
Chapter 1: mood swings

“Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.”

- Ovid

Arsala's POV

I have a love and hate relationship with maths. Mathematic isn't exactly the hardest course on earth, yes it has to do with a lot of calculations and all. But students see anything as hard especially when they can't find a way out of it.

Monday mornings are the worst, maths is always the first course I start my day with. I'm glad the class would soon be over because actually I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to focus on anything, I'm completely disoriented. I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"I want this submitted first thing Wednesday morning, no excuses." Mr Ayomide, my maths instructor voice echo In my ears getting my attention.

Please tell me my ears heard wrong. I'm fed up with the number of assignment instructors give every now and then.

I should probably ask him, just to be sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me. Wait, what do I ask him?

Honestly, I don't know what to ask because I wasn't paying attention all through the entire class.

I look around only to notice there was actually a breathing human being seated next to me. I was so caught up in my train of thoughts, I didn't notice.

I should probably ask him instead, beside Mr Ayomide just walk out of the classroom. So the guy sitting next to me is the only option left.

"Excuse me, hello." My voice crack a bit.

I'm nervous.

He looks my way. "Hey!" His deep voice echo's in my ears a bit.

"I kinda wasn't listening, so could you please summarize everything he just said to me, if you don't mind?"

"Well Ms. My name is Imran...."

"So sorry mine is Arsala." I interrupt him to quickly introduce myself.

"Well, I have a class in the next 15 minutes but I would summarize everything later on, when I'm done with my class." He puts his notebook into his backpack.


"I'd give you a call when I'm gone." He unlock his phone and hand it over to me.

I stare at the phone screen then back at him. Is this really necessary? Do I have to give my number to a complete stranger?

"How do I know this isn't a cheap trick to get my phone number?" I blunt out without thinking.

He stare at me blankly for sometime, then a smirk form by the edge of his lips. He leans forward, placing his face close to mine. Too close for comfort.

"If that was what I wanted, I would have gotten it a long time ago. Besides you are not my type, I'm just trying to help you." His voice bears a mocking tone.

"So now, put in your number or hand my phone back." His voice was calm yet intimidating.

I swallow down the lump stuck in my throat, I'm a bit taken aback by his sudden change in attitude. Okay, maybe I deserve it a little but what exactly did he mean when he said I wasn't his type?

I know for a fact he isn't referring to my hijab or trying to mock it. I mean hello, this is Nigeria that to Adamawa state a northern state. Islam is widely practice around here and wearing a hijab is nothing new. Its the other around, when you don't wear you get the stares and whispers from people.

"You really don't have to be so rude." I raise a brow at him.

"Well you started it!" He voice bears a bit of frustration.

"Me!!" I explode.

"I asked a question and you rudely replied me. You know what? I don't need your help anymore." I abruptly drop his phone on the desk and pick up my tote bag.

"You really don't have the right to be angry at me. Firstly you doubted my intentions when I was trying to do nothing but help you. Secondly I'm late for my class and you're to blame." He cross his arms together, staring at me with a blank look on his face.

"You have a really sore attitude."

I exhale deeply.

"I'm sorry you're late for your class." It's partly my fault, if I hadn't ask for his help he'd probably be in class by now.

"Apology accepted." He smiles briefly at me.

I took a few steps, heading for the door.

"Ms." He quickly steps in front of me obstructing my path.

"Listen." He clears his throat which earns him a murderous stare from me.

"I'm sorry." His tone is apologetic.

"Its fine, move out of the way." My voice gives off a cold humor.

"It seems you're still mad at me?"

"No I'm not." I force a smile.

I want this cat and dog fight between us to be over.

"So.....your digits?" He puts emphasis on the word digits.

"I don't need your help."

A lie. I absolutely need his help, I barely speak or interact with anyone in math class. Somehow, I still have no idea how I muster up the courage to speak to him, let alone ask for his help.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He asks feeling irritated.

"I told you I have no interest towards you!"

I stare at him for some seconds, before picking up his phone and typed in my number. Afterwards, I hand the phone back to him, to avoid anymore unpleasant drama between us.

"Thank you." He took his phone and shove it into his pocket.

