
HER DARK HEART He Transformed Me

Prologue Walking down Carrer de Moret, Valencia, insearch of my prey. Definitely,a male will have to fall into my trap. Steadily and confident,with my two hands in my black hoodie pocket,I walked. And then I saw him,caught in the act,doing the usual. "Leave Her Alone" I said to him almost whispering. He laughed out stupidly, "Pretty girl,u wanna join her" he asked showcasing his brown teeth as he kept on laughing. With lightening speed I got to him, reached for his neck,I dragged him up choking him as he pleaded "Who are you" he asked breathlessly. ELPHABA. He grew limp instantly,dead and useless. I dropped him. Smiling mischeivouly I walked away leaving the girl gaping at me in fright. I am ELPHABA. I kill. I show no mercy. I have not always been like this,my family used to be the happiest,the most cheerful and laughter was like our second name. In just one day,I lost everything. Every damn thing. Now I'm back,to repay,to avenge and to destroy. A story filled with Suspense, Love, Betrayal and Awakening.

Genevieve_Edwin · 若者
8 Chs


Audrey's POV😊

My name is Audrey Da Rosa. I'm super excited because i'll be 18 tomorrow.

I can't wait to be an adult. Definitely mum and dad will have a nice surprise for me.

I really can't wait.

What are you still doing there Audrey? Don't tell me you haven't had your bath yet.


Phew,that was my cute big sister Olivia. I pretended like I didn't hear her and she's so young to skin me alive.

Annoying her a little bit this morning won't be that bad you know.

I giggled.

I took a quick shower while humming my favourite song 'No one by Alicia Keys' .

I applied my lotion carefully all over my delicate skin,I don't joke with my skin so you know.

Its going to be a very long day. I packed my hair in a ponytail and allowed few strands to fall cutely on my face.

Checking myself out in the mirror,I'm good to go.

I look adorable,you don't... Audreyyy!!! Olivia screamed again.

I'm so dead today.

If I know Olivia well enough I know she already has plans for me,I won't fall into her trap,not today.

I tiptoed to the door,opened it slightly peeping for any sign of Olivia.

I guess she's down stairs,I tiptoed out of my room as I felt something drag my leg and I fell brutally on my butt.

"What the... That familiar annoying laughter rang from above me.

Olivia!!! Now it was my turn to scream.

Olivia's POV

Seeing how funny she looked on the floor while glaring daggers at me reminds me so much of smeagol in Lord of the rings.

"Oh my God Audrey you look hilarious" I said to her.

I couldn't hold back my laughter so I laughed,I laughed so hard.


She screamed my name knowing the fall was my handwork.

I found my self laughing hard again,we are almost late for school but I don't care anymore,I want to laugh to my hearts fill.

Help me you scumbag' Audrey said eyeing me. "Get up on your own asshole" I replied her scornfully already on my way out.

She ran after me as we both hopped into and I drove off