
Hentai Simulator

After dying, Guru finds that he has transmigrated to an alternate reality: everything is the same, except the world is now a Fantasy world heavily influenced by gift(Skill), monsters and dungeons! Not only this, he discovers that he has a Hentai Simulator, from which he obtains rewards that make him incredibly powerful in his new reality as well. Gift, Skills, and overpowered abilities–all of this begins from a single simulation! Discard: https://discord.gg/uxc8c4h5 I am not well-versed in the concept of discard, which means I currently lack the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively utilize it. It is a relatively new concept to me, and I have only recently gained access to information or resources related to it. I appreciate any guidance or assistance you can provide to help me better comprehend and make use of discard. Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=109087741 I have already uploaded ten additional chapters on my Patreon page, extending the story of this fanfiction even further. If you have been enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its creation, I would be incredibly grateful for your support on my Patreon page. By becoming a patron, you not only help me continue writing and expanding this story but also gain access to exclusive benefits. As a patron, you will have early access to new chapters, behind-the-scenes content, and the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for future plot developments. Your support on Patreon allows me to dedicate more time and resources to crafting this fanfiction, ensuring its quality and consistency. It enables me to focus on creating captivating storylines, developing complex characters, and maintaining a regular upload schedule. With your contribution, I can bring this fanfiction to life in ways that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once again, thank you, Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Sir_dood134 (Mr. Andrew), Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. Your sponsorship and encouragement have made a lasting impact on our creative endeavors, and we are forever grateful for your presence in our fanfiction journey.

Thot_Slaughterer · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Taking a lot of eggs can lead to weight gain?

Nao's attention to detail was evident as he carefully arranged the empty plates and utensils on the dining table. He wanted everything to be in its proper place, a reflection of his meticulous nature.

Satisfied with his work, he turned his attention to himself, realizing that he was still clad in nothing but a towel.

Nao swiftly made his way to his room.

He rummaged through his wardrobe, searching for a suitable outfit. After a few moments, he settled on a comfortable pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He quickly changed, ensuring that he looked presentable before returning to the dining area.

As Nao reentered the dining room, his eyes fell upon his sister, Chiaki, who was seated on a chair. He couldn't help but shake his head in recollection of her earlier claim of not being hungry.

It seemed that Chiaki had changed her mind, and Nao couldn't help but find it amusing.

Chiaki, upon catching sight of her brother, averted her gaze, a pouting expression adorning her face. She seemed to be sulking, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed.

With a smile, Nao approached Chiaki and took a seat next to her. He reached for the serving dishes, carefully selecting three omelets, a portion of chicken, and various other dishes. He skillfully arranged them onto Chiaki's plate, making sure to present them in an appetizing manner.

"Looks like someone's appetite has suddenly returned," Nao remarked, his voice laced with amusement. "I thought you weren't hungry?"

Chiaki huffed, her pouting expression softening slightly. "Well, I changed my mind," she mumbled, avoiding eye contact with her brother.

Nao chuckled, knowing that his sister's stubbornness often gave way to her true desires. He understood her well enough to know that she sometimes needed a little push to admit what she truly wanted. With a gentle pat on her shoulder, he said,

"Well, I'm glad you did. Enjoy your meal, Chiaki-nee."

Disregarding Nao's grin, she directed her attention towards her plate and observed an abundance of food, including three omelets. A slight frown appeared on her face as she contemplated the sheer quantity of food before her. How could anyone consume such a mixture? The sight of the three omelets, perfectly cooked with mushrooms and vegetables, seemed overwhelming to Chiaki.

Yet, curiosity sparked within her as she glanced at her brother's plate, which was overflowing with even more dishes.

Paying no mind to his sister's scrutiny, Nao began to devour his portion with gusto. His hunger seemed insatiable as he attacked the food in front of him.

The aroma of the omelets filled the air, tempting Nao's taste buds. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to indulge in such a feast.

Driven by his insatiable hunger, Nao devoured the first omelet in a matter of seconds.

The fluffy eggs, combined with the savory filling, disappeared into his mouth as if they were mere morsels. Chiaki watched in awe as he swiftly moved on to the second omelet, barely pausing to take a breath. The way he devoured the food was almost mesmerizing as if he had tapped into some hidden well of energy.

As her brother reached for the third omelet, Chiaki's curiosity got the better of her.

She couldn't resist the temptation any longer. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she picked up her fork and took a bite of her own omelet. The flavors exploded in her mouth, a delightful combination of creamy cheese, tender vegetables, and perfectly seasoned eggs. It was a taste she had never experienced before, and it left her craving more.

Encouraged by her brother's voracious appetite, she also found herself matching his pace.

She devoured her omelet with newfound enthusiasm, savoring each bite as if it were her last.

The initial skepticism she had felt about consuming such a mixture quickly faded away, replaced by a sense of satisfaction and contentment.

As Chiaki finished her third omelet, she couldn't help but marvel at her brother's accomplishment.

He had devoured twelve omelets in a matter of moments, a feat that seemed almost impossible. His hunger had driven him to consume an astonishing amount of food, leaving her in awe of his capacity

"Nao, are you really feeling alright? I've noticed that you've been eating quite a bit lately. Just be careful, eating too many eggs like this might make you gain weight. You know, each yolk contains 5.4 grams of fat, so it's best not to eat them like this."

Nao's eyes widened in surprise as he looked up at his sister. Although she spoke in a playful manner, he could detect a genuine concern in her voice. It completely took him by surprise that Chiaki, his sister, would initiate a discussion about something educational. He continued to gaze at her, completely forgetting to swallow his food. His intense stare made Chiaki feel uneasy.

"Oi! Nao, why are you staring at me like that?"

She seemed to be really offended by his gaze.

"...No, it's nothing... where did you learn about that?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. I also know one or two things about dieting. I know, at this rate you are going to get really fat and can't find a girlfriend in your future."

Nao savored each bite of his meal, all the while gazing at his sister's earnest expression. Her confidence in her understanding of the situation warmed his heart, causing a gentle smile to grace his lips.

"Nee-chan, I wouldn't get fat even if I ate 50 eggs per day."


Upon hearing Nao's words, Chiaki's countenance contorted slightly. She perceived Nao's behavior as a mere facade to belittle her due to his trivial sense of pride.

"Hey Nee-chan, don't be mad... It's not what you're thinking, I'm telling you the truth. Eating eggs doesn't make anyone overweight, you know? It's true that egg yolks have 5.4g of fat, but it doesn't make anyone fat..."

"Hmph, talk about being petty..."

"Ugh nee-chan, guess what? Egg yolks actually contain different types of fats. The majority of the fat in an egg is monounsaturated, which is around 2.0 grams. There's also about 0.9 grams of polyunsaturated fat and only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. These monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as MUFAs and PUFAs, can actually help maintain my cholesterol levels and protect my heart, instead of causing weight gain. Even though I consume more than 40 grams of saturated fat daily, monounsaturated fat can significantly boost my testosterone production, leading to increased muscle gain. Since I stick to low-calorie foods with veggies and lean protein sources like chicken and fish, saturated fat will be burned at an incredible rate. I'm always feeling hungry because my body fat level is already lower than it should be, you know?... huh?! nee-chan?!"
