mouth.

Hu's blood was boiling, that bastard had gone too far, while he had sworn not to touch the girl but watch over her, what did he think of himself? Did he believe that Hu would let him live?

"He has engaged with Anastasia Chen."

They moved out of the elevator, Hu believed that Anastasia and Qiang suited well together but, what they did to Dan was unforgivable.

Starting the engine, Victor was peering at his master's gloomy darkened face inside the front mirror. Leaving the parking, he didn't dare to ask about his emotions toward the girl nor had the urge to ask where should they go, so he went on, "master, lady Dandan is so familiar, did I meet her before?"

"Yes, she is the daughter of Mr. Tian Taio."

Tian Taio? The man who was killed by his enemies and his daughter and wife were kidnapped and never found? It was ten years ago! Right? How did she end up here? Her father was one of the heads of underground society, no one dared to encounter him personally but...

"This is a secret, only I know this so keep the words to the grave with you."

"Yes, master." However, to him, this girl sounded like trouble.

"Stop the car!"

He almost shouted, and while his eyes bulged, Victor found no other way but to press on the brake pedal.

Hu could feel his heartbeats getting louder, the tip of his fingers chilled, and snatched the umbrella, rushing to the girl. People were watching her but no one bothered to hand her help.

As his steps got more close to her, he felt more pounds in his chest, where his heart was about to sneak into his throat and embrace her. Controlling his emotions, he held the umbrella for her.

Taking her to the car after that short conversation, she fainted. Adjusting her on his lap, he picked up the tissue box and began to dry her face.

She was beautiful and soft like a flower petal, she looked fragile but she had no idea how powerful she was, if she could remember her father, no one would dare to mess with her.

He swallowed when his finger delicately and softly moved neared her lips. It was also his mistake to suppress his feelings toward this girl so her condition reached this state. Letting a rat have eyes on her. How could he forgive himself? Was he an open-minded man in his love life? No, then why did he allow this to happen? What could kill his possessiveness against this girl?

"Master, should we take her to the hospital?"

"No, drive us to my Villa and I'll call Dr. Wang to come and check out on her."
