
Her's only She

Ashly_Maria_Roswin · LGBT+
6 Chs

Who are Jen and Ap though

Their history dates long back to junior high and now Jen is a doctor while Ap is a nursing student.

Jen is older than Ap, if you guys didn't already notice.

Jen is the eldest daughter of a wealthy businessman. She has 2 younger brothers. Though she is the daughter, her father favored her over her brothers Jeremy and Jonah. And she was worthy of that too. She was a lot more stronger and smarter than her brothers. Her father could see that his business would be safe in her hands, unlike his sons. As a little girl, it was her dream to follow his footsteps. Everything changed the night her mother was killed. Her mother; the sweetest, kindest, caring person she had ever known.

The darkest and chillest night, it was. Unusual cold wind during high summer times. Felt like it would rain for sure. And it did. Rained whole over the city and heavily over the Lin family. Mrs Lin had been brutally murder by the other gang members. She was the type who would even let the enemies in for a glass of water if they seemed weak. That pure soul, gone in a blink of an eye. The enemy gang members got into the Lin family house in search of Mr Lin. Unfortunately it was Mrs Lin who had to see the wrath of the enemies. When they found her body, she was tightly holding on to the locket that had their family photo in it. The police took it and gave it to Jen after the investigations. Jen was only 14 then. 14 and had the responsibility of her 2 little brothers who were 10 and 8 back then.

Though their family business wasn't a good kind of business, the family was a very loving family. They all cared very deeply for each other.

On that summer but cold and rainy night, Jen decided she was gonna get her revenge, but not like the way others thought. Not a bloody way. She had other plans.

On the other hand Ap. Ap came from a very dysfunctional and abusive household. A narcissistic mother and an emotionally unavailable father who would beat her just inches from death from time to time. Her only comfort space was her little sister who was both physically and mentally impaired. They loved each other a lot. Ap has vague memories from her childhood where she would be beaten for something like, not taking of her sister or asking for school supplies etc. Could be the abuse and trauma she had gone through, Ap doesn't really have a lot of memories from her childhood and the few that she does have are really dark.

She becomes completely alone when her little sister dies due to her health complications. The abuse at home only worsens after that. Her mother would abuse her emotionally. While her father would beat her with anything that his hands could pick up. He would kick her, slap her etc.

Also the fact that her cousin and aunt would sexually assault her was an other story. She couldn't talk to anyone about either of the issues. Drawing was her only escape. She would draw when her mother wasn't home or at school during free hours. Everytime her mum caught her drawing, she would tear the papers and throw her art supplies away.

It was during the time that both of the girls were suffering within a lot, they met each other.