"You look beautiful by the way." The words escaped his lips right before he walk out of the classroom.

Whats wrong with this guy and his mood swings?

One minute he is so rude and arrogant, the next he is complimenting me. I think he has a serious case of mood swing syndrome. I'm not sure if something like that exist.








I'm through with all my classes for the day. I'd be staying back in school a little late. Because I need that rude dude to put me through on what Mr Ayomide taught in class earlier today.

I just need to inform Haider, my elder brother. Haider is everything to me, the only problem I have is he is too over protective with me. He is just looking out for me and I get it.

I dial his phone number and he pick up after a few rings.

"Assalamualaikum." I greet him with a cheerful tone.

"Waalaikumsalam." He reply my salaam.

"Ya Haider......" I stop to think of the right word to say.

"Na'am (yes)."

"I....kind of need to stay back in school, I have some reading to do......."

"You can do that at home, I'm coming to get you." He interrupts me.

After the death of both our parent, Haider has always tried to fill the void of their absence. But nothing he does can fill that void, no one could ever replace them.

"No don't." I sigh.

What was I thinking when I thought convincing Haider would be easy?

"I'm lacking behind in maths class, so a classmate is going to assist by summarizing some topics. I promise it would be quick." I shut my eyes close afraid of his response.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" He questions.

"Its really nothing to be worried about, he'd m........"

"Its a guy?" He sharply interrupts me.

I clench my fist realizing what I just said and face Palm myself.

"Yes-s!" I admit.

"No way Arsala! I'm coming to get you right now. God know what could happen if you two are left alone........"

"Do you trust me?" I asks, all in an attempt to convince him.

He stays silent for a while.

"I trust you Arsala, its just the boy I don't trust. I wouldn't be able to take it if what happened before repeat itself." His voice is filled with concern.

"I promise you its not going to repeat itself."

"If he makes you feel uncomfortable even for a second call me immediately." He sigh deeply.

"I promise I will." A smile makes it way to my face

"Bye munchkin." His tone is playfully.

"Bye!" I chuckle softly, before hanging up.

He just called me munchkin, so many beautiful memory attached to the name.

I got a text earlier from a new number, of course it has be the Imran dude. The text just said to meet him at a study room on the first floor of the library. So I made my way to the library, unlucky for me Imran didn't specify which study room. There are like 12 study room on this floor.

I stood confused and trying to figure out what to do. I look around, hoping to see his familiar face.....

The buzz sound of my phone interrupts my train of thought. I quickly scramble out my phone from my bag. Its an unknown number.

I slide the green icon and brought the phone to my ears.

"Look towards your right." His voice echoes a bit in my ears.


I look towards my right just as he instructed but there....

"Look a bit harder...."

How is he reading my thoughts?

I look a bit harder, squinting my eyes.

"Okay, I just saw you." I hang up the phone and walk towards the study room.

I walk in and took a seat on table. We are both seated across each other on the table but the stare.

"Stop staring at me." I snap at him.

"Sorry!" He apologize. "Are you still mad at me?" He asks.

"I'm not mad at you. Let's just get started, time isn't on my side." I took out my pen and notebook, placing them on the table.


"Um.....do you have your laptop here with you?"

"Yes." I brought out my laptop and I place it on the table.

"Come sit next to me." His gaze are fixated on me.

"I'm not sitting next to you." The blank look on my face is quickly replaced with a frown.

"I can't teach you if you're far away from me. You're by the other side of the table, how do you expect me to teach you?" Using his hand he gesture at the wide space between us.

After a lot of contemplation I realized what he was saying made sense.

"Maintain your distance." I warn.

"That's fine by me." He shrug.

I slide my notebook over to him, picked up my laptop and walk to the other side of the table.

I place the laptop on the table and sit down next to him. Its feel weird to be seated next to him but I brought this upon myself. I open the soft copy of the maths textbook on my laptop.

"Trigonometry identities and special angles." Staring at the laptop screen he mumble out.

I'm busy tapping my pen against my notebook.

"Hey, can I have the pen."

I reluctantly gave him the pen, after which we got into solve and deriving formula's.






