

HER GOLDEN VOICE (Melting his cold heart) Elena Christian is a seventeen year old girl who came from a very poor family , actually a small family. She lives with her mom and aunty. Elena's biggest dream is to become a great singer. But it became a struggle and impossible to achieve due to her poor background. . .. Eden Yang is a twenty years old boy from a wealthy family. He is handsome, rich, a superstar and every girls dream. Eden was once a good hearted guy, caring and loving. But not until he lost his only lover which makes him to change completely out of human. He became cold and arrogant. Not only that, he give up on his own career. He is now a shadow of himself as he became less popular and his brother who is also a singer becomes more popular than him. Eden has lost all hope but not until Elena came into his life. Read the exciting drama as the two people meet each other. Will Elena be able to achieve her dream? Will Eden ever love again?

Star_Kyle · 若者
31 Chs


Episode 28 

Oliver stood on the porch, his eyes fixed on the approaching vehicles. But instead of excitement, a wave of mixed emotions washed over him.

 He had anticipated his parents' return, but part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

It had been a long time since they had been together as a family, and he wasn't sure if their return would bring the happiness and connection.

As his parents, Thomas and Elizabeth, stepped out of the vehicles.

The guards greeted them with respect, but Oliver couldn't help but notice the distance between his parents and the guards.

 It seemed as though their focus was solely on their duties, leaving little room for the family they had left behind.

Mira, rushed forward and embraced their parents with enthusiasm.

"Mom!, Dad!, you are back!" She said.

"Yeah, sweetie how have you been doing?" Elizabeth asked.

"Better" Mira smiled.

 Her joy was evident, but Oliver couldn't bring himself to join in.

 He watched from a distance, feeling a sense of detachment. 

He had hoped their return would bring a sense of closeness, but instead, it seemed to highlight the divide between them.

Thomas noticed Oliver's reluctance and made his way towards him.

 His eyes softened as he approached.

 "Oliver, it's good to see you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of weariness and concern.

 "How have you been?"

Oliver hesitated for a moment before answering, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. 

"I've been managing, as if you cared" he replied curtly.

Elizabeth joined them, her eyes filled with a glimmer of remorse. 

"We're sorry, Oliver," she said softly.

 "There is no need to be sorry mom!" 

There was a few minutes silence between them.

"Maybe we should go inside and talk things out " Thomas said breaking silence.

Oliver and Mira sat at the dining table, their parents, Thomas and Elizabeth, across from them. 

The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence as they all avoided eye contact. 

Finally, Thomas decided to ask the question that had been weighing on their minds.

"Oliver, Mira," Thomas began, his voice filled with concern.

 "We noticed that Eden hasn't been around since we came back. Do you have any idea where he might be?"

Oliver exchanged a quick glance with Mira and continued eating as if he never heard anything.

"I haven't seen him since last night" Mira face was filled with a mix of worry and confusion.

 They had noticed Eden's absence too, but they had no clue about his whereabouts.

 They hadn't seen him since he left the house.

"What about you?, Oliver!"

"No, Dad, Maybe he is parting with his friends." Oliver replied.

. "We haven't seen Eden since last night. We thought he might have come back while we were sleeping, but we woke up and he still wasn't here."

Mira chimed in, her voice filled with apprehension. 

"We tried calling him, but his phone goes straight to voicemail. We're really worried about him."

Elizabeth's face paled as she listened to her children's words. 

"Oh no, this is not good," she whispered, her voice filled with anxiety. 

"We need to find him. It's not like Eden to disappear without a trace."

Thomas nodded, his voice filled with determination. 

"You're right, Elizabeth. We need to act quickly. Oliver, Mira, do you have any idea where he might have gone? Any friends he might be with or places he likes to frequent?"

Oliver and Mira exchanged another glance, their brows furrowed in thought. 

She had always been close with Eden, but recently he had become more distant. 

They weren't aware of his current circle of friends or any special places he frequented.

"Maybe we should call the police" El

izabeth suggested.

"No! let's wait for a while, maybe he might come back soon" Mira said.